Sony and Microsoft like to play technological leapfrog while Nintendo is carving out their own markets and audiences. In the end it's only better for us (the consumer).
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Sony and Microsoft like to play technological leapfrog while Nintendo is carving out their own markets and audiences. In the end it's only better for us (the consumer).
Everybody has already said what I feel except for this.
Nintendo is accused of making the same franchise for years, yet when Halo 20 comes out and Gears of War 10 nobody will think otherwise. When something that looks childish or is something like Hello Kitty comes out on PS3 or Xbox360, nobody gives it the time of day. Why? Because it isn't Nintendo doing it. Many gamers have developed the "Nintendo Syndrome". They fail to see their own systems of choice are flooded with the same games they are being ignorant about. They fail to see they keep playing the same franchise over and over again and, yet again, be ignorant about it.
If it sells, it will continue to be made. There is a reason why Franchise is used in conjunction with many of the games people have mentioned in this thread. I personally see it as gamer insecurity for those effected by the "Nintendo Syndrome". More so, just general irony and ignorance at its best.
I think Nintendos' caters to a whole different market. They do have some quality adult, or violentgames like Madworld, Red Steel 2, and The Conduit, but they have went in abit of a different direction with the Wii. They captured people who weren't really into games and brought them in, and really raked in the money doing so. I haven't bought a Wii yet, but I plan on doing so mainly for their great first party lineup! I could care less for most of the motion stuff. But I do think Microsoft and Sony are pretty equal in terms of HD gaming, and the type of games that are on their platforms. In my eyes they are better then Nintendo,but toMILLIONS of others who purchased the Wii will think otherwise.
this game is more gruesome, bloody, vulgar, and disgusting than God of War 3 or Gears of War combined 8)
I take it you have never played GoW3 or GeoW?
Please :|
Lets not metion how much it sold :roll:
Bah! I'll do it anyway
Mad World = 500k
Wii - Fit = 22.5 Mil
Dont make the Wii out to be anything but what it is, casual fodder.
uh hello? why are you posting madworld? i posted House of the Dead: Overkill
also ripping an eye out isn't as disgusting as the final scene of HOTDO
ops, I glancedas Iscrolled (please learn to resize and I'll learn to read:P )
point stands, a joke and no, nothing like GOW or GeoW.
Actually Nintendo beats Sony and MS this gen :P
Seriously, i prefer 360 and PS3´s overall lineups but Wii Nintendo exclusives are amazing!
zelda and mario were the hardcore games back then.... therefore they created the hardcore (genre?) or w,evs lmao...... when people want a hardcore platformer everyone instantly thinks zelda... hardcore =
takes skill
has scary moments...
intense action.
o and... it also has MUST KILL MONSTERS NAOW!!!
lol....... so yea zelda and metrois can be considered hardcore for many reasons.
You are talking about "real gamers". I'd like to know who they are and who the "fake gamers" are.
I don't know about the TC but my view is this.
I play golf, but I am not a golfer. I cook, but I am not a cook. I play games, but I also analyze games, consistently work on my ability, and try to overcome any virtual obstace that can be thrown my way. I am a gamer.
Hopefully that describes what I am talking about. It is one thing to dabble around and play few games you like, it is another to truely committ to playing to exceed in those games. People have lots of hobbies, and very few passions.
That makes them narrow-minded. They have catered to the same young audience since they started. I just think they need to expand and catch up the the other consoles.[QUOTE="D1st0rtedFate"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]
So there are games that you enjoy, but if you are interested in shooters, games with washed out colors, violence, adult themes etc, Nintendo is not that console. That, however, doesn't make them lesser than the other companies, just different.
Then why are the other consoles adding motion control and trying to catch up to Nintendo, and promote themselves to an audience wider than the 13-35 male deomgraphic?
Okay I got to say it... Shoudn't it be the 13-37 male demographic?
It's true that Wii doesn't have the multiplats or online gaming quality that 360/PS3 offer, but it does excel in exclusives and it's virtual console/wii ware is far superior than XBLA or PSN games. It's got built-in wifi, decent web browser, full backwards compatibility, and full support for motion controls that actually work.
