@quakke said:
@madsnakehhh said:
@quakke said:
@madsnakehhh said:
Yeah well, i did liked Doom 3, i'm not a huge fan of the franchise but i know its a big deal, so call me hyped, don't care if it is "dumbed down" game compared to Doom 2 or whatever, that game is ancient and the franchise needs to get with the times, so again...call me crazy but i hope is more like Doom 3 than Doom 2.
Adding aimdownsights and stupid etc health regen is not "get with times". Todays fps games are nothing but firstpersonspectators mostly thesedays. Though, thankfully it seems that this game will not have any healthregen or ads crap in it because the scrapped doom 4 had all of them and it was seen as big mistake and thus whole projected was scrapped away.
Never said anything about cinematic games and is not like they are completely garbage (Spec Ops being a great example of this), only saying that hopefully they won't make a Doom 2 HD game with tons of keys to find in secret rooms in order to advance, that crap was tedious has hell, i want atmosphere, i want action, i want great gameplay, something that IMO Doom 3 made for the most part right, don't care if its called casual or generic, game was pretty fun.
You are now off path here. Secrets in older fps have never been necessary to finish a level (there maybe few levels that are different), mostly it has been that "if you try look for secrets, you get rewarded with weaponry/items that you would otherwise only get alot later on".
Spec Ops has really nice environment and story but the gears of war gameplay gets really boring after the first 30mins of playing. Kane & Lynch series games have exact same problem, because the constant repeative gameplay gets really boring because it's nothing but the same "stay behind cover, shoot and now take your time behind the cover to regen" and then it's the same exact thing on the next fight. Gets soo boring.
DOOM 3 is viewed by most of doom fans as *bad*, i think doom 3 is fine but i would much rather have a doom 1/2 style action fps that is all about speed, level exploring and killing because that kinda experience hasn't been provided in a long long time. Real secrets would also be really nice to have because they were rather pathetic in new order.
Fair enough, i remember playing Doom 64 and being stuck for a long time in a level searching for a key, honestly i don't remember if i needed it to finish the level but i think it was since i was stuck for the longest time searching that damn thing...and i got dizzy, i got bored, and when i finally passed the level i was more than ready to leave the game...i also played some Doom 2 and suffered from the same boring parts with searching things...but i do remember the frenetic action, and that was good and that's what i want, and i think Doom 3 did a pretty good job with some of that, i specially liked the atmosphere, but yeah i'm agree with fast peaced action with exploration (just don't make labyrinths or anything frustrating like that).
Also, i'm pretty fond to Spec Ops because the enviroment and the story, and even the gameplay, keep in mind that the last TPS i played was Last of Us and before that...i think it was Gears 1, i do think it get's repetitive, but as long as everything else is fine like setting, characters, etc, the game is fairly enjoyable.
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