Game releases wise, the Switch is Vita's brother.
Cows pooping on lems saying how they have no games. Lems pooping on cows saying how the ps5 launched with no games. But the reality is, the Switch is in such a poorer state that many feel bad for even talking about it. Never have we seen a system this lacking in games. Worse time to be a sheep since the WiiU failure days. I don't know what keeps your moral up knowing that the only three games that are annouced, have 2% of coming out on the Switch and one of the three (Bayo3) might not come out at all at this point.
Being a sheep is paintful in 2021 😪
Again, you're comparing a near top selling platform that's built a wide variety of games over the years, to a low selling system that made Sony dropped handheld gaming on it's SECOND run! Not to mention, it's library was lacking compared to 3DS (it's main competition).
oh my gawd. its always sales sales sales. Are you gonna be playing sales in 2021? Great, enjoy playing your sales. 2022 arrives, you will be playing sales as well, great game btw 😃
I am not comparing it to the Vita for their success, obviously. We're talking about games, games that are coming out, not something that came out in 2016. And when that's taken into consideration, its as if Nintendo/Switch is allergic to games.
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