I think it's safe to say we knew PS would come out on top in Feb, what was it 270K odd. But pleasantly surprised with X1 sales, if I read right, it was north of 250K. That's decent.
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I think it's safe to say we knew PS would come out on top in Feb, what was it 270K odd. But pleasantly surprised with X1 sales, if I read right, it was north of 250K. That's decent.
Does anyone really think ground zeroes is going to push ps4's?The only place it has a chance to push consoles is in Japan, but that will be shortlived.Phaton Pain has a higher chance to push consoles. It's a game that is a demo kinda to the next metal gear game and it is on the cheaper ps3. Infamous has a better chance of selling ps4's,but that franchise has never been that big..
I got mine for it and Infamous.
Xbone still couldn't outsell a heavily supply constrained PS4 with Titanfall around the corner. March NPD will be a lemming slaughter with the huge PS4 supply in March, SDC.
Quit using the supply issue....I could get a PS4 right now if I wanted without an issue. And I have a feeling March will make cows very upset.
is it still feburary in your calender? its march now, these are feb numbers when ps4 was hardly in supply all month. when i make the march npd thread please be brave and predict a x1 win so i can laugh at u
Congratulations to all of our contestants!!!!
Somehow, all of them managed to do well!
Well, relatively well in Wii U's case, but the point still stands :p
I wonder why Nintendo wouldn't give out numbers for the 3DS?
apparently vita + 3ds sold 175-180k combined. assuming vita sold around 10k again like last month estimate for 3ds number is around 170k.
@ghostwarrior786: apparently combined ONE and 360 sales beat all other consoles combined.
Today's fun fact!
Impressive numbers for February. March will be awesome.
Agreed, for both consoles. If MS can do month like this still at 500, I can def see the powers that be deciding that 100 price drop is key. They got the games and features. Gotta hit that right price. Personally, playing Friday morning quarterback lol, I'd drop it to 380. Bit great all the way around.
Impressive numbers for February. March will be awesome.
Agreed, for both consoles. If MS can do month like this still at 500, I can def see the powers that be deciding that 100 price drop is key. They got the games and features. Gotta hit that right price. Personally, playing Friday morning quarterback lol, I'd drop it to 380. Bit great all the way around.
US potentially. WW i don't think they're catching Sony.
I want to see some UK numbers. The X1's price has crashed here with places offering it at the same price as the PS4. Would be interesting to see if it's made a difference.
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
@lancex2: i wouldnt be so sure but i guess we will find out soon enough. March npd thread will be epic for sure
NPD North American hardware sales — February ’07
Something is really off, sure the PS4 has supply constraints but the Xbone should have gotten less sales.......
Looking at 2007, PS3 was $600 and sold less, while 360 sales were above 200,000 units and the Wii was under supply constraints.
yea $100 cheaper console duh consumers always go to cheaper one
but who i'm kidding with you're not even have a ps4
Really is that why mainland EU and Japan picked the PS3 even that it was much more expensive than the xbox 360.?
In US sure but in other parts of the world is not like that,but did it matter to you when the 360 was outselling the PS3 because it was up to $300 cheaper.? and now you are crying about miserable $100.?
No is not speculation the PS4 is badly outselling the xbox one in EU,he PS4 has 6 million units as march 2,like 400k are from Japan,2.5 million are from US,the other 3 million mostly in EU.
Compare that to MS which has like 1.2 million outside US.
Is not even close..
The xbox one is not even at 4 million yet and sony as march 2 was 6.
Do you know what the word "speculate" means? You are predicting what will happen. Did it happen? No? Then you don't know.
tormentos, stop your dipshit tirade.
It is happening you blind biased fanboy,the PS4 is destroying the xbox one in EU including UK,is not my fault you can't see that.
Don't you get it the xbox one has sold 1.2 million units outside US,the PS4 has sold 3.0 million do the math,in countries like UK the difference is 1.5 to 1,but on countries like Spain is 4 to 1,in Japan now 400k to 0.
