Thank you. :P I did my best keep it short enough but I think I covered their points pretty well.
They actually mention Demon's Souls and Dark Souls as games that contradict the genre definitions, seeing as they are Japanese-made games but are Western style RPGs. This, as you said, goes against the definitions, which is why they think the current way we define genres is incorrect.
I have to agree with the role playing thing. I see gaming as a whole as role playing, because you are generally acting as another character. It's not really a misnomer, but at the same time it defines a lot more than just the genre that we tend to think of it as. I think the kind of role playing you're talking about is more of role creating because you're actions directly affect certain outcomes and you aren't restricted to certain actions.
I believe here that most people mistake controlling an avatar, or as the video makes reference to as being the "puppet master", with role playing. Just because you control the combat actions of Master Chief, Kratos, Lara Croft, mario, Zelda, Solid Snake, Marcus Feenix, or Ezio Auditore (to name a few) doesn't mean you're role playing them. They're all predetermined characters, not just in outward appearance but in attitude and interpretation of the events surrounding them. That' all been scripted by the writer, same as in any other genre (film, TV, books) that we passively observe the character's actions and reactions.
Role playing is fundmentally about interaction, and in what ways you deem to interpret responses in given scenarios. Being able to imbue the character with qualities you desire, so they become a reflection of you is what distinguishes role playing from merely controlling.
And you both are quite right about how Demon's Souls is not only an example of how mechanics alone fail to adequetely define a genre, but how regional labelling is a line becoming more and more blurry. While we need to distinguish between different RPG sub genres, it's better to approach it by design philosophy rather than region. Perhaps what we're really looking at is;
Scripted RPG, when you play a predetermined character, and where the story is largely linear, like in Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, or Persona
Dynamic RPG, when you craft and define your own character, and are offered more freedom of interaction, like in Dragon Age, KOTOR, Skyrim, and by that criteria we could categorize Demon's Souls.
But this is just a "rough sketch" suggestion, not something I'd consider finalized, so don't lynch me for it :P:P
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