@ConanTheStoner said:
@Krelian-co said:
@Zelda187 said:
@general_solo76 said:
Every FF game that came after FF X is garbage anyway, so who cares? Bring back the old school turn based FF games, and some interesting characters and stories to go with them, then maybe they'll get their groove back.
actually ff xii was incredible, lacked a bit in the story aspect but the world and gameplay was one of the best.
Yep. When I first got it I was just as turned off as everyone else, but once you get into the game it's incredibly addictive with tons of content. It was more of a "next gen" FF than FFXIII AND it actually shared more similarity with the earlier games in the series than FFX did.
The story wasn't even that bad, it was just spread too thin over such a massive game.
FFXII was great. Many fans of the series just felt put off by it because of differences from the previous games. And I don't doubt many badmouth it without trying it out. A guy I know badmouthed it sometimes, until I lended him my copy.That being said, while it is certainly a solid and fun game it did have a number of questionable design decisions:
-The licence board, being the same for eveyone, meant that by the end of the game every character became more and more like eachother, to the point where they could become near carbon-copies.
-Executive meddling in the story, effectively shoehorning Vaan into the story because they though an androgynous main character would sell the game better in Japan (originally Balthier was supposed to be the main character).
-Having to buy gambits and going overboard with the system. (I should note that Dragon Age: Origins has a VERY similar system, almost a copy, and no one complains about that).
Regarding the story, like conan says, the story was simply a small part of a massive game. In that aspect XII was more western-style. JRPGs tend to focus a lot on the main story a few side quests while western RPGs tend to have a smaller main arch with a lot of side quests. XII was very western-style in that aspect. The game is massive, and it's easy to forget what the story is about but honestly it's quite interesting: The fight of a small country caught between the fight of two larger neighbours, and the attempt of Cid to free humanity from the will of the Gods (Occuria), which he actually succeeds at.
Also, the international edition actually fixed a lot of problems. Adding a job system for example, with many different licence boards. Unfortunately it never left Japan.
Regarding the topic at hand, I wouldn't be surprised if FFXV also makes it's way into PC, seeing has XIII just got released on Steam. I'm certainly hoping it will.
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