[QUOTE="shadyd1717"] Because it doesn't require the thought and dedication of beating it like getting all 120 stars in Galaxy does, enough multiplayer to rival Call of Duty 4, or have the sharp wit that Portal possesses.
Nintendo sold out to the casual, Animal Crossing is a casual mini-Sims, end of story. I wish I could say otherwise because I really want a Starfox or Donkey Kong, but it's not gonna happen this gen.
catering to the casuals? Nintendo gave MP3, SSBB, Super Paper Mario, Mario kart, SMG, Strikers, WarioWare, and soon Pikman, Icarus, and a wario side scroller. If they had Starfox and DK, it would all be different? I'd like to see a Star Fox game too. But I thought the GC one was weird and more like a dinosaur game and StarFox just crowbarred in.
What was the DK game for the GC?
MP3 = Hardcore
SSBB = Hardcore, but only good if you have friends that still play in one room, the singleplayer doesnt cut it.
Paper Mario = Hardcore
Mario Kart Wii = Casual
SMG = Hardcore
Strikers = Lame
Warioware = Lame
Pikmin & Icarus I doubt will make it till the end of 09' atleast.
I only have Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and No More Heroes. No more Heroes is one of the worst games i've ever played, Galaxy and TP are great but it's 2 games compared to the 14 i have for PS3. Yes if they had Starfox or Donkey Kong i'd be happy with my Wii. And I mean true N64 successors, not stupid spin-off's.
[QUOTE="shadyd1717"][QUOTE="darkslider99"][QUOTE="shadyd1717"][QUOTE="BubbyJello"] [QUOTE="Solid_Snake300"]Sony and Microsoft might follow them and go where the money is. IronBass
Making quality games for both the Casual and Hardcore gamers?
Sounds good to me.
Animal Crossing isnt hardcore.
How isn't it?
Seriously, tell me how it isn't. Because I know several people who are "hardcore" gamers who love the series. Because it doesn't require the thought and dedication of beating it like getting all 120 stars in Galaxy does, enough multiplayer to rival Call of Duty 4, or have the sharp wit that Portal possesses.
Nintendo sold out to the casual, Animal Crossing is a casual mini-Sims, end of story. I wish I could say otherwise because I really want a Starfox or Donkey Kong, but it's not gonna happen this gen.
Animal Crossing is incredibly complex and deph. No "casual gamer" could understand its complexity. IMO, GTAIV is more casual than AC: GTAIV is "in", "cool", what everybody plays, is about killing people on the streets, and, of course, all the marketing.
Sounds a lot more casual, IMO.
A casual gamer would say: "AC? Childish! Easy! Uncool! Ugly graphics! let's play GTAIV!"
Only a hardcore (a gamer that knows that the most important is gameplay) would give credit to AC.
I never said GTA4 wasnt casual. GTA is one of the most casual series ever, however AC is also casual, just to a different kind of casual. There's blood/action casual, and there's lets have fun playtime with little jimmy and aunt mary casual. AC is the latter.
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