Tormentos is being stupid again.
X1's superior write performance was backed by a secondary source from Gaigin
How much more powerful?
AY: It depends what youre doing. GPU, like 40 per cent more powerful. DDR5 is basically 50 per cent more powerful than DDR3, but the memory write [performance] is bigger on Xbox One so it depends on what youre doing.
How is that going to translate to on-screen results for the kinds of games you want to make? So to optimise War Thunder on both consoles you could hypothetically make a better, prettier version on PS4?
AY: Yep.
KY: Probably yes. But again, thats not a very big deal.
You used 133GB/s alpha blending from DF article and it was based on a name less developer,what the dude say there is not the same as what the other imply,it is you who have problems understanding apparently.
You are a hypocrite that take any sh** for the xbox one an try to pass it as real,but anything for the PS4 will not work some how.
Like the whole 204GB/s banwidth which is add up by MS morons,but you fastly compared the 5870 memory problem to the PS4 even when the fu**ing 5870 in nothing is like the PS4,hypocrite to the max you are and i expose you.
talking about bandwidth, who remembers this?
Major Nelson comparing Xbox 360 vs PS3: "Xbox 360 has 278.4 GB/s of memory system bandwidth."
Major Nelson didn't show the link between the GPU and eDRAM which is only 32 GB/s.
With X1, the link between ESRAM and GPU is around 204 GB/s and ESRAM's peak bandwidth is also 204 GB/s.
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