- The Wii U controller makes no sense. It's completely pointless. It doesn't enhance games and it's not easy to use. The Wii was a success because it was so easy to use. Nintendo thought controllers got too complicated so they went basic again. With the Wii U it got more clunky and ridiculous. The controller may be the worst idea since Nintendo stuck with cartridges for the N64.
 If you actually played on the WiiU gamepad you would know that while that it's big, it actually feels just as comfortable as an Xbox 360 controller, it just has a screen in the middle.
- Their underpowered and overpriced consoles. Nintendo used to be able to do high powered consoles cheap. The GameCube was more powerful than the PS2 yet $100 cheaper! Now they decided to literally release 7 year old hardware with a useless controller for $350... then they only give us 32 gigs of hard drive space.. um wth?
 Xbox 360s and PS3s are still being sold around $300 to $400. It's not overpriced. Plus add in the Manufacturing of the Gamepad, that racks up the price.
Had Nintendo also gave us 320gb instead of 32gb the price range would have been beyond that $350 mark for a Deluxe, just look at the many skus of the PS3 and Xbox 360s they go up in price the more Gigabytes they are.
- Their lack of innovation. Mario, Zelda, maybe Metroid, Animal Crossing, Smash BRos, more mario, zelda, blah blah blah. Those games are great but we need new titles and more diversity. Nintendo used to be king of first person shooters (Turok, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc. etc.) maybe they should sign a deal with Valve or Epic Games and get a good adult shooter. Or sign with a western RPG developer and get a huge immersive WRPG like Skyrim, Mass Effect or Fallout (which sale MILLIONS).
Nintendo has Monolith Soft and Retro Studios who have brought both Xenoblade and Metroid Prime to the Wii this past generation, and Xenoblade has WAY more customizations than Skyrim. Retro Studios has yet to reveal their "Massive" Project, New Engine? Metroid Prime? FPS? who the heck knows, but it's coming and it'll be huge.
What you're looking for is 3rd Party more specifically Western 3rd Party support, Although it's there, just not as big right now and that's because developers are afraid, which is why Nintendo is looking into doing more Collaborations with 3rd Parties if you watched Last Week's Nintendo Direct you would have known that.
- Lack of third party support. Nintendo needs some third party support. Maybe get Kingdom Hearts III and/or Final Fantasy XV exclusive or something. It also needs more multiplats. GTA V won't appear on the console for example.
Read what I said up above. If Nintendo didn't care about 3rd Party support we wouldn't have Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge (which is the better version of the 360 and PS3 title) and we definitely wouldn't have Bayonetta 2.
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