[QUOTE="SgtKevali"][QUOTE="Mestitia"] Why are you posting on this board then? Go to General Games DIscussion if you can't handle the SW heat. The 360 just lost one it's few major exlcusives.Mestitia
I come here because there's more discussion. I really don't understand why anybody would be sad that a game is available to more people. That seems fairly pathetic, and weren't the cows down playing this game to oblivion, talking about how Fable 2 flopped etc.?
You know what dude, every time something like this happens people like you pop up and then go away untill a similar thing happens against the PS3 and then it's fun. nobody cares that you don't care, if this was GT5 going multiplat people would make an even bigger deal, it is what it is. It is good news, it's just not very good news for the 360 which is showing less and less reasons for being relevant.The 360 is just as relevant today as it was when it launched as its still getting fantastic games and will continue to do so.
System Wars relevance, who really actually cares. SW is a bit of fun, and is not to be taken seriously, if you do then you need to get out alot more or find a healthier hobby.
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