More unannounced Xbox One exclusives coming in 2014
"Xbox One's 2014 exclusives list doesn't begin and end with Titanfall, Microsoft Studios corporate vice-president Phil Spencer has assured followers on Twitter - there are Other Things on the way, lurking in the periphery of our vision like.."
from the mouth of Phil Spencer himself....MORE Xbox exclusives due for THIS YEAR. Microsoft, the company that keeps on giving.
with the ps4 still behind on the exclusive front(if you don't count indies lawl), and cows pretending to be hyped for an generic Infamous and The Order. Microsoft plans to throw even more fuel on the fire and announce even more games at this years E3.
at this rate Sony has to announce at least 10 new exclusives to go along with 2 released, and 4 unreleased(Delaystation4) exclusives, to even compete with MS on the exclusive game front.
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