Annnnnnd trials fusion lower than witcher 3. JFC is this list serious?
If it's ranked lower, why is that bad? TW3 shouldn't have been in the 50s lol, it's at least a top 20 game.
TW3 Should be in the top 3
That I disagree with. I can see an argument for top 20, even top 10 (I think it is definitely in my top 10), but I can't see it being higher than that personally. But that is just my opinion :)
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
It's a dumb list. To have a list representing best games 'of all time', and have XCOM: Enemy Unknown but not the original X-Com games, all of which were better than Enemy Unknown, is pretty dumb.
It almost seems like the author of that list was born in mid 90s, and totally missed out on X-Com games, DnD RPGs and all the pioneering FPS games
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
It's a dumb list. To have a list representing best games 'of all time', and have XCOM: Enemy Unknown but not the original X-Com games, all of which were better than Enemy Unknown, is pretty dumb.
It almost seems like the author of that list was born in mid 90s, and totally missed out on X-Com games, DnD RPGs and all the pioneering FPS games
Fire Emblem Fates? Really? I enjoyed Fates, but it's nowhere near the best game in the series.
In my opinion, FE 7, Sacred Stones, and Path of Radiance are the best games in the series. And Awakening blows Fates out of the water in so many ways, it's funny. The only thing Fates does better than Awakening is fixing how broken Pair Up was and more map variety.
If you're going to pick a Fire Emblem game to put on a list, why not those four? Fates would be next to Shadow Dragon near the bottom of the list.
On another note, no Sonic games? Alright, I get that the recent Sonic games have mostly been garbage and even the Adventure games might not have aged as well.
But are they seriously telling me that Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, or Sonic CD are not worthy of being on a list like this? Three of the best games on not just the Genesis, but three of the best games of all time?
Annnnnnd trials fusion lower than witcher 3. JFC is this list serious?
If it's ranked lower, why is that bad? TW3 shouldn't have been in the 50s lol, it's at least a top 20 game.
TW3 Should be in the top 3
It's worth noting that Edge gave TW3 a score of 8/10... Edge is one of the harsher reviewers out there. Like I said before, Edge have a strict reviewing criteria that tends to focus heavily on gameplay mechanics (which is TW3's weak point) and very little on video game storytelling (which is TW3's strong point). Keeping Edge's reviewing criteria in mind, TW3's placement in the 50s sounds about right.
A Nintendo fan trying to hide behind a Playstation avatar will never cease to amuse me.
But I am a PlayStation fan and a Nintendo fan. Actually, i am a fan of good games, and wherever they show up. That, however, is a concept that will always elude fanboys.
So since you don't own an XB1 you're saying that the XB1 has no good games. Well if you can't find a good game on XB1 then that's not because there isn't any, it's because you have shit taste :)
Or it could be you have shit taste and there are indeed no good games on XB1.
Not a single Xbone game made the list lol.
Shush child, you called it a shitty list, so anything you try to convey after it is BS because of that statement. The XB1 shares almost the same library as your current girlfriend (PS4) so it then must also have no good games.
The argument I had with chaz was about good games where this list is about 100 greatest games, which you and everyone else in this thread agrees is shit.
Some of the games on your currently playing list are multiplats and are also on the XB1, so by saying XB1 has no good games means you openly admit to having shit taste yourself by playing these not good games lol.
As for no XB1 games making the list, um there is multiplats on that list that are on the XB1 lol
I'm just shocked at lack of RTS and RPGs on that list. Starcraft 2? But no SC1? No C&C or Warcraft or Supreme Commander or Total Annihilation.. No Baldur's Gate or Fallout. Skyrim, but no Morrowind.
@i_p_daily: What the hell are you on about? I didn't even bring up the Xbox one, why did you dredge it up out of nowhere and throw it at me?
I don't own an Xbox One because while it has a lot of great games, any of them that interests can be played on systems I do own already, so I don't feel the need to spend money on it. That's it. End of discussion. Now go run along and talk about how much my perceived and entirely non existent fanboyism makes you again in some other thread.
Now there are some placements or inclusions I personally I do not agree with. i.e I'd probably switch around some of the Zelda titles, or rank some other games higher or lower than they are, but whatever.
The one thing I disagree with the most though is the FF representation. I mean, of all the FF games that made the list, they had to go with FFXII? Gross. That, and is FFXII the only FF they liked or something? No IV, V, VI, VII, IX? They had no issues listing multiple Zelda or Metroid titles...
