Fable 2 has been getting enormous hype on this board (mainly from individuals rather than a paticular type of fanboy, but I digress), not only for its gameplay but for its visuals as well. However, these aren't as good as certain people would like you to think.
The following images are taken from the official Fable 2 website (http://www.lionhead.com/fable2/screenshots.html) and are the latest images available.
Note the poor quality textures of the clothes and flags on the bridge. The swords look as if they are made of leather and many of the metal objects such as the guns have ridiculous amounts of bloom. The trees and leaves seem very cartoony and plastic.The planks of wood that make up the bridge lack any detail of any kind, meaning this detail we've been told about isn't present so far. Even the grass textures are dissapointing, the dirt simply melds straight into it like an ugly PS2 game.
Granted, this could simply be a bad image, so let's move on...
Once again, notice the lack of any detail in the character's skin and clothes as well as the unnecessary bloom on the man's shirt. The grass tufts with blue flowers in the middle of the picture are very flat and 2D looking. The hut once again lacks any grainy wood textures, making it seem very cartoony and plastic like the trees in the previous image. And again, we can notice many 'jaggies' in the picture.
"Buh...buh...but you only showed two pictures :cry:"
Damage control? Sure, let's see another.
Here we have a prime example of ugly, lazy texture work. The bushes in the bottom left corner are completely undetailed and could be from a Gamecube game. The barrels lack any wood textures and are simply a brown colour - still lacking the detail promised. Hobbes' clothes are flat textures and have no cloth detail. The grass and dirt once again melds into each other and look very last-gen. If we study the image as a whole we can see the over-usage of bloom throughout.
It's certainly not the worst looking game ever made, but it certainly doesn't live up to the hype so far. With claims that it looks better than Crysis, and boasts of "120,000 leaves per tree" the game is dissapointing. Here's hoping they put far more work into it and it ends up looking like this, like the hype expects.
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