See you can't see this because well your to invested in the xbox some times.
The only place where the xbox one is putting a fight is US and still is losing it.
So you're again, telling me that the Xbox One only needs one country to be first place? That's still silly
No. That is what you are getting,they completely dominated US and loss this pass gen,so without any country to dominate now they will lose even more.
They just got a batch of PS4's in today. So of course it jumped to #1. It wasn't at #1 yesterday. Titanfall for in the #1 & #2 spots. TheTitanfall bundle was #6. My point is that the Titanfall game and bundles are still selling very well and not performing badly as ReadingBoy thinks. Doesn't really have anything to do with the Ps4.
It was number 1 on wednesday i even post it,it changed yesterday and as soon as PS4 arrive the xbox one was outsold again.
Now...PS4 number 1 xbox one number 11..
So yeah when there are units to sell the PS4 is on top and MS has outsold them yesterday because most people will not pre-buy the unit,they would rather wait and it shows.
So yeah the PS4 still is supply constrain and still selling better than the xbox one,better hope sony can't ship enough units this month because is the only way MS will be able to beat them.
Look at gamestop.
First 2 bundles PS4,and look for the first time i see Infamous actually outselling Titanfall,even the PC version is selling better now at gamestop that the xbox one version,maybe the xbox one version on gamestop reached saturation point.
Xbone still couldn't outsell a heavily supply constrained PS4 with Titanfall around the corner. March NPD will be a lemming slaughter with the huge PS4 supply in March, SDC.
Quit using the supply issue....I could get a PS4 right now if I wanted without an issue. And I have a feeling March will make cows very upset.
is it still feburary in your calender? its march now, these are feb numbers when ps4 was hardly in supply all month. when i make the march npd thread please be brave and predict a x1 win so i can laugh at u
I bought mine in late January at Best Buy and didn't have to search one bit....just saying the supply excuse won't last forever. They are easy to get if you want one. I am already predicting the X1 will sell better in March, so don't you worry.
Xbone still couldn't outsell a heavily supply constrained PS4 with Titanfall around the corner. March NPD will be a lemming slaughter with the huge PS4 supply in March, SDC.
Quit using the supply issue....I could get a PS4 right now if I wanted without an issue. And I have a feeling March will make cows very upset.
February was heavily constrained due to Japan's launch and no, PS4's are not readily availabl even now. They keep selling out. In fact PS4's were sold out on Amazon for 3 days until today. It's extremely difficult to come across PS4 in brick and mortar stores. The only place it's readily available is online on Ebay usually for $700.
I predict Many lems like you will abandon SW when March NPD arrives.
Well yoo predicted lems would go in hiding after these numbers but you were off and you will be again
My prediction was for March NPD. I knew PS4 would be supply constrained in Feb, that's not where the battle is. I believe PS4 will outsell Xbone in March despite Titanfall and if that's the case I expect many lems like you to go into hiding.
I believe the X1 will outsell the the PS4 in March especially after the Feb numbers, but that's why I said March will be very interesting earlier in this thread.
"Xbone is gonna get knocked the F out in February and possibly March NPD. Lems are going to go into hiding" And your quote doesn't sound like you were worried about supply constraints.
Wow brilliant ( even though Titanfall was just released in March )
Wow brilliant ( even though Titanfall was just released in March )
So the enormous marketing that was going on from January for Titanfall did not have any effect on Xbone sales in Februari? LOL
Wow brilliant ( even though Titanfall was just released in March )
So the enormous marketing that was going on from January for Titanfall did not have any effect on Xbone sales in Februari? LOL
Maybe it did....after all it did sell over 200K but the real test will be March
Sony doesnot always win. Delusional fanboys keep believing this. Losing billions 3 years in a row is not winning. lol!! Selling 3 HQ buildings, laying off 6000 employees and selling you PC/Laptop division is not winning.
Quit using the supply issue....I could get a PS4 right now if I wanted without an issue. And I have a feeling March will make cows very upset.
