@ronvalencia said:
One problem, PS4 doesn't have OpenGL i.e. it has AMD's Mantle like APIs.
From http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-how-the-crew-was-ported-to-playstation-4
"A lot of work was put into the move to the lower-level GNM, and in the process the tech team found out just how much work DirectX does in the background in terms of memory allocation and resource management. Moving to GNM meant that the developers had to take on the burden there themselves, as O'Connor explains:
"The Crew uses a subset of the D3D11 feature-set, so that subset is for the most part easily portable to the PS4 API. But the PS4 is a console not a PC, so a lot of things that are done for you by D3D on PC - you have to do that yourself. It means there's more DIY to do but it gives you a hell of a lot more control over what you can do with the system."
PlayStation Shader Language (PSSL) is very similar indeed to the HLSL standard in DirectX 11,
Note the PSSL is very similar to MS HLSL not with OpenGL's GLSL. You haven't realised the constant pattern with AMD's OpenGL is not being on par with DirectX. Wake me up when AMD releases it's OpenGL on par with Mantle and Direct3D.
Sorry i get confuse with Opengl is Libgnm.
But for all intended purposes it is the same,the point is making the game for xbox one should have been 100 times easier than porting it to Libgnm,which does require DIY coding rather than DX easy porting.
What's curious from our perspective is that United Front Games on Xbox One would have benefited from a reasonably straightforward porting process from the original PC DirectX 11 code since both platforms use the same API, while Nixxes would have needed to translate the original PC version across to the PS4's LibGNM API - not exactly a walk in the park based on this presentation from Ubisoft Reflections,
DF even quote the same article your quoting to show that doing things on PS4 is not a walk in the park,when you have to transcode a game.
@kbanna said:
#@@tormentos: You reek of insecurity dude. Again lets try to have an adult conversation. No one is here touting "secrete sauce" but insecure Sony fanboys. I am not a lemming ...or what ever the hell you lames use on this site, but a realist. The fact that "xbox1" was posted on the DX12 website means that DX12 in some way, shape, or fashion, will be available on the X1. This is a fact. I cant speak for others but I have made no claims of it making the machine more powerful then the ps4 or closing the "gap" you are so protective of. I don't even know what DX12 will be...nobody does. All we can infer is that, if its like its predecessors, it will aid in game development for the xbox and help to increase graphics and resolutions.
If games like Ryse are looking incredible at 900p it only bodes well for the system when dev tools help to reduce bottlenecks and increase fidelity. So as an xbox fan Im curious to see how this plays out. Why does that threaten what you have going on? You have a ps4 right? your busy playing all those fantastic games on your system now? So why the need to come to a thread that has zero to do with ps4 and bash positive musings of a system you obviously don't want?
Ill answer that for you. you are insecure. You don't want the X1 to gain any tactical advancements...even if it does not affect our system of choice. otherwise why waste your time?? I don't have any misconceptions of X1. personally I want it to get to 1080p 60fps on a more consistent basis so we can get back to arguing about the games themselves.
You Sony fans go on and on about resolution differences and fps to justify your purchase as "te most powaful' eva". Good. Enjoy your most powerful system and stay the hell out of grown man threads that are actually discussing improvements in game development.
Yeah just like the cloud making the xbox one from 10 times more powerful than the 360 to 40 times more powerful,you know what MS will say any sh** you make you byte into the console,the whole cloud crap was a total hoax.
Let me walk you around some of the crap MS has pull so far with the xbox one,in the endless race to prove the xbox one is strong..
ESRAM: The ultra fast memory that never stop giving which will increase performance by 10 folds.
Reality: 32MB of fast memory put in place to help the xbox one,cope with its severe bandwidth problems do to having DDR3 as main memory.32 MB has been deem to small by several sources including a developer.
The Cloud: Will allow the xbox one to harness power from a farm of servers seating all across the globe,and will increase the xbox one power from 10 times more powerful than the xbox 360 to 40 times,using your online connection.
Reality: Nothing but MS glorified server client,it will serve mostly for dedicated servers for games,like Titanfall has prove it doesn't increase the graphical output of the xbox one in any way,and MS that online connection are to slow to deliver any king of performance booster other than AI in some small way,since graphics requires fast bandwidth which online connection totally lack.
Shapes: The mighty powerful sound chip that would help the xbox one by offloading anything audio related,taunted as a great advantage over the PS4.
Reality: A sound chip that was mostly for Kinect voice commands,confirmed by one of the person who worked on the chip,very little were for actual developers use,and deem as no advantage when the PS4 use AMD trueaudio.
15 processors or DSP inside the APU: It was say by MS that the xbox one had 15 separate processors inside the APU to help with several things,that should help the xbox one take on the PS4 because it would free resources while PS4 will have to use its CPU.
Reality: When the "'15 Processors"" were break down it was a mighty joke by MS.
8 of the so call processors were for Audio In other words that is Shapes.(AMD trueaudio on PS4)
4 Move engines. (2 on PS4)
1 video encode (Also on PS4)
1 video decode (Also on PS4)
1 video composer resize (if i am not mistaken scaler) (also on PS4)
Partially Resident Textures: Also known as sparse textures,megatextures,a way to have more textures residing in memory without having to load all the textures into the memory.
Reality: Also on PS4 since the PS4 uses the same GCN line of GPU.
New one.
DX12 support: It is claim that DX 12 will some how work on xbox one so its GPU most be something new and DX 12 enable.
Reality : Any features that DX has that work on the xbox one,can be use on PS4 using other API,both are GCN confirmed from the same family.
You don't get it why Dead Rising 3 doesn't look like Ryse.? Yeah it is because the game is open and open games on xbox one look like sh**,and run like sh** to,Ryse is very enclosed do nothing but hack and slash game,where you are confine to narrow paths all the time,worse it has performance issues and it runs mostly at 26FPS with drop into the teens,is a performance disaster and is not even 1080p.
So yeah when you make games under those conditions you get those visuals,make Ryse an open game like Infamous and you see crappy it will look.
First of all i don't even own a PS4 so save your whole insecure crappy arguments,tactical advantages are won on games,up until now there is non on the xbox one side and all are in the PS4 favor,because the PS4 was build to be simple and as powerful at it could be,MS didn't build its system that way and has resort to trick people into thinking they have secret sauce that would make the consoles work alike.
Now this is systems wars if you don't like people telling you that MS so call advantages are lies don't come here and go to the xbox forums,there you can post about how incredible the xbox one is and how it will beat top end PC because of some hidden secret MS is not telling..lol
@blackace said:
No, that's impossible. Cows told me about a dozen times the XB1 doesn't have any secret sauce. The GPU/CPU and hardware in the XB1 can not be improved. But what if there is another GPU/CPU in the XB1?
Read my reply to the kid abode..
Funny didn't you say you don't care about graphics and performance and crap like that,but when ever you see a thread like this you sky dive into it with your usual damage control you fake manticore.
@Tessellation said:
look at the wall of rage! the dweller still mad for owning and humillating him several times on this forum lol,please continue crying puppet
The only own you have done in this forum is your own kid,now go skate remember to be back at home by 9:00 PM there school tomorrow..
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