32MB T6 SRAM ~= 1.6 billion / 5 billion = 32 precent.
X1's faster write performance has some benefits for raytacing and procedural generation type workloads.
Sadly most games are not compose of just raytracing and procedual genation type workloads.
By the way it was confirmed that Ryse was 900p,just like this article state xbox one games are runing,could it be that the leak source was Crytek.?
The article also confirm ESRAM to be troublesome for developer which other rumors also point to.
So the PS4 is more powerful and easier to apparently which is a deadly combination.
Sadly, there are plenty of games that used procedural generation.
Avalanche Studios employed procedural generation to create a large and varied group of tropical islands in great detail for Just Cause.
For example, SpeedTree is middleware used to generate a large variety of trees procedurally,
Left 4 Dead 2 (2009) - Certain areas of maps are randomly generated and weather effects are dynamically altered based on current situation.
PC version of Ghostbusters has "ray-tracing" methods in one of it's rendering stage.
Mark Randel: The PC will most definitely be an optimized version. For example, if you have a fast SLI/Crossfire rig, you can turn on per pixel screen space ambient occlusion. The game will perform up to 64 raytraces per pixel on the screen to increase the detail level. That is something you cannot do on the current consoles. Plus you can increase shadow map resolution and use super high resolution textures if you have the memory!
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