@mems_1224 said:
I thought the gameplay in BIoshock was a lot more fun than TLOU. Story is a toss up.
You posted so fast after this thread went up, there's no way you couldve watched both vids. Watch them both.
Anyway, enounters in Bioshock came down to this: waves and waves of enemies rushing in a straight line toward you. That wasnt fun. Bioshock has some of the most braindead and tedious combat ever. Gunplay is lackluster too.
LOL hell, the BIGGEST complaint about Bioshock, even from hardcore Bioshock fans, was that the gameplay sucked ass in Bioshock and didnt mesh well with the story either
Being objective, Last of Us has much better gameplay.
Combat encounters are so dynamic and sandbox like in Last of Us. You can approach enemies from multiple paths. You can stealth run, play cat and mouse with enemies, brawl it out in brutal fashion, shoot provided you have the resources, mixtures of all the above, set traps, throw items to distract and manuver around, hit with items or crafted special items, or throw items to running meele combos...more so...all those options were all viable to coming out on top, and were done in ways that they were so fun too (Naughty Gods are some of the best when it comes to gameplay design too)
BTW brick throw to pipe smash in Last of Us is one of the greatest and most satisfying things ever!
Lets say you got caught in stealth. Shit would hit the fan, and when shit hit the fan, you had to improvise on the fly or go on the run, and there is nothing more intense!
Or just barely managing to get by a heated encounter while on low resources and or on low health = holy shit too.
Getting caught durring stealth wasnt a "game over" like in other stealth games. You could even run away and naturally lose the enemies, re-evaluate, and give it another go, with a new gameplan in mind, once you got your bearings back. Last of Us has such organic and adaptive stealth mechanics
Bottom line is, Last of Us has some of the most intense, brutal, dynamic, engaging, well-thought out combat I have ever played.
Furthermore, the combat was backed by a real time crafting system and item resource management gameplay.
You could chose to craft for offensive purposes to suite a more offensive approach in combat (motlav cocktails etc) or chose to craft for defensive purposes instead going for a more defensive approach (medkits, shivs etc)
And shivs were even used to unlock doors so you had to really question, do I use the shiv for stealth kills or do I use it to unlock doors.
Even choosing when to craft, since it was done in real time, required thought and startegy. Would even lead to intense on the fly moments. Picture being on the run and low on health while looking for a safe place to craft a medkit as the drums are kicking and enemies give chase. So intense!
Not to mention, that taking shots would actually knock you back, so you were always encouraged to stay on your toes and play smart. Even in gunplay.
Last of Us has such deep combat gameplay. Im having trouble thinking of a third person combat game that had as much gameplay depth as the Last of Us had.
Last of Us is not your typical AAA corridor shooter like Gears of War/Bioshock is
Last of Us requires actual thought to play. Combat is flexible, and beautifully designed by Naughty Dog- from the mecahnics to level design/level lay outs/enemy placements....and you have the tools at your disposal to tackle the encounters how ever which way you wanted to.
The gameplay style in Last of Us might not be for everyone; considering its also unique, very brutal, and very intense, but that gameplay style that Naughty Dog was going for was objectively done to expertise. It matched the themes/story perfectly too. The combat gameplay in Last of Us is objectively excellent and played like something revolutionary when taken as a whole. Combat that perfectly blended survival horror with action, that was still challenging, and was backed by item resource managment mechanics etc
Nothing plays like the Last of Us!
What is more amazing, is that that superb gameplay in Last of Us only served to compliment the superb story in Last of Us and vice versa.
The way you had to scavenge for items as a survivor, and how what ever items you crafted served the combat etc
The way combat was so brutal, intense, and a reflection of the story
The character developement that would occur IN GAME.
Example, as the game went on and Joel and Ellie would get closer, Ellie would start actually helping you out in combat (stabbing dudes from behind, throwing bricks at your enemies giving you a slight window of oppurtunity)
The dynamic in-game dialogue would even reflect Joel and Ellie getting closer at the same pace as the story went on
Etc etc
Last of Us is just a god tier game. Naughty Dog with the Last of Us did things that no other developer / game really has done before. The character developement that occured in gameplay, its deep dynamic third person stealth action/item resource managment combat gameplay, the way its superb gameplay and superb story only served to compliment each other and came togther as one.
Last of Us is the greatest game Ive ever played, and ive beem gaming since on the NES
Oh and the story in Last of Us was mature based on its own merits... unlike the pretentious, overly wrought/overly complex for the sake of it story that Bioshock had.
Bioshock's idea of a good story was throwing out as many unnecessary twists as possible just for a shallow "wow" factor. All flash.
The story in Last of Us was objectively great on its own merits, it had the substance, it actually resonated on a deep emotional level, and it was just fundamentally well put together and well structured with amazing characters that were well developed etc
Everything Bioshock failed at trying to go for, Naughty Dog with the Last of Us NAILED ten fold over.
Naughty Dog did it all much better and in a far more choesive manner then the Bioshock developers could ever dream of. Im not even going to mention the failure that was the Tomb Raider reboot. The Tomb Raider reboot still hasnt even surpassed Uncharted 2, while Naughty Dog with the Last of Us has already taken gameplay and story each to the next level. Naughty Dog is the greatest developer of our time.
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