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:Pbut the sales man.. the sales!
I kinda agree.. but that's just my opinion... I know different people like different games, for my likes... I stick with what I have.
Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
You mean like content? Value? Obviously, the Wii has sold more. But, for me, the ps3 is the only system I need this gen. That could change, and that's the reason I keep an eye on other hardware in case it becomes worthwhile.
But, no, Sony =/= MS, and the Wii is a different demographic. Honestly I look at the Wii as being a console for people who like handhelds, if that makes any sense.
I'm talking about the people who like to play more real games, not barbie. There are some not childish games on their consoles, thats why i own a wii. But there aren't many.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
People who play games that have primary colors.
You mean like content? Value? Obviously, the Wii has sold more. But, for me, the ps3 is the only system I need this gen. That could change, and that's the reason I keep an eye on other hardware in case it becomes worthwhile.
But, no, Sony =/= MS, and the Wii is a different demographic. Honestly I look at the Wii as being a console for people who like handhelds, if that makes any sense.
i'd like for this not to become a sony vs microsoft thread.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]I'm talking about the people who like to play more real games, not barbie. There are some not childish games on their consoles, thats why i own a wii. But there aren't many.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
Again, I'm not sure what you mean by real games. I play real games that come on disks and digital download on every system I own: PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, PC. A "real game" isn't defined by it's ESRB Rating, or it's target audience.
And the Wii is for a very large target audience, not just kids. My opinion is that anyone who truly appreciates games will find quite a bit to like with the Wii.
You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.[QUOTE="FIipMode"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
Depends what we're talking about.
This gen I feel SONY have done the most in an attempt to win gamers over, they haven't always succeeded, but they've tried after a terrible, terrible start.
Nintendo kinda disowned me with it's new casual goals but still offers a lot of Ninty fans. The DS howeve has been excellent for everyone, and the 3ds seems to be even better
MS started off strong but have switched off in recent years, they've reached there goal of taking market share from Sony, and are raking in money with Xbox Live and annual Halo/Gears games and are now pretty much just focusing on Kinect, much to my dismay
You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
I'm talking about the people who like to play more real games, not barbie. There are some not childish games on their consoles, thats why i own a wii. But there aren't many.Again, I'm not sure what you mean by real games. I play real games that come on disks and digital download on every system I own: PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, PC. A "real game" isn't defined by it's ESRB Rating, or it's target audience.
And the Wii is for a very large target audience, not just kids. My opinion is that anyone who truly appreciates games will find quite a bit to like with the Wii.
Please explain. because i own a wii, and love the few games i have for it. But, there aren't enough of those games to make me love the console. the games i'm talking about are no more heroes, RE, and red steel 2.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games. Games don't need to be adult and violent, but if your into that check out the new goldeneye remake.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"] I'm talking about the people who like to play more real games, not barbie. There are some not childish games on their consoles, thats why i own a wii. But there aren't many.D1st0rtedFate
Again, I'm not sure what you mean by real games. I play real games that come on disks and digital download on every system I own: PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, PC. A "real game" isn't defined by it's ESRB Rating, or it's target audience.
And the Wii is for a very large target audience, not just kids. My opinion is that anyone who truly appreciates games will find quite a bit to like with the Wii.
Please explain. because i own a wii, and love the few games i have for it. But, there aren't enough of those games to make me love the console. the games i'm talking about are no more heroes, RE, and red steel 2.So there are games that you enjoy, but if you are interested in shooters, games with washed out colors, violence, adult themes etc, Nintendo is not that console. That, however, doesn't make them lesser than the other companies, just different.
Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"][QUOTE="FIipMode"] Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.jimkabrhel
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
True. I just think tat there are too many childish pokemon and puzzele and mario games, when they need to cater too more of the audience that plays today's games.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"]Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.D1st0rtedFate
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
True. I just think tat there are too many childish pokemon and puzzele and mario games, when they need to cater too more of the audience that plays today's games.And more people play the games that you think are "childish". The sales for Pokemon, Mario etc are higher than many of the more adult games on other systems.
Again, I'm not sure what you mean by real games. I play real games that come on disks and digital download on every system I own: PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, PC. A "real game" isn't defined by it's ESRB Rating, or it's target audience.
And the Wii is for a very large target audience, not just kids. My opinion is that anyone who truly appreciates games will find quite a bit to like with the Wii.
Please explain. because i own a wii, and love the few games i have for it. But, there aren't enough of those games to make me love the console. the games i'm talking about are no more heroes, RE, and red steel 2.So there are games that you enjoy, but if you are interested in shooters, games with washed out colors, violence, adult themes etc, Nintendo is not that console. That, however, doesn't make them lesser than the other companies, just different.