If you want the best possible variety of quality games, then having a 360+PS3 is redundant, and you're better off throwing a Wii and/or PC in the mix. If you don't like, or respect Nintendo's awesome 1st party games it's obvious the Wii wouldn't appeal to you, but that's just your opinion, man.
I dont understand this Nintendo failed me stuff? They set a goal, followed through, and did what they PLANNED to do. They dont have any obligations to fulfill every single gamers wish, they just dont. They set to expand the market for future generations and completed that. yet there are people who just complain that Nintendo has disapointed me when they continued to do what they promise. Nintendo is the most loyal gaming company because they bring great games and games they promise. You think nintendo isnt bringing games for you then your crazy. Nintendo hasent ever made a mature game and rarely makes teen games. So your upset that you dont see THEM making mature games. It makes no sense. They dont know how to make mature games. Thats why they reach out to other compaines and bring you mature games. Madworld, HoD, NMH, ect ect. They have the most diverse library of games and this TC is complaining that they dont reach a wide audience. You sir just need to accept the fact. you never liked nintendo and dont plan on it till they only make mature games. Sir you are not a true gamer.
That makes them narrow-minded. They have catered to the same young audience since they started. I just think they need to expand and catch up the the other consoles.D1st0rtedFate
Then why are the other consoles adding motion control and trying to catch up to Nintendo, and promote themselves to an audience wider than the 13-35 male deomgraphic?
Okay I got to say it... Shoudn't it be the 13-37 male demographic?
did you just make a 13375p34k joke? epic. you have to friend me nao.[QUOTE="iDefineInfinity"]
Actually Nintendo beats Sony and MS this gen :P
Seriously, i prefer 360 and PS3´s overall lineups but Wii Nintendo exclusives are amazing!
Well, obviously, that's the only thing Nintendo's got. I thought he was talking about the games. This generations's gaming library from Nintendo is a colossal joke.
Who cares if they succeeded in fulfilling their goal if their goal isn't the same as their customers or former customers? There is no denying that Nintendo took a decidedly different approach to this gen with their bottom-line in mind and not what their devoted fanbase wanted. That is failing me, if I'm a Nintendo fan. They bring "Mature" games out at gunpoint because it might keep some fans from jumping ship and HEY, it might turn a profit. Their strategy has been "get that soccer mom money" this whole gen, not "let's give these gamers what they want". Anyone who actually believes Nintendo's desire to scrap HD, scrap DVD playback, have a poor online infrastructure and focus on a gimmicky control structure that visibly sets it apart from other consoles, WITH THE GAMER IN MIND, AND NOT THE $$$$, is in some deep denial. Damage controlling Nintendo's money-hungry approach and saying that anyone who doesn't want cash-in shovelware with bare minimum content is merely "closed minded" and "not a real gamer" is hilarious to me. I'm not a "real gamer" because I don't want to try "Petz Horses"? No, I just think it's stupid. Would anyone actually try and claim that they are aiming Wii Fit at the same crowd as Ocarina of Time? Do you not see the dramatic shift in focus? I don't care if games are "mature", just that they are QUALITY, and not garbage reskinned arcade games, mini-game collections, Anthropomoprhic animal platformer #58237, rail-shooter #2817... Nintendo does have quality games, but compared to the other two and even better, the PC, I don't even think it's close, at all.I dont understand this Nintendo failed me stuff? They set a goal, followed through, and did what they PLANNED to do. They dont have any obligations to fulfill every single gamers wish, they just dont. They set to expand the market for future generations and completed that. yet there are people who just complain that Nintendo has disapointed me when they continued to do what they promise. Nintendo is the most loyal gaming company because they bring great games and games they promise. You think nintendo isnt bringing games for you then your crazy. Nintendo hasent ever made a mature game and rarely makes teen games. So your upset that you dont see THEM making mature games. It makes no sense. They dont know how to make mature games. Thats why they reach out to other compaines and bring you mature games. Madworld, HoD, NMH, ect ect. They have the most diverse library of games and this TC is complaining that they dont reach a wide audience. You sir just need to accept the fact. you never liked nintendo and dont plan on it till they only make mature games. Sir you are not a true gamer.