@i_p_daily: I'm fairly sure when people say system A has no games they're talking about exclusives, just a heads up.
In any case those fanboys saying Xone or ps4 or switch has no good games to play are trolling morons.
Quacks and I have a running battle, and I enjoy laughing at him when he makes the comments that he does, and when he responds to my post I will have a response waiting for him :P
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
That's much too high for an unfinished game even if the gameplay is great.
The list is a fckin joke overall. EDGE wanted to be... edgey.
Sounds like you got shit taste, it's funny how people forget snes and nes games could be beaten in less than an hour, yet people can hold those games in high regard yet MGSV was missing one chapter that got cut...whoopie ******* do.
MGSV was better than 99% of the other MGS games except MGS3.
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
That's much too high for an unfinished game even if the gameplay is great.
The list is a fckin joke overall. EDGE wanted to be... edgey.
Sounds like you got shit taste, it's funny how people forget snes and nes games could be beaten in less than an hour, yet people can hold those games in high regard yet MGSV was missing one chapter that got cut...whoopie ******* do.
MGSV was better than 99% of the other MGS games except MGS3.
I love the MGS franchise but be honest, it was far from finished. Gameplay was good, everything else was mediocre to bad.
MGS1 and MGS3 are on another level because they were finished products. MGSV had the potential to be one of the best.
And love how you underplay the fact that they cut the FINAL act of the game, lmfao don't act they cut something minor, this is a major deal breaker. And they padded the game with a lot of copy paste side missions. There are many bad things about the game.
It's also stupid to compare the length of nes and snes games with an unfinished modern game.
Stop being a dumb apologist and look at it objectively.
@i_p_daily: What the hell are you on about? I didn't even bring up the Xbox one, why did you dredge it up out of nowhere and throw it at me?
I don't own an Xbox One because while it has a lot of great games, any of them that interests can be played on systems I do own already, so I don't feel the need to spend money on it. That's it. End of discussion. Now go run along and talk about how much my perceived and entirely non existent fanboyism makes you again in some other thread.
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
That's much too high for an unfinished game even if the gameplay is great.
The list is a fckin joke overall. EDGE wanted to be... edgey.
Sounds like you got shit taste, it's funny how people forget snes and nes games could be beaten in less than an hour, yet people can hold those games in high regard yet MGSV was missing one chapter that got cut...whoopie ******* do.
MGSV was better than 99% of the other MGS games except MGS3.
I love the MGS franchise but be honest, it was far from finished. Gameplay was good, everything else was mediocre to bad.
MGS1 and MGS3 are on another level because they were finished products. MGSV had the potential to be one of the best.
And love how you underplay the fact that they cut the FINAL act of the game, lmfao don't act they cut something minor, this is a major deal breaker. And they padded the game with a lot of copy paste side missions. There are many bad things about the game.
It's also stupid to compare the length of nes and snes games with an unfinished modern game.
Stop being a dumb apologist and look at it objectively.
Don't be stupid
Going by what was cut it was only 2 missions (one of them was just about liquid), some dialogue from Keifer that was cut and a few costumes. Whoopie ******* do, you can still put a good 40+ hours into a "unfinished" game, wow that just sounds stupid calling a game that has over 40 hours unfinished, in fact do you even know the difference between cut content and unfinished? go play some early access games on steam and come back to me when you know the difference.
You know what, I bet you're just one of those kids that were pissed off how venom snake wasn't big boss. Coming from someone who's fav character is big boss (I even have a tattoo of boss), MGSv answered one of the biggest questions MG fans have been wondering about since the nes days.
That's a pretty ballsy list, much respect. I'm surprised they put MGSV in their top 20, pretty rare to see that.
That's much too high for an unfinished game even if the gameplay is great.
The list is a fckin joke overall. EDGE wanted to be... edgey.
Sounds like you got shit taste, it's funny how people forget snes and nes games could be beaten in less than an hour, yet people can hold those games in high regard yet MGSV was missing one chapter that got cut...whoopie ******* do.
MGSV was better than 99% of the other MGS games except MGS3.
I love the MGS franchise but be honest, it was far from finished. Gameplay was good, everything else was mediocre to bad.
MGS1 and MGS3 are on another level because they were finished products. MGSV had the potential to be one of the best.
And love how you underplay the fact that they cut the FINAL act of the game, lmfao don't act they cut something minor, this is a major deal breaker. And they padded the game with a lot of copy paste side missions. There are many bad things about the game.
