That's actually not true - even if the game is a hand-drawn 2D game, the Wii's limited resolution and rendering ability hurts. Simple paintings on canvas have a real world contrast, resolution, and depth beyond what even the best 4K projectors are capable of delivering. To suggest that an artist should be limited to 720 x 480, and limited to essentially a Gamecube's visual capabilities, is sad. - And that completely fails to address the audio limitations of the Wii as well - the lack of discrete audio, and it's limited audio support, hurts as well. It pains me as someone who takes videogame sound seriously to hear the Wii. It doesn't have the output to work with sound systems, it can't create the kind of immerive audioscape I expect as an artist, and it certainly fails to deliver the overall "package". - I have no problem with the notion of playing "fun" games on the Wii, playing arcade games on the Wii, even playing a "control" experience like Metroid on the Wii. However, when I look at a game whose experience is ultimately about putting them player in a strange world, it makes no sense to me why someone would want their window to the world to be pixelated, or the sound recordings for their world to be on a cassette tape.[QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="uglyhippos"] I think this game is perfect for the wii because of the controls and the fact it is an artistic game. technical power house games vary quality on different platforms but artisitc games can be good on any platform . If this games was on the ds I would still hype it. Games like De Blob, No More heroes, Madworld and Okami are good on the wii because they are artistic and original. Pi was an good movie even though it shot with crappy film quality. svetzenlether
Wow. Could you possibly sound ANY more elitist than you just did????
You of all people, somebody who consistently trumpets video games as an art form, should realize that great works of art can and have been done with much more severe limitations placed upon the creators than something like the Wii's hardware.
And the audio rant? C'mon! What you said is probably true if you're running the Wii through a complete audiophile-type setup that 99.998% population doesn't have (you probably own Pear cables, don't you?)
Isn't the wii only pro logicII? Its a pretty noticeable difference between that and digital or dts.
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