OMG. They were offered a chance at a free system bundle, that's hilarious.
Those are final Final Fantasy fans at a night FFXIII Launch party, not run of the mill fanboys we see sometimes in SW.
Maybe they know about the 360 version being subpar in comparison to the PS3. At least take the bundle, and trade in that FFXIII copy for a different game.
I have to admit it's funny though, as it's completely unexpected.
How the hell are they not fanboys? Do you seriously think booing is justified? Do you somehow think their behavior is that of legitimate fans?
So because the 360 version is inferior (it's not subpar), that is somehow a green light for childish behavior.
Jesus Christ. Speaking of run of the mill fanboys, it seems like you're trying your best to be one of those.
What the...:lol:
Of course I don't think it's justified, it's simply funny and unexpected. :lol: I'm not going to speculate with you about what a legitimate fan is.
The PS3 is Par, the 360 is subpar. Inferior, whatever you want to say, lol.
Stop with the name calling, I don't run around looking for your posts and take personal shots at you, lol.
Your posts are constantly dripping with negativity towards the 360 version and the 360 in general, so you'll have to forgive me for thinking this was just a continuation of that.
I didn't call you any names. I said that you're trying your best to be a run of the mill fanboy. I didn't actually call you one. Like I said, I wouldn't give your posts a second look if you didn't represent yourself as such a neutral poster when that is obviously not the case. I mean, I don't actually mind people clowning a console. I just don't like the whole "I'm neutral!" facade.
Also, the PS3 version is superior and ideal and the 360 version is obviously worse but not below the general standard of how well made a game should be.
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