All those tittles currently have a 2011 release date assuming they don't get posponed. These are Sony's 1st and 2nd party exclussives. Or have you forgotten the fact that Sony's 1st & 2nd party divisions are bigger than Nintendo and MS combined?.
First off, not all of them have a 2011 release date. Dead Nation is 2010 - which if you're looking forward to it, you should know. Nier came out in April (and yes, in English) - if you really cared about it beyond including it in a list, you would know this. It is the Gestalt version, but considering the only difference between it and Replicant is a swap of character models, SE would be wasting their time in releasing it. Again, you should know this. Games like Yakuza 4 and Ar Tonelico 3 are not 1st or 2nd party exclusives - they are third party exclusives. Uncharted 3 has not been announced - it doesn't matter if it's obviously coming (though probably not next year), it has not been announced. Eyedentify is vaporware. Also, I forgot to mention it in my previous post, but you're also including multiplatform titles. Final Fantasy XIV is on the PC, Tales of Graces is on the Wii - for Graces, we don't even know if we'll get either version in English.
You're inflating the list (which considering what the lineup actually looks like next year, doesn't need to be inflated), and you're doing it with games you know nothing about.
The concensus argument here are the PS3/360 exclussives. I don't think it matters if its 1st, 2nd or 3rd party devs...they still exclussives to the PS3. Uncharted 3, basically, has been confirmed by Nolan North, voice actor of Drake. And there's always a 2 year gap between each games so they'll definetly be announcing it by the end of the year.
I wasn't aware of a Wii version of Tale of Graces so I apologize for that. It still doesn't cancel the fact that the upcomming exlcussives list for the PS3 is absurdly bigger compared to the 360, which is why I made the comparison given to MS poor performance with the Xbox lately.
It doesnt matter what Sony pulls out of there hat. Nothing not even Uncharted 3 will beat Halo Reach. I mean look how over rated Uncharted 2 was. I could beat any arguement you have got to defend Uncharted 2 against Halo 3. On Metacritic Halo is 95 and Uncharted 2 is 96 ... Fair enough but when Reach comes out it will have higher than Uncharted 2. Not only that but what determines a game is better is Reviews ( Uncharted 2 won only by 1 ). Sales ( Halo 3 definatly won ) and if the game can hit the number 1 spot and hold it for 3 years as the most played game ( Halo 3 won this Uncharted 2 probably never even made it into the top 10 ). But the fact of the matter is that Microsoft dosnt need that much exclusives because 90% of the time they dish out awesome ones that people will play for a long time. Sony will keep spitting out exclusives until it finally gets something that screams Halo.
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