Nice... now all the sudden a game being short is not a bad thing, where as a week ago it was.
I like short games.Yes I spent over 100+ hours on Oblivion, but I still like short games. If they are short, but VERY sweet, then I enjoy them more then long, and kinda mediocre.
There seems to be some magical equation that exists which requires that a game costing a certain price MUST be a certain length. I think this is horse crap. Will I pay $60 for a super awesome really great 2 hour game? No chance in hell. 8 hours of super awesome? Yeah probably. 50 hours of awesome super spectacular? No.. that's too long really. It might only be super spectacular for the first 15 or so anyways, before it gets repetative.
I think there is a bit of backing down going on in the gaming world. Back in the NES days it was possible, and common, to beat a game in one sitting. This was normal. Granted there were the Zelda's and FFII's back then, but most games had the ability to be completed in on sitting. These games were still super freakin awesome.
Since the technology has grown there has been a craze to make games longer, which really has surved no purpose than to make people feel like they are getting more for their dollar. Once we all became used to this, all the sudden going back is a big no no. Again.. this is horse crap.
Great games are great regardless of how long they are. If it is super fun then just play it a second time. I think in some cases I would rather play a super awesome game twice through, then a super awesome (twice as long) game once through. It's like watching a movie a second time. It really is a different experience.
But whatever, that is just my stupid little rant.
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