@heretrix said:
I don't understand the thought process of you guys, I'm not seeing a problem with any of that.
Why is recognizing an issue and resolving it seen as a negative? You guys bitch about how gamers aren't taken seriously and then when someone listens to you it's seen as backpedaling. I don't give a shit what MS's reasoning is for wanting the always on DRM in their machine, they didn't do it and it's really annoying to see them (or any company for that matter) being judged by shit they were about to or DIDN'T do. If they didn't give a shit they would have went ahead and did it anyway.
I think it's the concept that they could come back around and do it with the next XBox. They even branded the thing as the XBox One, because it was supposed to mark a new beginning for the XBox brand. It was the very embodiment of their ideals and goals with the XBox all along. What we saw was the antithesis of what we want in a console and a platform leader.
Is it really that hard to understand? MS showed their final form and then was like "oops kidding" when every gamer in the planet that wasn't a complete Microsoft ball washing douchebag lined up with a sword in hand like they were the boss in a Final Fantasy game and swung for the neck.
By keeping them around, it's just a matter of time before two things happen:
A. Microsoft gets tired of the console market because they really aren't able to be the all-in-one media content hydra machine they want to be in the living rooms of the world
B. They pull the same shit off again and actually get what they want and cause a 1980's game crash as a result of taking market leadership.
This is the only route for things to go from here.
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