lol... sure man. That's a pretty compelling argument you make there. Your way of thinking is being driven by your love, admiration, and subjective view of something that a lot of people simply don't like.
I did have a VR experience that was pretty immersive, but it was a space shuttle simulator and I didn't have to wear a headset with 67 cords running off of it (yes, I know newer headsets are a lot more form fitting, more comfortable, and they are moving toward no cord solutions, but once again, we just aren't there yet in most cases)... you aren't getting the moving and shaking and feel with just a headset, especially with inconsistent frames, terrible collision effects, no sense of depth, etc. Sense of feel is easier to fool than sense of sight in my opinion.
I have had just about every type of VR experience you could possibly imagine (including virtual boy and phone hardware and apps as well if you want to take it that far), probably more than the vast majority of the people that hype it up so much.
I know how much you love VR and I'm happy for you. I would never argue that it isn't the greatest thing for you personally... however, just like with everything else in life people can and will disagree. I just happen to be on the other end of the spectrum... not only does it not blow me away or feel immersive, it's actually quite the opposite. For me it's a lesson in frustration, it gets hot and fogged up, I don't want to share it with anyone, and it is bulky among many other negative things and that is my biggest problem with VR. The negatives for me easily outweigh the positives and kill any immersion there would have otherwise been. I want to relax on my couch and play a game without jumping through hoops, and if I want a true VR experience then I'll go outside and experience it first hand.
That said, I do think things are moving in the right direction and within 15-20 years we might be getting close to something that might be immersive and blow my mind. Until then they aren't getting any more of my money or fooling me into supporting something that they are, in most cases, just in to capitalize on an undersaturated market with more shovelware or a half assed "VR mode". Yeah, I know that bigger and better games are starting to be made, but they are few and far in between and hidden in a vast sea of mediocrity and horse shit.
I have played and own most of the bigger VR games that I was told are must haves and I didn't really care for any of them. I mean... the experience wasn't terrible in some cases, but it certainly wasn't anything special either. It was interesting at times I guess, but not something I'd like to do on a regular basis. I've done a LOT of things one, two, maybe a hand full of times and had my fair share of and knew it wasn't for me and I've given VR a LOT more chances than that. Why? Simple... I want to like it.. I just don't. To me it isn't what it's advertised to be.. not even close.
That said, I've only played one of the two next gen consoles so far and have had my mind blown for the first time in years (gaming related that is) a couple different times. If the XSX can do the same then this will be a GREAT generation for me.
I do not plan on wasting more money on what I consider is crappy VR that isn't there yet. It's overpriced, underutilized, and a mess in 99% of games (and that's being generous). When the most impressive aspect of the 3 different VR headsets I own or have tried is being in an environment with static objects and just looking around... well, that's a problem. It's kind of cool I guess, but it loses it's appeal very fast when you realize the basket weave is exactly what it is and will never change.
Now, if they can pull off something like MS was experimenting with their controller this gen and add scent packs, maybe heated or cooled air, possibly adding gloves or better controls that feel more like the PS5 controller, get the frames perfected, get closer to photo realism, etc... I don't know. All I do know is that as of this post I'm not impressed and simply do not like it and easily disagree with you. That said I won't pull numbers out of my ass, but I will say that if you think that the number of people who prefer VR over a traditional game console is more let alone 100,000 to 1 then I have a bridge to sell you.
Yes, I realize that this can change in the future, but as we stand now it is laughable at best and even then it's almost not even funny at that. You are like a new breed on these forums. You have Sheep, Herms, Lems, and Cows, but we need something for people that mainly play VR. How about Deer? Kinda like a deer in the headlights.. lol
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