It's also stupid to compare the length of nes and snes games with an unfinished modern game.
Stop being a dumb apologist and look at it objectively.
Don't be stupid
Going by what was cut it was only 2 missions (one of them was just about liquid), some dialogue from Keifer that was cut and a few costumes. Whoopie ******* do, you can still put a good 40+ hours into a "unfinished" game, wow that just sounds stupid calling a game that has over 40 hours unfinished, in fact do you even know the difference between cut content and unfinished? go play some early access games on steam and come back to me when you know the difference.
You know what, I bet you're just one of those kids that were pissed off how venom snake wasn't big boss. Coming from someone who's fav character is big boss (I even have a tattoo of boss), MGSv answered one of the biggest questions MG fans have been wondering about since the nes days.
"only 2 missions (one of them was just about liquid), some dialogue from Keifer that was cut and a few costumes" First of all we don't know if that's all that was cut and even if that was all..., they were the final missions, it's not just some arbitrary mission that was cut. Start being honest and stop being such an apologist for an unfinished game. Because its unfinished state, the game also lacked in more areas than just cut content.
"sounds stupid calling a game that has over 40 hours unfinished" So if a game reaches x amount of hours it's finished by your standards? MGSV reaches these hours because it copy and pastes missions + the grind for unlocking all items/weapons. But not because of QUALITY content. The game's only redeeming character is its gameplay, but that doesn't change the endless imitated missions.
And LOL at comparing early access steam games with a AAA game. Please stop making these dumb analogies, you look like a fool.
Btw, I liked the twist, it wasn't perfect but for me that was one of the highlights of the game.
Anyway, you mentioned you have a tattoo of big boss, that's nice. But that clearly indicates you're probably emotionally invested and this will blind you from looking at this game objectively.
Lets be honest, MGS' unfinished is better than most games' finished
Agree, it's still a good game yet not finished because of Konami's shenenigans.
But remember in what thread we are, we're talking about the 100 greatest games of all time. Edge dared to put it in the top 20... If it comes to ranking the best games of all time, standards should be very high.
Sorry but a AAA game with a huge budget, even if it's MGS, doesn't get a free pass.
@knight-k: Now you're just reaching for straws, don't be stupid. One of those missions was just a little back story for Liquid (which I don't give AF about him) and the other mission from what I heard was just a "loyalty" type of mission for Quiet.
Cut content =/= unfinished game, stop being ignorant and know the difference. Age of Conan, Towns, DA2, Ark, MEA are all prime examples of unfinished games. Let's say they added those two missions to MGSV, it wouldn't have made that much of a difference except oh boy we got to see what happens to Liquid :rolls eyes: and see more of Quiet. Hell even FF15 had whole maps/areas/possible quests that were hidden on maps that were next to finished maps, now that's another prime example of an unfinished game. Even not having those two missions MGSV was still a solid game with one of thee best open worlds for a stealth game and probably one of the best mind fucks we've seen in gaming, not to mention one of the endings that has a nice little time jump during Metal Gear which was pretty badass if you caught it.
@knight-k: Now you're just reaching for straws, don't be stupid. One of those missions was just a little back story for Liquid (which I don't give AF about him) and the other mission from what I heard was just a "loyalty" type of mission for Quiet.
Cut content =/= unfinished game, stop being ignorant and know the difference. Age of Conan, Towns, DA2, Ark, MEA are all prime examples of unfinished games. Let's say they added those two missions to MGSV, it wouldn't have made that much of a difference except oh boy we got to see what happens to Liquid :rolls eyes: and see more of Quiet. Hell even FF15 had whole maps/areas/possible quests that were hidden on maps that were next to finished maps, now that's another prime example of an unfinished game. Even not having those two missions MGSV was still a solid game with one of thee best open worlds for a stealth game and probably one of the best mind fucks we've seen in gaming, not to mention one of the endings that has a nice little time jump during Metal Gear which was pretty badass if you caught it.
"Cut content =/= unfinished game" It depends on what was cut.
We know about the Liquid mission but there's more. And stop being an apologist, it's no secret MGSV wasn't finished, Kojima wanted to do much more but had to stop because of budget reasons. Read about MGSV, it's an almost unanomous conclusion MGSV was unfinished. And again the game lacks in more areas than one. (story, content, polish,...)
I don't think you're honest with yourself, but hey if you think a game in that state deserves to be in the top 20 greatest games of all time, good for you.
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