PC games look gorgeous. What console game looks as good as the best looking PC games?
Now, I'm no graphics whore, but I think it is obvious that discussing one certain console's 'great graphics' while putting down the other console's graphical capabilities (and no, I'm not referring to the Wii here) is laughable, considering how most console games are visually bottlenecked by old technology anyway.
Stop kidding yourselves. If good looking games is what you want, get a gaming PC. If you're playing a console game for groundbreaking graphics, you're doing it wrong.
Having said that, it is always a plus of course when a console game looks good- but whenever it does, it usually does so at the cost of mechanics or freedom in gameplay.
EDIT: To be clear, many console games still look good. Uncharted looks good. Killzone looks good. God of War 3 looks excellent. Gears of War looks great. Skyrim, Withcer 2, Assassin's Creed all look good. But PC games, frame for frame, will always looks better (if they have been properly optimized).
Console games look good for console standards. But no console game will ever be 'graphics king,' except for maybe at the beginning of its generation.
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