That makes them narrow-minded. They have catered to the same young audience since they started. I just think they need to expand and catch up the the other consoles.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"] Please explain. because i own a wii, and love the few games i have for it. But, there aren't enough of those games to make me love the console. the games i'm talking about are no more heroes, RE, and red steel 2.D1st0rtedFate
So there are games that you enjoy, but if you are interested in shooters, games with washed out colors, violence, adult themes etc, Nintendo is not that console. That, however, doesn't make them lesser than the other companies, just different.
That makes them narrow-minded. They have catered to the same young audience since they started. I just think they need to expand and catch up the the other consoles.Then why are the other consoles adding motion control and trying to catch up to Nintendo, and promote themselves to an audience wider than the 13-35 male deomgraphic?
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
True. I just think tat there are too many childish pokemon and puzzele and mario games, when they need to cater too more of the audience that plays today's games.And more people play the games that you think are "childish". The sales for Pokemon, Mario etc are higher than many of the more adult games on other systems.
Becaause there are more children. These games are fun, but they DO NOT CATER TO THE WIE AUDIENCE THAT THE OTHER CONSOLES CATER TO.I'm just saying. I own a 360, a Wii, a psp, and used to have a ds. I don't have a ps3 but have used one. Am i the only one that thinks that sony and microsoft are equal, but both wipe the floor with nintendo? I mean, really. What does nintendo offer for REAL gamers? Barely anything. There are very few good, T-to-M rated, non-family oriented games on their consoles. There is no form of GOOD online multiplayer, and their consoles only sell because of all the kiddies. Anyone else agree?D1st0rtedFate
What is a REAL gamer? What is a FAKE one?
So there are games that you enjoy, but if you are interested in shooters, games with washed out colors, violence, adult themes etc, Nintendo is not that console. That, however, doesn't make them lesser than the other companies, just different.
That makes them narrow-minded. They have catered to the same young audience since they started. I just think they need to expand and catch up the the other consoles. they are. they are widening their demographic and trying to attraact more people. and i think nintendo should do thee same.Then why are the other consoles adding motion control and trying to catch up to Nintendo, and promote themselves to an audience wider than the 13-35 male deomgraphic?
They are, and nintendo should follow suit.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"] True. I just think tat there are too many childish pokemon and puzzele and mario games, when they need to cater too more of the audience that plays today's games.D1st0rtedFate
And more people play the games that you think are "childish". The sales for Pokemon, Mario etc are higher than many of the more adult games on other systems.
Becaause there are more children. These games are fun, but they DO NOT CATER TO THE WIE AUDIENCE THAT THE OTHER CONSOLES CATER TO.Mario games are developed to cater to everyone, just just kids. Don't confused the bright colors and platforming for a kids game. SMG2 and NSMBWii are quite challenging and are enjoyed my people of many ages.
[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"]I'm just saying. I own a 360, a Wii, a psp, and used to have a ds. I don't have a ps3 but have used one. Am i the only one that thinks that sony and microsoft are equal, but both wipe the floor with nintendo? I mean, really. What does nintendo offer for REAL gamers? Barely anything. There are very few good, T-to-M rated, non-family oriented games on their consoles. There is no form of GOOD online multiplayer, and their consoles only sell because of all the kiddies. Anyone else agree?Coolyfett
What is a REAL gamer? What is a FAKE one?
This has been said alrready. Pease come again.[QUOTE="Coolyfett"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"]I'm just saying. I own a 360, a Wii, a psp, and used to have a ds. I don't have a ps3 but have used one. Am i the only one that thinks that sony and microsoft are equal, but both wipe the floor with nintendo? I mean, really. What does nintendo offer for REAL gamers? Barely anything. There are very few good, T-to-M rated, non-family oriented games on their consoles. There is no form of GOOD online multiplayer, and their consoles only sell because of all the kiddies. Anyone else agree?D1st0rtedFate
What is a REAL gamer? What is a FAKE one?
This has been said alrready. Pease come again.You suggested Wii owners play only Barbie, Mario and Pokemon. Try again.
And more people play the games that you think are "childish". The sales for Pokemon, Mario etc are higher than many of the more adult games on other systems.
Becaause there are more children. These games are fun, but they DO NOT CATER TO THE WIE AUDIENCE THAT THE OTHER CONSOLES CATER TO.Mario games are developed to cater to everyone, just just kids. Don't confused the bright colors and platforming for a kids game. SMG2 and NSMBWii are quite challenging and are enjoyed my people of many ages.
Okay, i will reapeat myself. Nintendo has been making games for ages 1 through f-ing 100 forever. They should make more games for that 13-35 demographic.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"] Becaause there are more children. These games are fun, but they DO NOT CATER TO THE WIE AUDIENCE THAT THE OTHER CONSOLES CATER TO.D1st0rtedFate
Mario games are developed to cater to everyone, just just kids. Don't confused the bright colors and platforming for a kids game. SMG2 and NSMBWii are quite challenging and are enjoyed my people of many ages.
Okay, i will reapeat myself. Nintendo has been making games for ages 1 through f-ing 100 forever. They should make more games for that 13-35 demographic.And many of the games they make do cater to that target audience, it's just not their focus. Metroid, Zelda, The Conduit, Mad World.