I dont understand this Nintendo failed me stuff? They set a goal, followed through, and did what they PLANNED to do. They dont have any obligations to fulfill every single gamers wish, they just dont. They set to expand the market for future generations and completed that. yet there are people who just complain that Nintendo has disapointed me when they continued to do what they promise. Nintendo is the most loyal gaming company because they bring great games and games they promise. You think nintendo isnt bringing games for you then your crazy. Nintendo hasent ever made a mature game and rarely makes teen games. So your upset that you dont see THEM making mature games. It makes no sense. They dont know how to make mature games. Thats why they reach out to other compaines and bring you mature games. Madworld, HoD, NMH, ect ect. They have the most diverse library of games and this TC is complaining that they dont reach a wide audience. You sir just need to accept the fact. you never liked nintendo and dont plan on it till they only make mature games. Sir you are not a true gamer.
Who cares if they succeeded in fulfilling their goal if their goal isn't the same as their customers or former customers? There is no denying that Nintendo took a decidedly different approach to this gen with their bottom-line in mind and not what their devoted fanbase wanted. That is failing me, if I'm a Nintendo fan. They bring "Mature" games out at gunpoint because it might keep some fans from jumping ship and HEY, it might turn a profit. Their strategy has been "get that soccer mom money" this whole gen, not "let's give these gamers what they want". Anyone who actually believes Nintendo's desire to scrap HD, scrap DVD playback, have a poor online infrastructure and focus on a gimmicky control structure that visibly sets it apart from other consoles, WITH THE GAMER IN MIND, AND NOT THE $$$$, is in some deep denial. Damage controlling Nintendo's money-hungry approach and saying that anyone who doesn't want cash-in shovelware with bare minimum content is merely "closed minded" and "not a real gamer" is hilarious to me. I'm not a "real gamer" because I don't want to try "Petz Horses"? No, I just think it's stupid. Would anyone actually try and claim that they are aiming Wii Fit at the same crowd as Ocarina of Time? Do you not see the dramatic shift in focus? I don't care if games are "mature", just that they are QUALITY, and not garbage reskinned arcade games, mini-game collections, Anthropomoprhic animal platformer #58237, rail-shooter #2817... Nintendo does have quality games, but compared to the other two and even better, the PC, I don't even think it's close, at all. Amen. Gaming Church is over, we may all go in peacethis thread is so much fail i dont even know where to start
The only fail here is you, who can't defend Nintendo properly.
[QUOTE="Hahadouken"][QUOTE="Arbiterisl33t69"] I agreed on your second post (page 4) but why is it so hard to understand the 3DS is the successor to the DS and not just a new DS? Are you just being delusional, ignoring the facts, what? Arbiterisl33t69Where are you getting this from? Where did I say it wasn't a true successor? I don't care if it has a quad-core CPU with a GTX 275 GPU and 16 GB of DDR5 super-ram, does my laundry and kisses me goodnight, I have very, very little interest in handhelds now that I don't travel much. I, me, personally, simply don't give a crap about the 3DS, I'm not saying it's anything it isn't. "I dunno what their marketing dept has been doing, but it's working. It's the same product it was 2 weeks ago, only now people believe it's awesome." Seems I misunderstood you then, never mind. I don't travel much either yet I'm still interested in the 3DS, it's not like I'll only play it on the go.
Ugh GS butchers another post... this time my reply didn't even show up.
That's cool for you, but I only play handhelds as an alternative to an actual system with a monitor or a TV, when I can't hook up to something, so PERSONALLY, a handheld could be the greatest invention on the planet but I wouldn't have much use for it. That's just me, not a reflection of the quality of 3DS AS A HANDHELD. I liked my PSP a lot when I was flying regularly for work, but now that I don't go anywhere, it's getting dusty.
As for my comment about it being the same product it was 2 weeks ago, I was referring to the Wii, not the DS.
I own all of the systems this generation and My Ds collection alone beats everything else out on the market.