Yeah thats funny because Amazon just got some and the PS4 sky rocket to the number 1 spot.
The unit will be supply constrained until April stated by Sony it self.
From 17 places 10 are out of units.
It still is supply constrained just because you can find one doesn't mean every one can.
Finally the X1 is catching up to the No Games console. lol
Actually that make the xbox one look even worse,the xbox one can't beat a console that has no games,so imagine what will happen when the PS4 start getting games...lol
Outsold by triple numbers.?
The PS4 over the xbox one,and Infamous over Titanfall.? Oh oh this doesn't look good.
Are people really still using the "supply constrain" excuse? Lmao.
Bullshit. I could walk into Meijer right now and walk out with a PS4 if I didnt already have one. They had several of them behind the glass when I went yesterday.
Yes they are now but they are gone soon,and yes the supply issues will last until April stated by SONY it self.
I have explain this like 10 times,how in hell do you think sony sold 286k this month.? yeah it doesn't matter if they are supply constrained they will ship units regardless and they will sell them,the fact that you see some means nothing most people don't.
There's nothing "constrained" about the PS4. They're all over the place (just some retailers have more than others). My local BB had about 4 in stock just yesterday. And I know Amazon has them in stock. I believe TF will make things interesting for the next few months.
Wow your best buy had 4.? Damn stop the presses the shortage is over BB near @OhSnapitz has 4 now people don't run those 4 units should be enough for 400,000 people...
So please tell how much do you think 4 freaking units will last.? Amazon just got some yesterday and since then the PS4 sky rocket to number 1,the PS4 is supply constrained and will be until April stated by sony them self,the fact that you see a few units from time to time means nothing sony sold 286 while been supply constrained,units as soon as they hit they are gone,go ahead and see how much those units last on Amazon before they say pre-sale again or available in a future date.
Funny how lemming always see units every where,but the market confirms the opposite.
wow X1 doubled sales and cows trying to downplay it.
I also love how i can haz avoided the titanfall thread but now he's
back when ps4 sells 20k more. Still butthurt fromntitanfall?
your also nuts to think ps4 will win march NPD
The only reason those sales look great to lemmings is because January sales were horrible and way below what they should have been,the PS4 almost outsold it 2 to 1,and the PS4 in US alone wold more than what the xbox one sold world wide in January that sad was.
I don't know who will win march,since sony still has issues with supply and they will last until April stated by sony it self,but if Titanfall fail to make the xbox one outsell the PS4 in march,boy kiss the xbox one good bye,the game has been hype to be the second coming of Christ if the xbox one fail to beat the PS4 in march it will be one long tough road for MS.
@ReadingRainbow4: Sony sells consoles outside of the U.S. unlike Microsoft so that lead is safe. Now that Japan launch is out of the way supply will probably be much higher for March in the US.
True, they have the superior product as well. It'll be interesting to see next month with titanfall and infamous out.
ps4 got march on LOCK DOWN.
So I your brain you actually believe that more people in the US want Infamous then Titanfall??
As a sole reason to own a system? absolutely. TF's a multiplat and a badly performing one at that on the xbone.
You haven't played Titanfall. lol!! Titanfall preorder bundles were selling very well. It's still in the Top 10 on Amazon.
oh but look at whats number 1....hmmmmm
They just got a batch of PS4's in today. So of course it jumped to #1. It wasn't at #1 yesterday. Titanfall for in the #1 & #2 spots. TheTitanfall bundle was #6. My point is that the Titanfall game and bundles are still selling very well and not performing badly as ReadingBoy thinks. Doesn't really have anything to do with the Ps4.
Its a monthly best seller list is it not? So wat if titanfall was no.1, what ever it sold ps4 sold more this month which is why I said ps4 will win march
How do you know? You've been to the future? LMAO!! March isn't even over yet. Idiotic delusional fanboys are hilarious. The Wii U is starting to outsell the PS4 already in Japan. lol!! I guess Sony won't be dominating in all markets immediately as fanboys thought.
