@knight-k: Now you're just reaching for straws, don't be stupid. One of those missions was just a little back story for Liquid (which I don't give AF about him) and the other mission from what I heard was just a "loyalty" type of mission for Quiet.
Cut content =/= unfinished game, stop being ignorant and know the difference. Age of Conan, Towns, DA2, Ark, MEA are all prime examples of unfinished games. Let's say they added those two missions to MGSV, it wouldn't have made that much of a difference except oh boy we got to see what happens to Liquid :rolls eyes: and see more of Quiet. Hell even FF15 had whole maps/areas/possible quests that were hidden on maps that were next to finished maps, now that's another prime example of an unfinished game. Even not having those two missions MGSV was still a solid game with one of thee best open worlds for a stealth game and probably one of the best mind fucks we've seen in gaming, not to mention one of the endings that has a nice little time jump during Metal Gear which was pretty badass if you caught it.
"Cut content =/= unfinished game" It depends on what was cut.
We know about the Liquid mission but there's more. And stop being an apologist, it's no secret MGSV wasn't finished, Kojima wanted to do much more but had to stop because of budget reasons. Read about MGSV, it's an almost unanomous conclusion MGSV was unfinished. And again the game lacks in more areas than one. (story, content, polish,...)
I don't think you're honest with yourself, but hey if you think a game in that state deserves to be in the top 20 greatest games of all time, good for you.
Legit question (haven't played TPP, so I actually am curious here)- if the game is superlatively good in spite of being unfinished or having cut content, does it really matter?
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