But when it comes to the wii I own that are only on Wii that are really great games:
Super Mario Galaxy 1+2
Metroid Prime Trilogy (best Value of this generation by far)
No More Heroes 1+2
T vs C
Zelda TWP
Little kings story
Monster Hunter 3
Smash Bros
Mad World
And Comming Soon Is:
Sin And Punishment 2
Donkey Kong
Metroid Other M
Zelda Wii
Golden Eye
and of course my #1 Pick XENOBLADE!!!
And the Ds is dropping Dragon Quest 9 next month!?!?! Ninendo systems love me thats for sure.
I'm Not a system fan i'm a game fan. Nintendo has great exclusives the best of the 3 in my opinion. Does that stop me from playing GOW3, Heavy Rain, Alen Wake, Mass Effect 2 and all the other great games on Ps3 and 360? No way!
I say all 3 at this point are just about equal in their own ways. I know people on this site love to bash nintendo whenever they can, but if you act as if Nintendo does not have great exclusives your just fooling yourself.
Who cares if they succeeded in fulfilling their goal if their goal isn't the same as their customers or former customers? There is no denying that Nintendo took a decidedly different approach to this gen with their bottom-line in mind and not what their devoted fanbase wanted. That is failing me, if I'm a Nintendo fan. They bring "Mature" games out at gunpoint because it might keep some fans from jumping ship and HEY, it might turn a profit. Their strategy has been "get that soccer mom money" this whole gen, not "let's give these gamers what they want". Anyone who actually believes Nintendo's desire to scrap HD, scrap DVD playback, have a poor online infrastructure and focus on a gimmicky control structure that visibly sets it apart from other consoles, WITH THE GAMER IN MIND, AND NOT THE $$$$, is in some deep denial. Damage controlling Nintendo's money-hungry approach and saying that anyone who doesn't want cash-in shovelware with bare minimum content is merely "closed minded" and "not a real gamer" is hilarious to me. I'm not a "real gamer" because I don't want to try "Petz Horses"? No, I just think it's stupid. Would anyone actually try and claim that they are aiming Wii Fit at the same crowd as Ocarina of Time? Do you not see the dramatic shift in focus? I don't care if games are "mature", just that they are QUALITY, and not garbage reskinned arcade games, mini-game collections, Anthropomoprhic animal platformer #58237, rail-shooter #2817... Nintendo does have quality games, but compared to the other two and even better, the PC, I don't even think it's close, at all. Hahadouken
This is whats wrong with the same people who say that nintendo has failed me stuff. You call me close minded and stuff, when you only think about yourself. You think about your gamer needs and assume there everyone elses. I said they cant fulfill EVERY GAMERS desires. I refuse to go through how goals differ beecause its just not worth it, if you cant understand. I wont use sales as a reason as to why the majority of people have had there gamer needs fulfilled. You cant say they didnt take a huge risk with there game strat. They dont make mature games Ill tell you again, so stop complaining about no mature games. There online and controls WERE said to reel in new gamers. Idc what you call them soccer moms, kids, doesnt matter. It does what they said it would do. I said TC wasnt a real gamer for his argument. I can continue with the fact that those complaining are upset over misguided reasons. There focus was def in a non gamers market they dont deny it and no fans should. The fact is they brought great games out. They brought games a lot for gamers as well to there platforms. So whats the complaining. The last comment is an opinion and you can have it. But this year alone is enough to proof. They Have just as many AAA-A games more as other companies since launch and this year....... even a AAAA game. There are plenty of quality games.
Side point: I will agree with the TC when Sony or MS make platfromers as good as Mario Galaxy 1+2 (The two highest rated games this generation by the way) Platformers are my #1 fav type of game and no one does it like nintnedo. (that was my least fav part of GOW3 his jumping was really bad and when you have to jump stap the harpies in God of war it was just the worst platforming ever! (otherwise God of war 3 was nothing short of fantastic! when Zues tried to fight me like a side scroller street fighter game it was so on!!!)
Why do people always say real gamers.If you play games your a gamer.Just because people don't want to spend hours playing a story based game but instead want to jump right in makes them a fake gamer?Wii is better than the 360 and ps3 cause they make fun games./threadgenarollI was with you a little until you said the Wii was better than the PS3 and the 360. There isn't such thing as a real gamer or fake gamer, so I agree with you on that, but I have to disagree on the Wii being better than the other 2. imo
What does nintendo offer for REAL gamers? D1st0rtedFate
I stop reading here, there it goes your entire credibility on this thread.
