@jet052006: There was a study done that showed homophobes were aroused to gay porn that is why I made that comment. It was not meant to insult the LGBT community.
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@jet052006: There was a study done that showed homophobes were aroused to gay porn that is why I made that comment. It was not meant to insult the LGBT community.
@DocSanchez: you didn't just limit your post to homophobia, you had to include the idea that he is actually gay himself. Do you honestly think he's gay, or any else you may call a "closet homosexual" when statistically speaking the chances of him being gay is low let alone being secretly gay being an even smaller number, or are you just using that as a way to try and taunt him which would suggest a negative connotation.
Why would you even want him to secretly be apart of something you believe in, if you disagree with his ideas?
@DocSanchez: you didn't just limit your post to homophobia, you had to include the idea that he is actually gay himself. Do you honestly think he's gay, or any else you may call a "closet homosexual" when statistically speaking the chances of him being gay is low let alone being secretly gay being an even smaller number, or are you just using that as a way to try and taunt him which would suggest a negative connotation.
Why would you even want him to secretly be apart of something you believe in, if you disagree with his ideas?
Ever heard of Haggard's Law?
@jet052006: I think he protests a little too vociferously. Why feel threatened by gayness you can simple and easily avoid? What is threatening here? You're either gay or you aren't.
@CountBleck12: Being gay is a genetic defect.
lol nope.
Just stop.
So it's a choice then? There's all kinds of studies done regarding genes linked to homosexuality, just look up the tests that they do on mice.
I'm starting to realize why GS has been all but abandoned, what with all the obnoxious social elitism.
Your not bothered by two men making out? Gay is a deviant abnormal obscure lifestyle that should not be pushed into mainstream entertainment just to make those who are gay feel better about their lifestyle
That's what your statement sounds like, I hope you realize you look like a fool. If two gay men kissed in each other in front of you and that bothers you so much then maybe you have problems with your own sexuality because there's no way you can become gay if you're already fucking straight yourself. Also, don't reply saying that being gay is some mental illness, not only will you look like a complete fool but a ignorant person that has never taken a human sexuality class.
It's not rocket science, grow up.
Please, by all means, enlighten everyone on your "human sexuality class" experience and explain how the "homosexuality" abstraction has grounds in objective reality, thus making moot any sort of discussion on the nature of Identity politics and self-definition. I can only assume that with your immense psychic ability to infer so many caps into his reply that you've obtained the ontological fortitude required to make the entire topic empirically inarguable. That would certainly be more convincing than simply accusing any detractors of homosexual behavior to be latent homosexuals for the purpose of deterring criticism aimed at this game.
So it's a choice then? There's all kinds of studies done regarding genes linked to homosexuality, just look up the tests that they do on mice.
No it's not a choice, also just because these tests work on mice doesn't mean it's going to have the same results on human beings.
Please, by all means, enlighten everyone on your "human sexuality class" experience and explain how the "homosexuality" abstraction has grounds in objective reality, thus making moot any sort of discussion on the nature of Identity politics and self-definition. I can only assume that with your immense psychic ability to infer so many caps into his reply that you've obtained the ontological fortitude required to make the entire topic empirically inarguable. That would certainly be more convincing than simply accusing any detractors of homosexual behavior to be latent homosexuals for the purpose of deterring criticism aimed at this game.
Gladly. I'll cease these inconsequential claims homophobes have against gays.
I'll make things perfectly simple here, see the thing with homosexuality is that we don't know the cause of it. There's no genetics involved when it comes to homosexuality or any other sexual orientation whether it's straight, bi, gay/lesbian, and asexual for that matter. It's more of matter of an interaction of complex polygenic traits when it comes to sexuality, there isn't one gene that gives any kind of signal that indicates whether you like the same sex, those of the opposite sex, or both. Even if there were to "treat" homosexuality as if it were a choice, it wouldn't work anyway because instead of "treating" it, it will only have psychological effects on the individual so to say one could treat homosexuality is pointless.
So you should get off that fallacy that homosexuality is indeed a choice when it's NOT.
Gay people shouldn't really be represented as special, they're normal people like every other person. However, they have to suffer the most and not be considered like everyone else because there is still plenty of homophobic comments getting thrown at these people that they're some sort of abomination, even worse when it comes to family members. Suicide rates are high for them compared to heterosexuals and that's another reason why I stand up to people that like to bash them just because they like the same gender.
I have already mentioned why seeing a gay couple kiss each will not turn you gay so I'd rather not regurgitate that, it's common sense.