I'm just saying. I own a 360, a Wii, a psp, and used to have a ds. I don't have a ps3 but have used one. Am i the only one that thinks that sony and microsoft are equal, but both wipe the floor with nintendo? I mean, really. What does nintendo offer for REAL gamers? Barely anything. There are very few good, T-to-M rated, non-family oriented games on their consoles. There is no form of GOOD online multiplayer, and their consoles only sell because of all the kiddies. Anyone else agree?D1st0rtedFate
Dude are you trolling Nintendo fans?? Are you saying they are fake people?
Oh my god. I've started an avalanche of nintendo trolls! I expected some sort of backup. Okay i will say this and be gone. Theys should make more games that cater to the 13-35 male audience. At this point they only make games for the everyman. At E3, sony and microsoft attempted to gain that everyman demographic. Nintendo, however did not follow suit and try to gain that 13-35 demographic. I thik they should. Now i bid you adu.D1st0rtedFate
I've never been accused of being a Nintendo troll before. It's nice. I'm just trying to explain a little of Nintendo's direction. They are trying to set themselves apart from Sony and Microsoft so they don't have to directly compete, and it's worked very well.
Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"][QUOTE="FIipMode"] Damn, you stole my next sig idea :P And to the TC if your still questioning that Nintendo isn't catering to the "real gamers" watch their E3 press conference.jimkabrhel
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
Why Why Why!!!!!Now I see why Zelda fans hate God of War so much its gamers like this topic starter. Not all mature gamers play games because they are mature, we play them because they are entertaining.
[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"]Really? did they say "hey, we're going to put halo and killzone and games that have nothing to do with pokemon or mario on our consoles!" No. They blurted the same crap they always do. There will bee no hardcore games for their cosoles. nintendo never will accept violent, adult games.Coolyfett
Nintendo has put violent games on their console and handheld, but they don't focus on it, which sets them apart, in a good way. Why do all games need to be violent and "adult".
Why Why Why!!!!!Now I see why Zelda fans hate God of War so much its gamers like this topic starter. Not all mature gamers play games because they are mature, we play them because they are entertaining.
Not all Zelda fans hate God of War. I love both, but I'll leave that for the other thread.
this game is more gruesome, bloody, vulgar, and disgusting than God of War 3 or Gears of War combined 8)
Becaause there are more children. These games are fun, but they DO NOT CATER TO THE WIE AUDIENCE THAT THE OTHER CONSOLES CATER TO.[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]
And more people play the games that you think are "childish". The sales for Pokemon, Mario etc are higher than many of the more adult games on other systems.
Mario games are developed to cater to everyone, just just kids. Don't confused the bright colors and platforming for a kids game. SMG2 and NSMBWii are quite challenging and are enjoyed my people of many ages.
I play both, I am 29 years old, and I am a child at heart.. I'm not ashamed to say it.You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
You know what he's talking about. All Nintendo got is Mario and... Zelda. :lol:
And we know what happened to the last Zelda game; sliced and diced by Gears.
this game is more gruesome, bloody, vulgar, and disgusting than God of War 3 or Gears of War combined 8)
I take it you have never played GoW3 or GeoW?
Please :|
Lets not metion how much it sold :roll:
Bah! I'll do it anyway
Mad World = 500k
Wii - Fit = 22.5 Mil
Dont make the Wii out to be anything but what it is, casual fodder.
this game is more gruesome, bloody, vulgar, and disgusting than God of War 3 or Gears of War combined 8)
I take it you have never played GoW3 or GeoW?
Please :|
Lets not metion how much it sold :roll:
Bah! I'll do it anyway
Mad World = 500k
Wii - Fit = 22.5 Mil
Dont make the Wii out to be anything but what it is, casual fodder.
uh hello? why are you posting madworld? i posted House of the Dead: Overkill
also ripping an eye out isn't as disgusting as the final scene of HOTDO
You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
You know what he's talking about. All Nintendo got is Mario and... Zelda. :lol:
And we know what happened to the last Zelda game; sliced and diced by Gears.
Actually Nintendo has like 3X the amount of IPs that Microsoft has.
Nitendo this gen: Mario, Excitebike, Punch-Out!!, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Sin and Punishment, Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros, etc. And even more coming down the road for the 3DS: Kid Icarus, Star Fox, etc.
Microsoft: Gears of War, Halo, Fable...
I've found a lot of games for the Nintendo Wii.
Samurai Showdown Anthology, Monster Hunter Tri, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Wario Land Shake it!, Wario Ware Smooth Moves, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, and Metroid Prime Trilogy.
and some games that I have played for the Wii but I don't have such as the Metal Slug Anthology and Guilty Gear Accent Core!
and I haven't even named my WiiWare or Virtual Console games!
As for the 360 I'm still new to it and for the PS3 I have just as many games for that System as my Nintendo Wii.
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