Can't really do much about that, I don't think at least.
without getting in trouble by giving specifics I play quite a few older games with better filters then what the ps3 offers, They could easily employ some of the cell's processing power to ad better filters, AA and such to alot of the ps1 games but they don't.
FF7, FF8 both look horribly pixelated when running at full upscale and even with smoothing on my 32 inch 1080p samsung if they were to have the cell take some AA and filtering it would look far better.
Maybe I have the wrong attitude on this but to me, trying to improve the grfx of PS1 games is like trying to polish a turd. I disagree alot of ps1 games looked amazing when they first came out, But all the flaws in them from back then show through easily on high def tvs, If they would employ better filters, additional AA and a few other things they could mask up a little of the flaws evident by higher resolutions.I've done quite a few tests on my ps2 running through component using high disc read speed and texture smoothing, then my ps3 running with full scale upscaling, double, normal, lower resolutions, component, hdmi.
the only way I can get a game to look half way decent like it does on my ps2 is to run the ps3 at 408p, set it to normal, use component cables.
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