Yup no other series gets sequels on the Wii. Except a lot more.It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
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Yup no other series gets sequels on the Wii. Except a lot more.It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
It's closed-minded to want products for myself? This isn't a freaking charity, I don't give a crap about soccer mom's and whether or not they play vids, do you think they will be there with us in freezing cold weather, overnight, huddled up in blankets, waiting for a store to open so we can get the latest console and play the latest Halo? They are fickle fans, companies paying more attention to them than to us shows me that they are more interested in money than their fans. Fine, just don't expect me to care either. It's not like I'm setting up unreasonable expectations here either, THE PEDIGREE IS THERE. Here's a scenario. I buy a NES. I like it. I buy a SNES because I liked the NES. The SNES is similar, I also like it. Eventually I buy an N64, then a Gamecube... all of them are similar, they offer me the same experience, but with better ______ than last time. Suddenly the WIi comes out, and it's totally different from previous consoles. Not only is it behind the other consoles in terms of tech, rather than roughly on par, as it has been IN EVERY ITERATION PREVIOUSLY, it has a new odd control scheme which isn't familiar or comfortable to me, the Ninty fan who has purchased every single one of their products. Then we find out the games are more focused at some new audience that has never been with me in line for the previous Nintendo consoles. Nintendo promises they will continue to support ME, the hardcore Nintendo fan who has been with them since childhood.... they don't deliver on these promises, instead focusing on shovelware, abolishing the standards for the Nintendo Gold Seal of Quality, don't get around to making a Wii-only Zelda until FOUR YEARS into the consoles lifespan (and it's still not out).... Um yeah. I think it would be well within my rights to complain about them without being "closed-minded". They basically said "hey screw you, this demographic has more money than you" and pandered to them. It's downright insulting. From a business POV, sure, I can understand it, but I'm not in the Nintendo business. I am a consumer, and a gamer, and I think as a company Nintendo has been a big suckfest this gen.Hahadouken
Your troubled man.....I got my great games from Nintendo and according to what I hear so have millions of others. Sry you were disatisfied.
It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
Galaxy and Metroid both gotfollow-up titlesthis gen, and were both in-depth games. The only "Wii" titles to get them were Wii Sports and Wii Fit.
Here's the list that it's in with my terminology:
"Causals" mostly go to Wii
"Casual gamers" go to mostly PS360
"Core" gamers go to all three.
"Casuals" - The crowd that are new to gaming, and are in it for the group fun and the quick pick me up and play.
"Casual gamers" - A lot of gamers out there. These people mostly play the shoot em ups or the mainstream blockbusters. It needs to be "mature" and "cool" and want to have the image of being "hardcore" because they play titles like Halo. This leads them to being hung up on some details such as the graphics.
"Core gamers - They know what they're doing when it comes to games, and they'll play games because they are not influenced by mainstream media (or friends) and play anything they want (usually because the gameplay is good). They'll play games from Megaman to Golden Sun, from Disney's Aladdin to Kirby's Epic Yarn. They tend to get the most out of gaming.
Thus, we mustn't be talking in sales, but in some kind of qualatative experience. Does Sony=Microsoft and both beat Nintendo? Well to the mainstream, I guess not because a lot of people are having the pick me ups and play and are enjoyin it. But since you're talking about "core" gamers, I'd say no, not at all. They did not mop the floor with Nintendo, because core gamers don't need to play games that are rated T to M, that's just stupid and ignorant. But ofcourse this matters to the casual gamers, like yourself, so in that respect, then they somewhat mopped the floor to this crowd of people.
It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
OMG, you are so right, that's why games like Traume Center won't ever get a sequel, right?
[QUOTE="iDefineInfinity"]Yup no other series gets sequels on the Wii. Except a lot more.It's the only ones that sell, and consequently the ones getting the sequel(s)...
You get my point...
If the more "hardcore" games on the Wii were more successful, sold more & generated more $$$, then everything would have been OK, and Nintendo would actually have been able to contend against MS and Sony.
But the very few games that the Wii has have sold a lot less than the casual crap, and since money is the only thing (mostly) Nintendo cares about, there exist very few high-quality Wii games out on the market today.
Simply, Wii's casual-focused audience made Nintendo kill this generation.
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