MMORPGs are fun, each PvP and Arena battle does not happen in the exact same way, your not grinding for ranks and weapon unlocks (oh wait), you are just playing for fun and excitement for huge battles and bosses, wide variety of quests and story archs. When your losing you dont simple jump across servers blaming cheaters and grenade spam all day.
(((:roll: Call of Duty series has always been failed. Achievements are fun and they only add extra stuff. But seriosu I will never play COD4 and up because of the leveling system. I am not a hypercrit, I REALLY hate leveling. I do not want to waste a single second of my life building up fake muscles of a video game character.)))
Oh well I suppose we have another double standard, because you see, while you like pretending to be an action packed army man shooting things and thinking its "fun" ALOT of us do like building characters and a sense of progression. So yea, if you dont like the genres then why are you even comenting on them? I dont like Fighters but I dont go bashing them.
Sorry ... what... I do more "click and watch" in shooters, Ironically pressing even less buttons than WoW for example, how is it even "click and watch" ... all clicking is is selecting the target, hell or actually be GOOD and tab. As a Priest having to Heal, deal damage, debuff/silence/fear ect, yea ... i just click 1 button and watch right? :roll: like I click left mouse and watch a bullet hit a guy in the head. :roll:.
(((Yeah, you press MANY button! like, 4 of them! and you press them like this '123213243233412323' to keep aggro as a tank or '111121111211112' as a DPS. :roll: so amazing! It has more button pressing than a fighting game!)))
4 of them?
PvP - Flash Heal, PW Shield, Renew, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, Prayer of Mending, Penance, Psychic Scream, Fear Ward, Dispell, Mass Dispell, Abolish Disease, Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague, mind blast, smite - and thats just as a healer ... yes .. 4 buttons? LOL no.
Shooters? Left/Right cllick, G for grenade repeat repeat. I can poke as many holes in your logic ;)
Nobody could possible find leveling, character building and slaying big bosses with 25-40 teamates a few 100 times, yet apperently its fun to repeat same map crawls with same weapon setups with nade spam, with stupid perks and helicopters on a random spawn system... its TOTALLY not the same thing clearly... oh wait. YES IT IS.
(((Stop playing COD4 you scrub and play real shooters like Counter-STrike and Team Fortress.)))
Oh Im sorry, il play CS, a game with even less variety, a carrot mode. nvm guys il just reherse the same corners with 2-3 optional directions and corner hump until I get a kill or die, wait 5 mins then repeate. BRILLIANT.
The MMORPG genre being the most popular genre in the world speaks for itself thanks.
(((No, WoW is the most popular genre. out there. And many people play it because it is the 'cool thing, it's working like the Nintendo Wii does. To many WoW isn't their first MMO, but their first VIDEO GAME ever. But the socializing is fun I'll give you that. :)))
Blah Blah Blah, Illogical, Irrational gibberish.
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