Impressive numbers for February. March will be awesome.
Yes. XB1 rose about 45%. from last month. I expect it to easily pass 300K in March with little problem. They are actually out-of-stock at some places (Walmart, Gamestop, Target).
What's funny about the PS4 on Amazon is it's no longer selling out within 12, 24 or even 36hrs. It got stock in on March 8 and sold out early Mar 12th. Got another batch in on March 13th. Let's see how long it takes to sellout again. The demand is definitely starting to slow down. We'll see how it's doing at the end of the month.
So just as i guessed PS4 dominating and Xbox one last place.
if only Sony would make more PS4's its still hard to find one around
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
Xbox One > every other consumer product ever produced. LOL.
Serious question. Is there anyone here who is trying to get a PS4 who cannot due to supply issues? Does anyone personally know anyone who cannot get one without resorting to ebay inflated prices?
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
Xbox One > every other consumer product ever produced. LOL.
And yet PS4 is dominating in sales. LOL
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
Xbox One > every other consumer product ever produced. LOL.
And yet PS4 is dominating in sales. LOL
And yet the Wii dominated last gen in sales. LOL
So much for the PS3
lol cows. I don't expect X1 to destroy PS in march but it will win. But keep using supply constrain to downplay X1 selling well is dumb. 250k was good for X1 , deal with it. Titanfall us awesome, deal with it. PS4 is selling amazingly well. I acknowledge that. You cows NEVER say good things about X1 because your delusional fanboys. X1 has done very well and has great games on it that PS can't and vice versa when infamous is out. This place has become the plague of blind stupidity
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
Xbox One > every other consumer product ever produced. LOL.
And yet PS4 is dominating in sales. LOL
30k advantage in one month is not exactly dominating...
I wonder how many of the 100,000 new Xbone owners in February would have got one this month instead.
If Sony were smart, they'd be flooding the US with PS4s this month to accommodate the two true system sellers and Gotyays this month: Ground Zeroes and Infamous.
Are people really still using the "supply constrain" excuse? Lmao.
Bullshit. I could walk into Meijer right now and walk out with a PS4 if I didnt already have one. They had several of them behind the glass when I went yesterday.
There's nothing "constrained" about the PS4. They're all over the place (just some retailers have more than others). My local BB had about 4 in stock just yesterday. And I know Amazon has them in stock. I believe TF will make things interesting for the next few months.
Are people really still using the "supply constrain" excuse? Lmao.
Bullshit. I could walk into Meijer right now and walk out with a PS4 if I didnt already have one. They had several of them behind the glass when I went yesterday.
You know my Wal-Mart and Best Buy are STILL out of the PS4? Sony needs to make the US its primary focus. This is where the war is being fought. Its still sold out on several sites including BB, Walmart, target. So its not readily available. Readily available is me driving down the road and walking into BB and picking up one with several in stock, you know kind of like the Xbox one? ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
It was in stock like last week on Amazon
Yea It sold out but its actually in stock right now. Amazon apparently received a large shipment. Sony needs to do a better job supplying the US. The console is selling great but I dont think the supply is where it should be considering its been almost 4 months
Oh. It looks like they are. Look out, lemmings!
Does anyone really think ground zeroes is going to push ps4's?The only place it has a chance to push consoles is in Japan, but that will be shortlived.Phaton Pain has a higher chance to push consoles. It's a game that is a demo kinda to the next metal gear game and it is on the cheaper ps3. Infamous has a better chance of selling ps4's,but that franchise has never been that big..
I agree with this, however for this game, It will perform like a ture Sony AAA heavy hitter.
Hell if you really want to get to the meat of it Killzone has never really been a heavy hitter as a FPS but Shadowfall sold 2.5 mill in 3 mo more than any xbox 1 title. I think Infamous will sell even more and Infamous SS looks to actually be a system sell unlike Killzone which was just a game to buy when the system came out.
I knew this month would be closer and cows laughed.....nice sales for both.
