Poll Does 900p bother you? (131 votes)
Just wondering if anyone actually cares whether or not something is 900p vs 1080p; Uncharted 4 MP, for example.
Just wondering if anyone actually cares whether or not something is 900p vs 1080p; Uncharted 4 MP, for example.
I do when given the choice. On my PC i always choose 1080p cause it looks better then 900p. But if it was my only option, then no, it wouldnt bother me.
I've played some good looking Xbone games in 900p and you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference at distance. Now on a PC sitting 2-3ft. away from the screen you're gonna see some jaggies and reduced image quality.
Nope. I enjoyed games in SD so I can enjoy games in any definition. It's the playing, that is a verb, that I enjoy. Nice visuals are there already. Even when I bought my 360 in 2006 I was playing on a Sony Trinitron SD TV and could tell the graphics were better than they were on my PS2/Xbox. The higher resolutions are great but not something that makes me not play what I am interested in playing.
Not on my 17-inch gaming laptop. As ppi is still good enough, AA issues are almost unnoticeable. Yes it would bother me on my 32-inch monitor.
On my GTX 970M laptop I actually like to set resolution to 900p, but crank up all other effects to max. Looks gorgeous this way. 1080p is kinda overkill for 17-inches displays.
On TVs 900p sucks balls though.
I can see a bit of blurriness with 900p when compared to 1080p. It's more pronounced if there are a lot of fine details (like aircraft struts/cabling in FSX). But, nothing that would make me unhappy.
Back when I still used my GTX 560 Ti, I sometimes would reduce the resolution from 1080p to 900p to increase the framerates in some games.
I cannot tell the difference between the two. I use to play KI on the XB1 and now that its on PC @1080p I cannot tell the difference.
I'll take higher fps over resolutions for me personally. For people who play on monitors, the difference is stark. Also depending on viewing distance from your television and its size, it can also be very noticeable. Having used both methods since I've been gaming, I can tell. 900p is slightly blurry and needs a great deal of AA to get rid of jagged edges. When you switch between the two resolutions, 900p feels like you have taken your glasses off. You can get used to 900p but once you see 1080p, the feeling is pretty jarring.
It does not bother me as much as it makes me wonder.
For me FPS > Resolution > graphical settings
so the 30 fps DOES bother me, 900p? not so much, but does speak volumes of looks over function which is bad in a game (or anything really).
But no 720p or 900p does not bother me if the game is fluid and fun. It's just, we are in 2016, 4k tv's are not even that expensive, yet the consoles can not even drag their asses up to 1080p, tells me that they were made either too weak, or devs are too focused on graphical settings, and not focused enough on gameplay (not talking ND specifically here, as it is a pretty wide spread problem). My guess is that Devs thought the systems were more powerful then they were.
Yes. 720-900p triggers me. When you look further in the distance and you see a bunch of shimmering, blur and jaggies... please go away with that shit, we've seen enough of it during 7th gen.
Yes sub-native 1080p resolution annoy me. I can tolerate it a bit better if a game is 900p to 60fps. Sub-1080p and 30fps can screw right off. Not sure how lemmings deal with the shitty visuals to be honest.
Not on a TV.
Things that bother me are stuff like temporal AA, blur, chromatic aberration ; in general shitty post processing.
Yes sub-native 1080p resolution annoy me. I can tolerate it a bit better if a game is 900p to 60fps. Sub-1080p and 30fps can screw right off. Not sure how lemmings deal with the shitty visuals to be honest.
How did you deal with it 2 years ago on your PS3?
Nope, because as I understand it some of my XOne games are 900P native, while others are 1080P native, and I can hardly tell the difference by looking....if not for the media articles, I would not be able to look at a game and say " oh yeah that's 900P native for sure....that game right there, no that is 1080P native....." etc.
@MonsieurX: Expectations change. Now that I have native 1080p gaming it is hard to go back. I will if the game good though. Thankfully no good games on PS4(imo) have released at 900p/30fps.
If you didn't tell anyone a game was 900p it wouldn't bother anyone, the act of being aware is the only thing that makes them dislike it, not some kind of inherent ability to tell the difference unknowingly.
@MonsieurX: Expectations change. Now that I have native 1080p gaming it is hard to go back. I will if the game good though. Thankfully no good games on PS4(imo) have released at 900p/30fps.
Watch_Dogs, Assassin's Creed: Unity, EA Sports UFC, Everybody's Gone to Rapture, The Order is close, The Evil Within is very close, not to mention the 60 FPS ones.
@dynamitecop: The Order is 1:1 pixel mapping so everything in screen is native. Same for The Evil Within. I said 60fps at 900p is more tolerable.
Oh I can tell when it sub-native
@dynamitecop: The Order is 1:1 pixel mapping so everything in screen is native. Same for The Evil Within. I said 60fps at 900p is more tolerable.
Oh I can tell when it sub-native
Care to take part in a control test?
after having a 4k tv, 2k monitor, 2k phone screen.....anything below 1080p bothers the shit out of me
I have two 720p TV's and a 768p monitor.
I have major issues with framerate drops. Whether from 30 to the 20's or 60 to the 30's.
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