@tymeservesfate said:
@bezza2011 said:
@tymeservesfate said:
@bezza2011 said:
@tymeservesfate said:
@CyberLips: no i don't hate them. i had a lot of fun with Indies last gen. i'm laughing at how cows try and use a list full of indie games as proof that there's a ton of games coming to the ps4. thats what the lawl was over.
Indies are fine...but when they're all you've got on a system you just spent $400 for, then yea, thats laugh worthy.
@bezza2011 said:
Were at the beginning of the year of course more exclusives coming :S E3 or any of the other game conferences haven't happened there's more to come from both parties, Halo has already been confirmed to becoming by the end of the year so thats 1 also there is fable thats 2, i mean i bet most will be indies or multiplats with pc which i'll get for pc any way.
yea, but thing is they're coming this year. not up in limbo like most Sony games stay. he's saying they're coming out in 2014...cows yesterday were making a big deal about what games are coming out for the XB1 THIS year. and here is Phil Spencer announcing there are more to come for the the system for the year. that's why i emphasized 2014 in the title.
You do realize that He is talking about all the indie games which are coming to Xbox One??? I honestly do not see anything else coming which is going to be AAA this year from Microsoft except from Titanfall and Halo.
well shit, wait until E3 and find out then. what am i suppose to say that post, lol?
he says there are more exclusives games coming...n that's it. he didnt say what kind or what caliber the games would be...he definitely didnt say they would be Indie games, so i don't know where you pulled that BS from lol. all you can do is wait until E3 and see what they present. but trying to tell me i interpreted it wrong by using ur own speculation of what he meant as well isn't anything to take serious Bezza, sorry.
All I'm getting at is Microsoft are always full of false hope, I'm waiting for Microsofts first party teams to come up with something better than gears halo and forza, i mean even the creators of the two of the games have jumped ship from them, I wish and I hope I'm wrong so i have a reason to buy a Xbox One once they make a system which is smaller than my pc . but I hope that they don't disapoint, and show me some new IPs. But i just don't see it,
It's not bullshit both are coming out with saying new exclusives and being indies, it seems this gen were classing both indies and retail games in the same light, and using it as exclusives, just like microsoft did with the xbox360 and ps3 by the end with games like journey.
Sunset OverDrive and Quantum Break are two new ips to look forward too.
really, with the launch games already released, and a couple of XB1/PC games in Titanfall and Project Spark, along with downable games like Max: TCOB, Killer Instinct, Peggle 2 and the usual Halo, Fable and Gears coming...i really don't see how anyone can knock the Xbox One's line-up at all. the variety in there is insane for a console in it's launch year. all those games without even mentioning the numerous full multiplat games coming/out and Indies they've just announced...its crazy.
not to knock Sony and the ps4. but when i stack all that up against Killzone, Knack, The Order, Infamous SS, and a new Uncharted game and a bunch of Indies, it makes it hard to stomach cows trying to say they're with Sony because of the future potential. especially since Xbox One seems to have the now covered, and the future too....even BEFORE their new E3 announcements. the old, "Xbox360 had nothing for the last 3 years. these new games coming out will dry up...etc" line makes no sense because that wouldnt be for another 5 or 6 years from now lol. are these guys really saying they're going to wait 6 years for Sony to really start going n drop some games to their system lol? if so then what the hell is the point of buying the system now then. buy it in 4 or 5 years when it gets good. if its really about games and gaming. because on the XB1 its already good and getting better. from anyone elses standpoint the ps4 is the system thats not ready for primetime yet, not the XB1.
You make alot of valid points, Quantum Break I just don't know about, that game probably won't come out for another year or so, you know what alan wake creators are like.
But no you make good points, Sony have shot themselves in the foot to be fair, I mean naughty dog doing another Uncharted and possibly another the last of us, is milking it for me, exactly the same as I've been saying about halo and gears, there both guilty.
PS4 is cheaper and packs a punch more than the XB1, thats my problem with it to be fair, for me I don't see how it's more expensive, a XB1 should be cheaper than a PS4 with it's components, i feel if it went down to 299 then i'd buy it,
Like the PS3 was 600, at the time 600 was ok for a console which had a blu ray player, seeing as tho blu ray players were going for 1000. But the XB1 for me just isn't worth the money, yes the kinect is bundled with it, but there is nothing for the kinect and if the layout of the UI was any good you wouldn't need to use voice commands.
Once XB1 comes down to 299 or below i'll buy one.
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