What are you talking about? A lot of cows though it would be close because SONY was moving most of their stock to Japan. NA and EU had extremely low PS4 stock throughout the month.
Enjoy your victory(?) while it lasts. In the end, good always triumphs over evil, and SONY will destroy Microsoft.
actually everyone thought sony was selling double of xbox. i had it 200 to 160k...kind of close on the gap but undersold the units.
i knew that xbox couldnt stay that far behind...and thats why i think ms is stupid by trying to introduce price cuts and bundles that werent necessary. they should have waited until titanfall dropped for at least a month or 2 before dropping prices, offering lay away programs yada yada yada.
now question is, was u.s. still supply constrained because of japans launch and thats why ps4 numbers are down, or people really were just waiting for titanfall
Does anyone really think ground zeroes is going to push ps4's?The only place it has a chance to push consoles is in Japan, but that will be shortlived.Phaton Pain has a higher chance to push consoles. It's a game that is a demo kinda to the next metal gear game and it is on the cheaper ps3. Infamous has a better chance of selling ps4's,but that franchise has never been that big..
I got mine for it and Infamous.
I am going to get a PS4 for Infamous as well
Yes. XB1 rose about 45%. from last month. I expect it to easily pass 300K in March with little problem. They are actually out-of-stock at some places (Walmart, Gamestop, Target).
What's funny about the PS4 on Amazon is it's no longer selling out within 12, 24 or even 36hrs. It got stock in on March 8 and sold out early Mar 12th. Got another batch in on March 13th. Let's see how long it takes to sellout again. The demand is definitely starting to slow down. We'll see how it's doing at the end of the month.
Amazon is just getting bigger orders of Playstation 4 in, and they keep selling out. Demand is still exceeding supply so there's absolutely no indication that demand is starting to slow down.
Look at the amazon best sellers for the month of March:
Does that look like demand is dropping?
NPD North American hardware sales — February ’07
Something is really off, sure the PS4 has supply constraints but the Xbone should have gotten less sales.......
Looking at 2007, PS3 was $600 and sold less, while 360 sales were above 200,000 units and the Wii was under supply constraints.
The PS3 was $600 but the xbox 360 had 1 year library of games,and block buster back then Gears of war was just release a few months back,not to mention the xbox 360 had a up to $300 cheaper model,so yeah those 127k sales can't be compare with the xbox one,which is $500 $100 more than the PS4.
Also you see their dishonesty when they claim the xbox one is selling at record breaking pace,which is a total lie unless the are talking about the xbox 360 which didn't set any damn records on February 2006,in fact it sold 161k because it was heavily supply constrained,the xbox 360 suffer a shortage that was over like on April 2006,so yeah comparing the 360 constrained sales to claim record breaking sales is a joke.
The PS2 in its firs February sold more than the 360 and xbox one,so did the wii as well,hell xbox one numbers the only February sales that beat is the xbox 360,PS3,xbox,GC DC,because the Ps2,Wii and PS4 all 3 did better in its first February,MS should be more honest about this things.
How do you know? You've been to the future? LMAO!! March isn't even over yet. Idiotic delusional fanboys are hilarious. The Wii U is starting to outsell the PS4 already in Japan. lol!! I guess Sony won't be dominating in all markets immediately as fanboys thought.
Week 1 of the PS4 309.154
Week 2 of the PS4 65.685
Week 3 of the PS4 35.294
The PS4 has been on top of all hardware including the 3DS in its 3 weeks of sales,so no the Wii U has not started outselling the PS4 you delusional lemming.
In fact week 3 which is by far the lowest the PS4 outsold the Wii U by almost 5 to 1 margin the Wii U sold 7,773 units vs 35,294 PS4.
But hey lets compare the Wii U first February sales on the same time frame the PS4 release.
