@kalipekona: @HalcyonScarlet: @nyadc: @jun_aka_pekto: I'm speaking from what i've read in performance analysis from Dark Side of Gaming, SW threads, Reddit, Neogaf threads, etc.
As always, a pc version might be extremely well optimized, but some users will find constant bugs and crashing issues. The nature of the platform.
I've only read issues releated to WD, DR3, AC Unity, DA I and FF13.
TWE, i read alot about bugs, plus the whole "you can't get a stable 60fps", black bars, etc. Sure, they've been modded out but i was speaking in terms of launch.
FC4 for me had alot of stuttering caused by a reported issue with terrible multithreading and i had to do some fixing with mouse acceleration.
But awesome you guys didn't have problems-
TBH, I haven't played Watch Dogs, I just thought the situation was about gimped graphical settings. I had no idea it had many problems running.
I may pick it up on a sale at some point though. Just didn't look very interesting to me. The driving part doesn't look that fun either.
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