Every day I see a new console person want to get a gaming rig. The fact of the matter is being on Xbox live feels like if I was sitting in a cubicle. Sure you can play online but that's about it. Plus you can't browse any servers which sucks. You're limited to what you can do and you're also paying for it. Ouch, isn't paying for broadband enough? I guess not for Micro$oft.
Don't even get me started on the Wii. I sold my thing after two weeks. There's really nothing there that is challenging. Hell that is really my point.
Haha Playstation 3, by 2010 there won't be any more in the making I bet. At least the online is free though. That I gotta give up to Sony, free online. If only Nintendo would stop being so hard headed and catch on.
Just to conclude my point, consoles are far too easy for those that want a real challenge. Zelda: Twilight Princess was a yawn fest. Gears of War, was rofl short and easy. The only real challenge was on Insane and even then two parts at the last level. It was fun for a bit though i'll give it that, but waay too short.
The real winner here is the PC. Sure we might have the games being pirated, and people afraid to try it out. But hey, it's for those that seek a challenge. A challenge in learning and building your own rig. No console will ever fully do what a PC does. That is why I hereby declare the PC winner of the next gen system wars.
Quad and Eigth cores are incoming. Cell what? :D
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