I am forced to ponder: How many Wii's would have sold if it was packaged with a standard controller? I'm guessing not much. We know that what didn't sell the Wii was power. We also know that graphics also did not play an important part.
But what about the games?
Well, how many AAA games were available during launch? And were any of these games the start of a new franchise?
It is quite apparent that a gimmick controller is what cleared the game store shelves. If the Wii used a standard controller, we would be looking at the Gamecube all over again.
Well, besides the controller and sales, we practically are.
Also. Most of the games that have been popular on Wii, such as Wii sports and Wario Ware etc, would have been pretty **** WITHOUT the Wiimote. I agree with you. It really is the Wiimote, and subsequently the games the use it best, that is selling the Wii right now.I actually wish the other companies had saw fit to create similar controllers for their machines (possibly a pointer of some sort that plugged into the ports on their controllers), because if the Xbox 360 had used a similar controller to Wii then I wouldn't be sitting here debating whether to get one or not, it would be forgone conclusion...
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