[QUOTE="bezaire2005"][QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"][QUOTE="wizardwd"] I beleive that Microsoft has brought some good things to the CONSOLE (Read this well you PC gamers, I stated console for a reason) gaming community.
1. Standard Hard Drives
First off Microsoft introduced standard Hard Drives with the Xbox, therefore eliminating the need to have multiple memory cards. *Dunno why they didn't keep it that way with the 360.
yeah it was preety damn stupid for MS to not have a standard HDD for 360, lots of devs didn't like this move either
2. Lan parties
With titles like Halo, Microsoft made consoles LAN parties a new cool thing to do with your friends. Before hand, LAN parties were reserved for PC gamers only (ex: CS)
Yeah I guess thats cool and all I guess
3. Online Gaming
While Sega introduced it first with the Dreamcast, which died off a while back, Microsoft has been able to standardise it. When someone reviews a game this generation, one of the most important features for most games is the online multiplayer. Good examples for this are Halo 2-3, Call of Duty 4, MGO, etc.
Online is great but it should never be the emhasis of a great game, I feel that great singpleplayer games are getting marked down due to lack of online multiplayer.
4. Other features
Microsoft has many other smaller aspects that are important too, such as Online Marketplace, Arcade titles, Custom Soundtracks, etc.
Custom soundtracks.. yuck, I really hate the emhasis on CS some gamers have, really it just ruins the atmosphere of a game. Can you imagine playing a survival horror game while listening to alternatic rock, or laying a platformer while listening to hip-hop. Hate it.
In conclusion, while many fanboys pretend to deny that Microsoft has helped improve the console gaming universe, it can be said that they haven't revolutionised the console world.
I honestly think your giving far too much credit, what MS is doing is replicating whats been done on PC's but to consoles, Console gaming is not meant to be like PC gaming, while online is the emphasis for PC games it should never be for console gaming.
at $50-$70 a game, single player games aren't going to do it anymore...no matter how spectacular. While games like Heavenly Sword might be fun, have an engaging story, and some pretty big boss battles...it doesn't quite justify it's pricetag unless you are going to play it 10 times through. If dev's want to lower prices and offer less, than that is a possibility. But if they want to charge as much as games like gears of Halo 3 or resistance, than they better offer comparable features.
Who said console gaming is not meant to be like PC gaming? I mean...gaming is gaming. You need to wake up and realize that the times are changing...this isn't the 80's consoles anymore...not only is online gaming possible on consoles, it is excelling. You cannot honestly give me one reason why consoles should back off of online. It was the most natural and obvious direction for consoles to take.
And MS were the ones that brought it right...so much credit to them.
Console gaming will always be behind PC gaming interms of online features and graphics etc, the only way console gamig can compete with PC gaming is for companies to bring out new consoles every 2-3 years. The thig I love aout console gaming is that you can have potentially 6-7 years of great games with out worrying abourt uprading, you can't say that about the PC. Anyway yeah online is important I didn't say it wasn't needed but it should not be the emphasis, like I said the day console gaming puts so much emphasis on online rather then great stories and singpleplayer experiences is the say console gaming is dead.
Both Sony & Nintendo deliver great console games catering to both singleplayer and online multplayer while I see MS concentrating on the online aspects much more and they make you pay for it !, although they do have great singleplayer experiences like Mass Effect but its also found on the PC, infact most 360 exclusives end up on PC even 1st party at times, I think its only a matter of time till Halo 3 is confirmed for PC like Halo and Halo 2 was.
No..don't turn this into a consoles vs pc debate because that's not what I said. I couldn't care less about who's behind who, who started what, and who's the leader in whatever. My point was that consoles shouldn't avoid going in similar directions that the PC has gone in just so that people won't go "omg consoles are trying to copy pc's!". Online support was a necessary addition, and naturally the pc gamers are all going to go "but but but we started it first". But nobody cares. Like I said, gaming is gaming.
Personally, I don't buy into the whole "exclusives" crap. Microsoft is a big name in gaming, and a HUGE name in pc's. If Halo comes out for the xbox and than goes to the pc years later, I don't see how that is a knock against the xbox library as well. I guess idiots who want to argue in system wars can sit here and say "haha we got your games!!!" like a little 2 year old girl, but personally I've always had the stance that it is all a gain for gaming. I mean, I could see if EVERYBODY made it a point to maintain a high-end gaming PC AND own a 360..than I guess it would suck to have the same games on both...but for the most part that isn't the cas. I loved Mass Effect on the 360, I loved Halo 3 and Gears as well...and I think gamers in general should have the privledge of playing these games, whether that be on consoles or pc's. I'm not selfish, and I have nothing against people who I don't even know just because the own a different system that can play games. That's how it always was when I start gaming, it was all about the games. Maybe you are hoping that I reply to you and say "hell no, halo 3 would never go to pc's" but honestly I hope it does. It's a great game and I think everyone should at least give it a try.
First of all, it's not MS rolling out all of these games, it's the developers. So your entire reasoning is flawed when you say "MS is concentrating on online"...all they are going is supplying service for developers to take advantage of. Gears of War 2 is going to have great online, not because MS has decided that they are, but because the devs have. Halo 3 had great online, not because MS said "you are going to do online this way!", but because Bungie wanted to. To just compare MS to Sony when talking about which company is concentrating more on online gaming doesn't make sense. MS is just offering the service, it's teh devs who decided to use it and how to use it.
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