Take it how you want but I have stated the truth, you want to keep up and try to argue with me then go for it but I had enough now. And before I rest my case, I'll say it just one more time.
We do not know why people are homosexual, same applies to any other sexual orientation so why must you people keep complaining?
To think it had to come to this too, the stubbornest when it comes to homophobes becomes a great pain in the neck. Geez.
You'll have to read the exchange going on above. Saying its not genes, its not a choice, etc. the person refuting the genes comments got caught up in their words and doesn't seem to comprehend what is being said.
It seems like somebody has an extremely narrow or simplistic understanding of biology and animal behavior.
Humans are social creatures who live in societies.
For most animals that live in "societies", its never possible for every single individual to reproduce, and it isn't even necessarily a good thing for every individual to reproduce even if they could. Non-reproducing individuals can, however, still be useful to a society.
Humans are also one of the only animals that enjoy having sex for reasons other than reproducing.
So you have a bunch of non-reproducing members of a society. They're not having kids, but they're still useful. They're not a burden to everyone around them n'or are they a liability to the group's ability to survive. They do still enjoy sex though. What happens? A bunch of them have sex without having kids. some of them have sex with the same gender.
For those of you who are about to complain that this "isn't natural", homosexual behavior is observed all the time in animals. Everything from snakes to chimpanzees to dolphins. I've personally observed a male rattlesnake trying to hit on another male.
You'll have to read the exchange going on above. Saying its not genes, its not a choice, etc. the person refuting the genes comments got caught up in their words and doesn't seem to comprehend what is being said.
i'm just not sure what you're trying to argue or refute
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
Nice to see this thread go to hell fast lol Why do some people care what strangers or friends do in private?
Live and let live. I'm not gay ect, but its not worth the hate and stress behind it. If its not you, thats one less problem to deal with.
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
You have to weigh that against "Who would seriously not buy the game specifically because of this?"
Some people will refuse to buy the game because of this. Some people will buy the game specifically because of this. The question is whether or not Nintendo gains or loses more. Since they're not exactly breaking new ground on this front I'm going to go ahead and guess that there's more to gain than lose.
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
You have to weigh that against "Who would seriously not buy the game specifically because of this?"
Some people will refuse to buy the game because of this. Some people will buy the game specifically because of this. The question is whether or not Nintendo gains or loses more. Since they're not exactly breaking new ground on this front I'm going to go ahead and guess that there's more to gain than lose.
and don't you think that adding more content instead of marriage/gay marriage would make more sense in a video game? marriage in a video games has as much purpose as peeing or taking a shit in video games...
I'm too lazy to check for myself. Has gamergate lost their shit about this yet?
As much as many people would like to think, GamerGate doesn't make an issue about this.
Please keep this out of video games. It is not natural. What next, pedophilia and beastiality in games?
We're against your outdated laws of nature, God.
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
You have to weigh that against "Who would seriously not buy the game specifically because of this?"
Some people will refuse to buy the game because of this. Some people will buy the game specifically because of this. The question is whether or not Nintendo gains or loses more. Since they're not exactly breaking new ground on this front I'm going to go ahead and guess that there's more to gain than lose.
and don't you think that adding more content instead of marriage/gay marriage would make more sense in a video game? marriage in a video games has as much purpose as peeing or taking a shit in video games...
Maybe? That's not the point though. Is Nintendo going to lose business over this? Probably not. If its not hurting their bottom line now or in the long term why should they give a shit? If adding gay marriage to the game earns them $1 more than they otherwise would have, then screw it, it was worth it. I seriously doubt this was some sort of massive sink on development resources.
Equally as big of a question is why do people care? Unless gay marriage was somehow a mandatory part of the game that you must participate in whether you want to or not.
Ah, surprising. I thought somebody by now would have blamed this on "teh SJW's imposing their cultural Marxism upon all of us".
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
You have to weigh that against "Who would seriously not buy the game specifically because of this?"
Some people will refuse to buy the game because of this. Some people will buy the game specifically because of this. The question is whether or not Nintendo gains or loses more. Since they're not exactly breaking new ground on this front I'm going to go ahead and guess that there's more to gain than lose.
and don't you think that adding more content instead of marriage/gay marriage would make more sense in a video game? marriage in a video games has as much purpose as peeing or taking a shit in video games...
It's a tool for roleplayers. This IS content.
Okay. Now, who seriously wants this? Are there gamers that want same sex marriage in a video game? Better question, are gamers looking for marriage in fking video games? Really now? Da fawk!
