@dynamitecop said:
The original PS4 is much more attractive, and it's already small enough so I'm failing to see the appeal to this.
No is not and you people have downplay it as looking like an eraser..hahahaa
The fun thing is you people have miss how bad the xbox one look how huge it is and on top of that you have to carry with it a power brick which is 1/3 of the PS4 size...hahahaa
But considering that you are the fool who claim sony make the slim PS4 in 2 months to counter MS i don't expect you to say something different..
@dynamitecop said:
A lower price should already be implied for the existing device, it's only dropped $50 in nearly 3 year, Sony has price gouged because of their stance in the market.
Also not to mention Neo is being announced/launched so the price should fall naturally in that case as well.
That is funny the PS3 slim was $299 in 2009,when the xbox 360 elite was lower to $299 on August 2009,the elite XB360 carry a 120GB HDD just like the slim PS3 did,which release 1 month latter,the difference was that the xbox 360 didn't have blu-ray or free online play or even a cheap way to buy another HDD.
The PS3 went down in price more in 3 years than the xbox 360 went down the complete generation,specially for a model with HDD.
The $99 360 model was the core which started at $299 so it dropped $199 in like 8 years because it was at the end of the generation that it started to hit $99 and during black friday deals,so basically sony lower more the price of the PS3 in 3 years than the xbox 360 did in 8,oh not to mention the wii which was $50 less than a Elite 360 in 2009 and than a PS3 slim Nintendo basically refused to lower the price until sales started to stall.
The xbox 360 was cheaper to built than the PS3 by a considerable gap,and MS refuse for years to drop the price of the unit accordingly,yet you didn't say anything.
@dynamitecop said:
Would you drive a dildo if it could get you to work and back home? Looks matter man, they always do.
Really then how the fu** you bought a HUGE ugly ass xbox one with that huge power brick.? The xbox one look like an 8's VCR is not a good looking console at all.
But i guess that when it is your console of choice the ugly one it is ok.
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