Some things about it I like, some things disappoint.
Every Far Cry game since Far Cry 2 disappoints me in the lack of certain Dunia features that FC2 had like the dynamic weather, the day-night system, foliage behavior.
Since then though they've done great to add more competent AI, FC2's was broken, also the maps in FC2 were very squarish and had such an artificial boundary feel on their edges yet everything in between looked like some of the best scenery ever in a Far Cry gae, later Far Cry games have much better story missions, wild animals and crafting, outposts that can be taken over, better weapons.
One thing about FC4 that bugged me is I don't care for having such a huge open world map if every corner of it feels the same except for its topography, I kind of wish they'd work hard to give sections of the world their own kind of look and feel, I felt the previous Far Cry games did a better job there.
Anyhow, core gameplay is solid, even Far Cry PRIMAL was a nice breath of fresh air, even if it might be a recreation of the FC4 landscape, it didn't feel like that, felt very different and looked very different, beautiful game at times, but it too was a mixed bag.
I'd just like to see a Far Cry game that calls on all the strengths of the series' to date.
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