You have to weigh that against "Who would seriously not buy the game specifically because of this?"
Some people will refuse to buy the game because of this. Some people will buy the game specifically because of this. The question is whether or not Nintendo gains or loses more. Since they're not exactly breaking new ground on this front I'm going to go ahead and guess that there's more to gain than lose.
and don't you think that adding more content instead of marriage/gay marriage would make more sense in a video game? marriage in a video games has as much purpose as peeing or taking a shit in video games...
It's a tool for roleplayers. This IS content.
rpg's are my fav genre, i find this as useless as it gets. of course me isn't=/=everyone but holy f*ck, enjoying marriage in a game? lolz.
Please keep this out of video games. It is not natural. What next, pedophilia and beastiality in games?
You know those gaffers and sjws would love that... "got to include everybody".... :(
Why is sexuality even part of games that don't need it. A lot of these games make it feel shoehorned in. Unless the story revolves around specific characters having relationships... there is no point. I hated it in every Dragon Age game, as it felt so forced.
When you see that behavior in animals, it's usually not for the reasons you think. It's to display dominance or ownership. As someone who frequents the dog park daily and volunteers at rescues... I see it all the time. Hell most of the time their genitals aren't even touching or extended.
You usually get a lot of characters to join your party in these games, so it would make sense that not every single one of them are straight. It will certainly be interesting to see some of those lesbian relationships play out...
It's moments like this you have to appreciate freedom of speech, because I frankly like it when hateful assholes practice their freedom to show off how stupid they are.
I was hoping to not get myself involved and just focus on the business perspective and controversy here but as an academic I feel inclined to do just this,
Please keep this out of video games. It is not natural. What next, pedophilia and beastiality in games?
For being an all knowing god, you are kind of ignorant.
I could have linked to academic articles if I wanted to but whatevs. And for the record the homosexuality rate on the rams is around 8%, according to later studies (couldn't find the margin for error).
Natural is something occuring in nature or has natural causes. What causes homosexuality? Here is what our lord and savior, Richard Dawkins had to say
Seems like those causes are rather natural to me, meaning that in otherwords, its natural.
Also, here are some marriage options in Awakening: Nowi, Nah, Panne, Yarne.
So it's a choice then? There's all kinds of studies done regarding genes linked to homosexuality, just look up the tests that they do on mice.
Actually, homosexuality is caused by multiple factors. Some of them genetic, others not so much.
Even organizations like Family Research Council acknowledges that homosexuality is not a choice. Let alone the actual experts (which the FRC guys aren't).
We do not know why people are homosexual, same applies to any other sexual orientation so why must you people keep complaining?
We don't know the full story yet, BUT we are getting to finding more and more answers. This came out last year, and I found it interesting.
Turns out that hormone which helps draws people to the homosexual side of the spectrum a boon to our survival as a society.
Good but what about those who reproduce asexually?..... 7.5.
What will polygon think of next.
Not enough representation of non-binary dragon kitsune asexual transvestites! We will not stand for this!
@Pariah-: Sexuality is entirely genetic by the way, this has been proven many times.
There is no such thing as sexual appropriation or whatever it is you're afraid of, your sexuality doesn't change no matter what environment you get put into.
Representation of a sexuality in a game that reflects already accepted identities is not propaganda, it's necessity.
Marriage in general is a waste of money and effort, anyways.
@CountBleck12: Being gay is a genetic defect.
You have a legit source for that? Because if that could be definitively proven, it would lead to all sorts of interesting problems
It is proven. The thing is, "defect" is a subjective thing when the gene doesn't directly affect the survival of the individual. Homosexuality does not necessarily affect personality or ability to survive in nature. As such, the only inevitable effect that homosexuality has is that they won't reproduce. This means nothing for the individual nor for the species. Homosexuality emerges from heterosexual families, obviously (how else would they exist) so it also means nothing for homosexuality itself.
Basically it's a moot thing. There is no consequence of homosexuality.
I dont see what the big deal is with some of the people that are upset or opposed to this.
It would be one thing if video games were regularly shoving stereotypical flamers in our faces. But gaming making strides towards equality? And these options arent even forced on you, theyre just options? I think its a non issue.
It's moments like this you have to appreciate freedom of speech, because I frankly like it when hateful assholes practice their freedom to show off how stupid they are.
It's fun with randoms on the internet. Kind of sucks with people you know. If I had to sum up my experience with Facebook in two words (aside from - time wasted) it would be - respect lost.
Guess it's good to know these things though, even if I'd rather not.
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