[QUOTE="Hahadouken"] Who cares if they succeeded in fulfilling their goal if their goal isn't the same as their customers or former customers? There is no denying that Nintendo took a decidedly different approach to this gen with their bottom-line in mind and not what their devoted fanbase wanted. That is failing me, if I'm a Nintendo fan. They bring "Mature" games out at gunpoint because it might keep some fans from jumping ship and HEY, it might turn a profit. Their strategy has been "get that soccer mom money" this whole gen, not "let's give these gamers what they want". Anyone who actually believes Nintendo's desire to scrap HD, scrap DVD playback, have a poor online infrastructure and focus on a gimmicky control structure that visibly sets it apart from other consoles, WITH THE GAMER IN MIND, AND NOT THE $$$$, is in some deep denial. Damage controlling Nintendo's money-hungry approach and saying that anyone who doesn't want cash-in shovelware with bare minimum content is merely "closed minded" and "not a real gamer" is hilarious to me. I'm not a "real gamer" because I don't want to try "Petz Horses"? No, I just think it's stupid. Would anyone actually try and claim that they are aiming Wii Fit at the same crowd as Ocarina of Time? Do you not see the dramatic shift in focus? I don't care if games are "mature", just that they are QUALITY, and not garbage reskinned arcade games, mini-game collections, Anthropomoprhic animal platformer #58237, rail-shooter #2817... Nintendo does have quality games, but compared to the other two and even better, the PC, I don't even think it's close, at all. gamer0100
This is whats wrong with the same people who say that nintendo has failed me stuff. You call me close minded and stuff, when you only think about yourself. You think about your gamer needs and assume there everyone elses. I said they cant fulfill EVERY GAMERS desires. I refuse to go through how goals differ beecause its just not worth it, if you cant understand. I wont use sales as a reason as to why the majority of people have had there gamer needs fulfilled. You cant say they didnt take a huge risk with there game strat. They dont make mature games Ill tell you again, so stop complaining about no mature games. There online and controls WERE said to reel in new gamers. Idc what you call them soccer moms, kids, doesnt matter. It does what they said it would do. I said TC wasnt a real gamer for his argument. I can continue with the fact that those complaining are upset over misguided reasons. There focus was def in a non gamers market they dont deny it and no fans should. The fact is they brought great games out. They brought games a lot for gamers as well to there platforms. So whats the complaining. The last comment is an opinion and you can have it. But this year alone is enough to proof. They Have just as many AAA-A games more as other companies since launch and this year....... even a AAAA game. There are plenty of quality games.
It's closed-minded to want products for myself? This isn't a freaking charity, I don't give a crap about soccer mom's and whether or not they play vids, do you think they will be there with us in freezing cold weather, overnight, huddled up in blankets, waiting for a store to open so we can get the latest console and play the latest Halo? They are fickle fans, companies paying more attention to them than to us shows me that they are more interested in money than their fans. Fine, just don't expect me to care either. It's not like I'm setting up unreasonable expectations here either, THE PEDIGREE IS THERE. Here's a scenario. I buy a NES. I like it. I buy a SNES because I liked the NES. The SNES is similar, I also like it. Eventually I buy an N64, then a Gamecube... all of them are similar, they offer me the same experience, but with better ______ than last time. Suddenly the WIi comes out, and it's totally different from previous consoles. Not only is it behind the other consoles in terms of tech, rather than roughly on par, as it has been IN EVERY ITERATION PREVIOUSLY, it has a new odd control scheme which isn't familiar or comfortable to me, the Ninty fan who has purchased every single one of their products. Then we find out the games are more focused at some new audience that has never been with me in line for the previous Nintendo consoles. Nintendo promises they will continue to support ME, the hardcore Nintendo fan who has been with them since childhood.... they don't deliver on these promises, instead focusing on shovelware, abolishing the standards for the Nintendo Gold Seal of Quality, don't get around to making a Wii-only Zelda until FOUR YEARS into the consoles lifespan (and it's still not out).... Um yeah. I think it would be well within my rights to complain about them without being "closed-minded". They basically said "hey screw you, this demographic has more money than you" and pandered to them. It's downright insulting. From a business POV, sure, I can understand it, but I'm not in the Nintendo business. I am a consumer, and a gamer, and I think as a company Nintendo has been a big suckfest this gen.More people failing to understand the difference between wanting ONLY M GAMES WIT TEH BLOOD and simply NOT wanting WIi Fit or Wii Music or whatever. "Core games" are not only T and M rated games, they are just not games aimed at soccer moms or little kids, like Wii Fit or Petz Catz.Hey guyz! I playz M rated gamez-only! i am so c00l now, amirite?
