Look at that dashboard. It's disgusting, First, 360 has no games, so its users have to resort to keeping DVDs in their trays. Second, look at all those ads, doesn't M$ get enough money from ripping lems off with xblg? Third, "My Pins?" Are lems all old women who sit around sharing pictures with each other? Fourth, IE is now on 360, officially making it the worst platform ever.
And finally, the 360 still uses kinect. Why haven't they gotten over the fact that it's worthless. Nobody wants that crap, not even the lems.
In conclusion, the 360 dashboard is terrible and everyone who likes it shoudl feel bad. Cows rejoice, because for once the PSN interface is better than the XBL one. Everyone should see the new dashboard soon
[spoiler] but...but... at least we get Halo 4, it's GOTY for sure. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] No. [/spoiler]
1:disgusting? no the problem here is nothing new...
2: has no games. YUP
"There are currently 930 (multiplatform: 721; exclusive: 127; console exclusive: 82) games on this list as of September 27th, 2012"
"There are currently 760 games (multiplatform: 615; exclusive: 137; console exclusive: 8) and 15 cancelled games on this list as of July 25, 2012."
3: keep dvd in the tray? What does this mean? Wii does it. Wii u will do it. ps3 does it, and soo does xbox does it. 3ds does it, psp/v does it,
4: sure ad's, but what doesn't have ad's? t.v does, ps3 does shoot ps3 has ad's by your user name when you press the guide button.
Then ad's are good as long it's not overwhelming or hurting the experience. Ad's may be on the xbox but 98% the time they are stuff that is on the xbox it self. and without ad's How would you ever know about a product that your able to get? Do you just magically learn about it?
5 pins sir is like bookmarks. it's a fast way to get to the tings u like on the xbox vs going through extra menus to get to.
6: old women, sharing pics. WTF are u talking about
7: a web browser is on it so it's bad now? I guess ps3 been bad from day one? guess pc gaming been bad since the day of dawn
8 they still use kinect. it be pretty bad if they 100% ditch it. 2: it's great, sure it's limits, but it sure does have a future. there isn't no AAA games for it due to processing power but the stuff it adds now is pretty cool. Even when u don't play games for it. great on the dashboard and in Netflix and videos.
9 go learn
10 your idiot because you know nothing
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