So what's the point? I don't argue about something that's not revlent to the topic. He said PC is the winner. I was telling him the winner is determine by sales which PC has never won. Sure, we all want to change the rules when you keep failing. That is what the TC is trying to convince us."Let's play soccer with our hands".
And what sales do you speak of? Truth be told, the hardware sales of the PC outshine every single console ever made. When it comes to software sales, I already pointed to games like WoW that are bringing an insane amount of money flow. Also, keep in mind they have yet to take into account digital distribution, which is becoming bigger by the day?
While I wouldn't say that the TC is speaking the truth as he's stating an opinion, I wouldn't say that the PC is "dead last" like you have.
delusuional. PC sales great, but PC games don't even compare to console. To even say PC software is on the level of console software has just shown me your lack of knowledge in the area. WOW sold 10 million? I can name you 15-20 console games that has sold more. System Wars didn't start when Gamespot was created. I was a little kid defending the NES from Turbo Graphix 16 and Sega fanboys. Sales determine the winner back then, and will continue to do so.
Your argument falls flat on its face when you realize the handful of games that has surpassed the sales of WoW has pretty much only been Nintendo.
You are basically claiming Sony and MS's consoles are doign worse off than PC gaming.
Everything you said in that post was all on you. Your own argument failed. Don't make it mines.
"Claiming sales determines winners" is saying Sony and MS are doing worse than PC gaming because only a handful of franchise (almost all of them are Nintendo ones) have sold better than the best PC games.
Get it? Not very har. Or are you too blind to make sense of your own argument?
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