Seriously.... :roll:
"Core games" are not only T and M rated games, they are just not games aimed at soccer moms or little kids, like Wii Fit or Petz Catz.Hahadouken
The argument on the OP was based on the lack of T/M-ratedand multiplayer games on the Wii, that's why I replied accordingly.
You know, it's funny that the PS2 was allowed to have so much garbage/casual stuff but the Wii can't. Yeah it has a bunch of shovelware, it still has a ton of great games and if you're too ignorant to realize that, you're the one losing out.
Not really, and this is the difference between the PS3 & the Wii.
[QUOTE="IronBass"]A game does not need to be rated T, M or have multiplater to appeal to "real" gamers (whatever that means). I personally think Nintendo has done a great job this generation, since many from my favorite games this gen (found on both the DS and Wii) are made by them,Hahadouken
More people failing to understand the difference between wanting ONLY M GAMES WIT TEH BLOOD and simply NOT wanting WIi Fit or Wii Music or whatever. "Core games" are not only T and M rated games, they are just not games aimed at soccer moms or little kids, like Wii Fit or Petz Catz.Hey guyz! I playz M rated gamez-only! i am so c00l now, amirite?
Seriously.... :roll:
More people failing to understand that the entire Wii library is not Wii Fit or Petz Catz, besides, you didn't read OP right?
You know, it's funny that the PS2 was allowed to have so much garbage/casual stuff but the Wii can't. Yeah it has a bunch of shovelware, it still has a ton of great games and if you're too ignorant to realize that, you're the one losing out.
Not really, and this is the difference between the PS3 & the Wii.
Actually, yeah, the Wii has tons of great games, if you don't like them, then is your loss.
You know, it's funny that the PS2 was allowed to have so much garbage/casual stuff but the Wii can't. Yeah it has a bunch of shovelware, it still has a ton of great games and if you're too ignorant to realize that, you're the one losing out.
Not really, and this is the difference between the PS3 & the Wii.
It might not have a ton of great games to appeal to you, but it does have a lot of great games.
[QUOTE="gamer0100"][QUOTE="Hahadouken"] Who cares if they succeeded in fulfilling their goal if their goal isn't the same as their customers or former customers? There is no denying that Nintendo took a decidedly different approach to this gen with their bottom-line in mind and not what their devoted fanbase wanted. That is failing me, if I'm a Nintendo fan. They bring "Mature" games out at gunpoint because it might keep some fans from jumping ship and HEY, it might turn a profit. Their strategy has been "get that soccer mom money" this whole gen, not "let's give these gamers what they want". Anyone who actually believes Nintendo's desire to scrap HD, scrap DVD playback, have a poor online infrastructure and focus on a gimmicky control structure that visibly sets it apart from other consoles, WITH THE GAMER IN MIND, AND NOT THE $$$$, is in some deep denial. Damage controlling Nintendo's money-hungry approach and saying that anyone who doesn't want cash-in shovelware with bare minimum content is merely "closed minded" and "not a real gamer" is hilarious to me. I'm not a "real gamer" because I don't want to try "Petz Horses"? No, I just think it's stupid. Would anyone actually try and claim that they are aiming Wii Fit at the same crowd as Ocarina of Time? Do you not see the dramatic shift in focus? I don't care if games are "mature", just that they are QUALITY, and not garbage reskinned arcade games, mini-game collections, Anthropomoprhic animal platformer #58237, rail-shooter #2817... Nintendo does have quality games, but compared to the other two and even better, the PC, I don't even think it's close, at all. Hahadouken
This is whats wrong with the same people who say that nintendo has failed me stuff. You call me close minded and stuff, when you only think about yourself. You think about your gamer needs and assume there everyone elses. I said they cant fulfill EVERY GAMERS desires. I refuse to go through how goals differ beecause its just not worth it, if you cant understand. I wont use sales as a reason as to why the majority of people have had there gamer needs fulfilled. You cant say they didnt take a huge risk with there game strat. They dont make mature games Ill tell you again, so stop complaining about no mature games. There online and controls WERE said to reel in new gamers. Idc what you call them soccer moms, kids, doesnt matter. It does what they said it would do. I said TC wasnt a real gamer for his argument. I can continue with the fact that those complaining are upset over misguided reasons. There focus was def in a non gamers market they dont deny it and no fans should. The fact is they brought great games out. They brought games a lot for gamers as well to there platforms. So whats the complaining. The last comment is an opinion and you can have it. But this year alone is enough to proof. They Have just as many AAA-A games more as other companies since launch and this year....... even a AAAA game. There are plenty of quality games.
