[QUOTE="clintos59"][QUOTE="spinecaton"][QUOTE="clintos59"][QUOTE="Mongo-Boss"] Auron> Any character in LO
Even though tidus was the main character, Auron was just bad a$$ and was my favorite out of them all. Wakka wasnt to shabby either, loved his hawaaian accent, I still cant believe him and LuLu had a kid if im not correct in FX-2. Anyone remember Trema from FX-2, damn that boss alone would own every boss in Lost Odyssey, but I still loved the story in Lost Odyssey, I just thought that they couldve done better with the moves for the characters, I mean where was the special moves at? like the Jecht Shot of Tidus. Check out this video with some of the best Final Fantasy Finishing Moves. My favorite was the Omnislash from cloud and the lion heart from squall. All awesome finishing attacks I didnt get to see any of these in Lost Odyssey. Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlRnnVF7QmE
That is because Lost Odyssey's main focus was on magic and why all the finishing power attacks where by the magic characters not Kain or Seth. Although there was one finishing move but you have to unlock it, Ultimate Hit. Here is a video showing the powerful attacks/magic spells. The good ones don't start until after 1 minute
I already knew that but the fact is he shouldve added limit breaks or even summons to make the game have more variety in gameplay. Yes those magic look pretty good but those are nothing special, u have alot of type magic u can also use in FFX. I find the summons the most effective of them all, here is a video of FFX summons, this kills every magic attack on Lost Odyssey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qAgLl8o_bs
But FFX suffers from the same problem that most JRPG's have. Once your characters can do max damage magic casters effectively become useless. That's not mentioning the fact that in many RPG's you learn many spells that you never even use whereas in LO most of them had a use at one time or another.
Yeah but still I found myself getting pretty bored in Lost Odyssey while in battle because he didnt have many variety of moves, it was all the same attacks and a few magic spells. Of course the only reason I played through because the story was deep, so it made me want to play through and find out what happens.
See this is what makes FF games special because u hardly find yourself doing the same moves over and over again in battle, because there are so many attacks u can use. There are your basic normal attacks, then u have all sorts of elemental attacks, lightning, fire, water, ice, earth, and other elementals I forgot the damn names, then u have summons, and they are awesome aswell because they can attack every enemy at once and the attacks based on how much u powered them up can go over the 9999 damage because some enemies have high power especially bosses and stronger villains, and then u have there special attacks which are like limit breaks which each character has a few awesome finishing attacks which can be used for certain bosses or villains, and not only that but also have an amazing story to go with it. I will take Lost Odyssey story over FFX but as a whole complete game, FFX>>Lost Odyssey.
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