Week 8 2013 - 9,633 Wii U - PS3 18,529
Week 9 2013 - 10,021 Wii U - PS3 - 25,725
Week 10 2013 - 9,454 Wii U - PS3 19,567
It is confirmed the Wii U sucked maximum force in Japan on the week 8,9, and 10 the PS3 outsold it the 3 weeks more than 2 to 1,it did better than the PS4 in its first 3 weeks because the Wii U launched on December which is a greater sales period than February when the PS4 launch,claiming the Wii U is outselling PS4 is down right moronic,and show how bitter and butthurt you are about the PS4 success..
Again Link..
LMAO!! You know Titanfall had nothing to do with these sales. The bundle didn't go on sale until Mar 11th. I'm predicting XB1 sales well over 300K in Mar. Everyone is talking about Titanfall and the word of mouth is spreading like a virus on social sites.
LMAO!! You know Titanfall had nothing to do with these sales.The bundle didn't go on sale until Mar 11th. I'm predicting XB1 sales well over 300K in Mar. Everyone is talking about Titanfall and the word of mouth is spreading like a virus on social sites.
Liar liar pants on fire...
The bundle started selling on February 24 and it has been on Amazon for several weeks now.
@xhawk27: X1 isn't catching up if it was outsold this month. It sold great, but PS4 sold better. I'll be contributing to the X1 numbers in March though because I'm getting my X1 this weekend.
@FoxbatAlpha: as always wrong again. U would have been correct if u said xbox family>>ps family but u didnt. U had to go over the top and say 'all other consoles'. So close and yet so far, better luck next time fox
Xbox One > every other consumer product ever produced. LOL.
And yet PS4 is dominating in sales. LOL
30k advantage in one month is not exactly dominating...
But having more than 40-50% in overall sales is.
I wonder how many of the 100,000 new Xbone owners in February would have got one this month instead.
If Sony were smart, they'd be flooding the US with PS4s this month to accommodate the two true system sellers and Gotyays this month: Ground Zeroes and Infamous.
Are people really still using the "supply constrain" excuse? Lmao.
Bullshit. I could walk into Meijer right now and walk out with a PS4 if I didnt already have one. They had several of them behind the glass when I went yesterday.
There's nothing "constrained" about the PS4. They're all over the place (just some retailers have more than others). My local BB had about 4 in stock just yesterday. And I know Amazon has them in stock. I believe TF will make things interesting for the next few months.
Are people really still using the "supply constrain" excuse? Lmao.
Bullshit. I could walk into Meijer right now and walk out with a PS4 if I didnt already have one. They had several of them behind the glass when I went yesterday.
You know my Wal-Mart and Best Buy are STILL out of the PS4? Sony needs to make the US its primary focus. This is where the war is being fought. Its still sold out on several sites including BB, Walmart, target. So its not readily available. Readily available is me driving down the road and walking into BB and picking up one with several in stock, you know kind of like the Xbox one? ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
It was in stock like last week on Amazon
Yea It sold out but its actually in stock right now. Amazon apparently received a large shipment. Sony needs to do a better job supplying the US. The console is selling great but I dont think the supply is where it should be considering its been almost 4 months
Oh. It looks like they are. Look out, lemmings!
Does anyone really think ground zeroes is going to push ps4's?The only place it has a chance to push consoles is in Japan, but that will be shortlived.Phaton Pain has a higher chance to push consoles. It's a game that is a demo kinda to the next metal gear game and it is on the cheaper ps3. Infamous has a better chance of selling ps4's,but that franchise has never been that big..
Are you just assuming that the game will sell more in japan because it's made by Konami? You do realize the series sells its most in the west right? And is about military AMERICANS with realistic looking people right? Not that it will move consoles, but that was an odd statement you just made.
Sony doesnot always win. Delusional fanboys keep believing this. Losing billions 3 years in a row is not winning. lol!! Selling 3 HQ buildings, laying off 6000 employees and selling you PC/Laptop division is not winning.
After all that, Sony is still winning. They could fire everyone that works there, all of their buildings could be hit by asteroids, and Sony would still be winning. You know why? Cuz Sony always wins.
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