It's not like you couldn't get by the vast majority of fights in the beloved FFVI-FFIX by solely mashing X. You didn't even have to worry about paradigm shift or keeping your party alive for most of the time!
Sums it up.
The hardest part of FFVI is that magic tower place where you recruit Strago again. But even then as long as you come prepared by learning alot of good magic beforehand the place isn't THAT bad. And as long as you have life 3 the boss of the tower is easy as well.
My last playthrough of FFVII on my PSP, I didn't get one game over on the main quest. Or, I did get one when you fight the Turks at the end of Disc 2, although that's mostly because I wasn't taking the fight seriously as at that point I wasn't expecting much of a fight against them and ended up being surprised. Only other thing I recall being hard in FFVII was that robot you fight before getting the submarine.
FFVIII, if you don't bother grinding the game will still be easy as enemies are always around your level, and if you do bother drawing alot in FFVIII then I hope you're prepared for one of the most repetive things in FF!
The hardest thing about FFIX was trying to steal equipment from bosses. If not for that I would probably get by quite well in FFIX as well.
There's of course all the optional stuff in the abovee games as well which can be challenging and get me somee game overs. But FFXIII also has some pretty challenging cieth stone missions as well.
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