@tormentos said:
@delta3074 said:
'So you can't quote me.? Ok...'
Learn to read english idiot, i already stated i didn't need to, posting an article written by a company you believe is biased towards the Xbone is more than enough to prove your hypocrisy, in other words, NO work needed on my part, you proved it yourself.
If you can;t see the hypocrisy in that then there really is no hope for you sunshine.
'several developer actually mock him for making those bold claims about double performance and huge gains.'
They never said it WOULDN'T Increase performance on the xbone they where just mocking him for his 2x claim, obviously it won't DOUBLE the performance of the GPU.
The general Consensus though is that New SDK's have the potential to massively increase performance on Console hardware, Even Ps4 developers acknowledge that.
PS4 ICE Team programmer Cort Stratton added that, “New SDKs can significantly improve performance on the same hardware, yes. Dunno about DX12/X1 specifically, of course; not my dept."
i find it funny that Developers that have no experienc of DX12 are mocking a developer who is actually using it to develop games when they have never touched it.
Who is more credible Tormentos, the guy actually using the Software or the Guys who have never touched the software
i will leave that one to the world Jury mate
i am not the one pretending i know about these things, you are a FAKE and a Charlatan Who pretends to be knowledgeable about such things but all you really know is what you read online, you have no coding qualifications or experience in game development, so you Rooted a couple of phones, who hasn't, that doesn't make you a hardware tech or an Expert on DX12.
Nobody really knows the Effect DX12 will have on the xbone but you realize that if it DOES increase the Xbones performance in ANY area you are going to look like the biggest tool on the internet because you are the only one thats adamant it won't Deliver ANY performance gains on the Xbone
No there is a difference between not needing to and not been able to.
It will do shit you moron because what DX12 what does in bring CONSOLE LIKE PROGRAMABILITY TO PC.
Since the xbox one Is a fu**ing console you can't bring to it something already there,this is the reason why Fable shouldn't have 20% gains on xbox one is a DX12 game for both platforms people like you are just to dumb to understand what DX12 is i even have quote of MS talking about bringing D3D to PC man.
That part you quote there is in my quote.
He also said that people have a right to be skeptical about performance gains. “Good; always be suspicious of ANY perf. improvement claims. e.g. what *exactly* got 50-100% faster? Faster than what? Details!”
And he say this after what you selectively quote so yeah excuse me for been suspicious about it.
Oh that second bold part say allot about you,so which is the account from where you posting that.? Because i have hear that shit ass excuse already,the xbox one hasn DX12 features ass,it already has them there is some features it will never get because it is not DX12 fully compatible like Maxwell GPU are.
A CPU over head API will not help the xbox one with GPU problems,resolution is a problem of the GPU,and only the GPU is responsible for it unlike frames,which can be impact by CPU in some cases,if you are CPU bottleneck at 1080p you will be at 900p a drop in resolution will not fix that and CD Projekt knows it,further more they are working on a damn game for xbox one,not a demo of an engine like Brad Wardel,is incredible how sad you have become but that line about not touching DX12 i have heard it before from a certain alter ego account here..lol
That is funny hypocrite because you are doubting a developer with years of experience on PC which had a game that come in a month,how many years have coding to doubt DC Projekt which by the way prefer DX over Opengl.
The only qualification i need is not been a blind moron like you and stormyjoke are,it is quite evident now that you are one of those alters who argue all day about how great DX12 which explain your lack of been here,funny how you,sts106mats,Blackace,tessellation,Williambaker have basically all banish,and in your place a barrage of new accounts riding the xbox one secret sauce funny how the lemmings have banish this gen..lol
So i may be a charlatan but at least i know who i cheer for and don't deny been a cow like you have been a lemming..
If DX12 increase performance on the xbox one i will gladly admit been wrong,which is more than i can say for fanboy like you and stormy.
'And he say this after what you selectively quote so yeah excuse me for been suspicious about it.'
so where did he say it WOULDN'T increase Hardware performance in the xbox one? where in that article does anybody say there will not be performance gains? the information you posted doesn't change the Game i said:
'They never said it WOULDN'T Increase performance on the xbone'
How does what YOU posted invalidate what i said?
'Dunno about DX12/X1 specifically, of course; not my dept."'
Says it all really doesn't it? the guy knows NOTHING about DX12 because it's NOT HIS DEPARTMENT
What makes you assume i was talking about performance increases for the GPU? i never mentioned the GPU? you are obsessed with GPU's.
'you realize that if it DOES increase the Xbones performance in ANY area you are going to look like the biggest tool on the internet because you are the only one thats adamant it won't Deliver ANY performance gains on the Xbone'
did you see this part 'performance in ANY area'
you understand the phrase 'in any area' right?
NOT just the GPU right?
i am not obsessed with all the bull crap you write for me it's as simple as this:
It either increases the xbone performance in one way or it doesn't increase it's performance at all, whether or not it will allow the ONE to run games in 1080p is neither here nor there for me, you are trying to Debunk an argument i NEVER made in the first place, i never even mentioned 1080p.
So commit yourself, the questions simple
Will DX12 increase the Xbones performance in any way whatsoever?
Waiting for an answer and make it a yes or no answer because i really don't care about your reasoning behind your answer because on the one hand you say it won't do **** all and then you start chatting about how CPU improvement won't affect GPU which implies that you belie.ve there WILL be performance gains for the Xbone.
And before you start playing the 'u lem' card, both the Xbone and PS4 are the WORST consoles in gaming history in my opinion, this has nothing to do with my affiliation to any particular faction this has to do with me being sick and tired of people like you thinking you can Talk down to everyone else on this board and i am sick of certain people like yourself who seem to think there Opinion overalls everyone elses and that you are the only person who knows what they are talking about.
take rov for example, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that he has more knowledge about this stuff in his little finger than you have in your whole body, he's never rude and he doesn't act like an arrogant twat yet you talk down to him as if he knows nothing when it's clear he has far more experinrce than you on the subject.
Tell me dude, did you ever take your Ps3 apart?
'you have been a lemming..'
Thats right i HAVE been a lemming, in the past, i have no problem admitting that but i am not now, being a fanboy shrinks your Brain, make you ignorant and arrogant (your posts prove that).
Your lemming argument is just a deflection tactic dude, to deflect away from the fact that you are talking a load of bollocks.
'i will gladly admit been wrong,which is more than i can say for fanboy like you and stormy.'
I have apologized every time i was wrong, i have even apologized to YOU in the past when you where right and i was wrong, no dude, it's you that has a track record of not backing down even if people throw irrefutable Evidence in your face and refusing to apologise when you are wrong.
Are you going to apologize to me for being right when i said developers didn't say it WOULDN'T increase performance gains on the Xbone?
Because not one of them has stated DX12 will NOT give performance gains on the Xbone.
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