While these numbers are interesting, we cannot extrapolate the number of PC copies sold solely through this information. The only thing we do know is that Fallout New Vegas shipped roughly 5 million units worldwide to retailers last month, and in that same time frame sold 308,000 units on Steam. Steam accounted for approximately 5.8% of total sales.
There's one other interesting piece of information there. Medal of Honor. It sold (over) 2 million copies last month. Steam sales were at 92,000 including pre-orders sold prior to launch (link). The ratio of Steam purchases for that title are therefore slightly less flattering than NV's -- it accounted for no more than 4.6% of total sales.
'Approximately 29 titles launched via Steam during the month, but only the aforementioned three titles (Fallout New Vegas, Medal of Honor and 'Bloody Good Time') recorded over 10,000 units sold during the month via the network.'
those 3 games are not really big PC games, Blizzard/Valve/EA (maxis are dead, so ill say EA) and a few other titles (Stalker did over 4million?)
SC2 has no doubt sold over 5million by now, PC games have strong legs unlike console games, i reckon SC2 will outsell SC1 in time due to it being more casual friendly (Ranks and Region locks, no newbies vsing pro koreans lol) SC1 has probly outsold the sims, when was the last time blizzard counted its sales? same for WC3 and D2
Maybe not Medal of Honor, but I think the Fallout name is still really big. It's still a big PC game. It's obviously a bigger console game now, but it's still one of the PC's pedigree titles.After all, Fallout NV outdid Civilization V's two month sales on Steam, which are still under 300,000 (link). Civ is a big PC game.
If I had to bet anything, I'd guess that Black Ops will easily pick up second place behind StarCraft 2 in PC sales this year. But of course it will still be a much bigger console game.
Cata will be the 2nd highest selling PC game, SC2 being the first, bad company 2 will be thrid, Black ops might not even be 4, COD isnt that popular on PC after MW2, not to mention Black ops was unplayable for a bit, hell im using a dual core and im still lagging on Black ops, unoptimized garbage and where is my modding tools?
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