It's closed-minded to want products for myself? This isn't a freaking charity, I don't give a crap about soccer mom's and whether or not they play vids, do you think they will be there with us in freezing cold weather, overnight, huddled up in blankets, waiting for a store to open so we can get the latest console and play the latest Halo? They are fickle fans, companies paying more attention to them than to us shows me that they are more interested in money than their fans. Fine, just don't expect me to care either. It's not like I'm setting up unreasonable expectations here either, THE PEDIGREE IS THERE. Here's a scenario. I buy a NES. I like it. I buy a SNES because I liked the NES. The SNES is similar, I also like it. Eventually I buy an N64, then a Gamecube... all of them are similar, they offer me the same experience, but with better ______ than last time. Suddenly the WIi comes out, and it's totally different from previous consoles. Not only is it behind the other consoles in terms of tech, rather than roughly on par, as it has been IN EVERY ITERATION PREVIOUSLY, it has a new odd control scheme which isn't familiar or comfortable to me, the Ninty fan who has purchased every single one of their products. Then we find out the games are more focused at some new audience that has never been with me in line for the previous Nintendo consoles. Nintendo promises they will continue to support ME, the hardcore Nintendo fan who has been with them since childhood.... they don't deliver on these promises, instead focusing on shovelware, abolishing the standards for the Nintendo Gold Seal of Quality, don't get around to making a Wii-only Zelda until FOUR YEARS into the consoles lifespan (and it's still not out).... Um yeah. I think it would be well within my rights to complain about them without being "closed-minded". They basically said "hey screw you, this demographic has more money than you" and pandered to them. It's downright insulting. From a business POV, sure, I can understand it, but I'm not in the Nintendo business. I am a consumer, and a gamer, and I think as a company Nintendo has been a big suckfest this gen. Completely agree on your NES/SNES/N64 point. I used to be a die-hard Nintendo fanboy who would even mindlessly and much like a drone fanboy who thinks he's being loyal to Nintendo by not buying any other product not made by them, HATE on the 360 and PS3 and even insult Halo even though I had never played it for more than 10 seconds in my life (once at a friend's house, didn't get it back then)I always viewed "hardcore" gamers as those who refuse to play Wii Fit and all that and just want another Zelda or Metroid, so, hypocrite much?hardcore gamers so cute
More people failing to understand the difference between wanting ONLY M GAMES WIT TEH BLOOD and simply NOT wanting WIi Fit or Wii Music or whatever. "Core games" are not only T and M rated games, they are just not games aimed at soccer moms or little kids, like Wii Fit or Petz Catz.[QUOTE="Hahadouken"][QUOTE="IronBass"] [QUOTE="magiciandude"]
Hey guyz! I playz M rated gamez-only! i am so c00l now, amirite?
Seriously.... :roll:
More people failing to understand that the entire Wii library is not Wii Fit or Petz Catz, besides, you didn't read OP right?
It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
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