First impressions of Too-Human.......

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#101 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]So I guess we can put it as-

Jg4xchamp, Subrosian, PBS SNipes, Bioshock Ownz, Dream Visions are probably the only ones in this thread or on this board(system wars) that are hyping or defending this game with valid reasons.

While everyone else is expecting a flop.SecretPolice

You forgot Secretpolice- and myself, we have stood behind this game since day 1.

That's the fact Jack. :)

Ah, there're so many haters here, but it's interesting that most of the best posters are standing behind Too Human-Subrosian, PBSnipes, DreamVisions, and many more...

I, for one, am probably one of the few lesser beings excited for this game :)

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#102 blitzkid1
Member since 2008 • 3952 Posts

[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]So I guess we can put it as-

Jg4xchamp, Subrosian, PBS SNipes, Bioshock Ownz, Dream Visions are probably the only ones in this thread or on this board(system wars) that are hyping or defending this game with valid reasons.

While everyone else is expecting a flop.thepwninator

You forgot Secretpolice- and myself, we have stood behind this game since day 1.

That's the fact Jack. :)

Ah, there're so many haters here, but it's interesting that most of the best posters are standing behind Too Human-Subrosian, PBSnipes, DreamVisions, and many more...

I, for one, am probably one of the few lesser beings excited for this game :)

'Too Human' Xbox 360 Preview, In The Shadow of 'Metal Gear'

In previewing "Too Human," the ambitious Xbox 360 game slated for August 19 release, I can't help but think of the other game I spent a good chunk of my weekend playing: "Metal Gear Solid 4."

Is that unfair? Not totally. "Too Human" is made by Silicon Knights, the studio that last did… a re-make of the first "Metal Gear Solid." Silicon Knights' new game, like "MGS4″ has been made to tell a significant story. I found "Too Human" to be superior to "MGS4″ in at least one key way. But aside from all that, I just find it impossible to repress comparisons. We don't play games in a vacuum. The achievements in one affect our appreciation of the successes or failures in another.

"Too Human" nestles in between "MGS4″'s extreme tendencies, for good and bad.

It is both a story game and a gameplay game, neither aspect completely satisfying yet.

I received a preview build of "Too Human" early last week. It was accompanied with a letter that cautioned me that the game, though still set for its August date, is not yet complete. Yet I must state it for myself: the game, which has been preceded some exciting hype from its creators, still has rough edges. It is both a story game and a gameplay game, neither aspect completely satisfying yet. It's story: distinct yet less ambitiously told than that of "Metal Gear" from what I've seen so far. It's gameplay: more pure than that of "Metal Gear."

"Too Human" is the tale of Baldur, a godlike being returned from some tragedy to sit again at the long table of a pantheon of higher-powered men and women. He and his ilk are each an amalgamation of Norse mythology and "Matrix"-tech. Baldur doesn't just swing swords; he fires a laser-gun. Baldur had lost a wife and is seeking a fight against a machine-based enemy not clearly defined in the game's first three hours.

I have completed the game's first chapter. I have yet to encounter the theme of technology-skepticism that the game's lead creator, Denis Dyack, told me motivated him to nurture "Too Human" through stages of development for over a decade. The only hint was a choice given me during the end of my session, to allow Baldur to either gain cybernetic enhancements or to follow a more human path of development.

"Too Human" has been pitched by its creator as a grand tale. That grandeur is only hinted early on. Like "Metal Gear" the story is not spoon-fed. Mysteries exist, and to the game's credit, I'm looking forward to seeing them solved. Compared to "MGS4," "Too Human" has real-time cut-scenes that are not told with as dramatic a flair, but also don't appear to be set-up for plot convolutions. As a theme or milieu, cyber-Norse intrigues. It doesn't feel routine or over-played. It's familiar enough. I remember some Thor and Loki tales. In a game, they feel fresh.

Gameplay is what will likely be "Too Human"'s most contentious aspect.

Gameplay is what will likely be "Too Human"'s most contentious aspect. It is, essentially, a matter of Baldur swinging a melee weapon and shooting a gun through room after room of scampering enemies. The play itself is surprisingly reminiscent of the arcade. It's about combos and chains that lead to more potent strikes. There's no button-mashing in "Too Human." Instead there's a lot of thumbstick-leaning. When facing a crowd to combat, the proper technique is a push the right stick toward the first enemy — Baldur will rush toward it with a swing of his sword — and to swivel that stick and point it at a second enemy before that first strike even hits. Chaining that technique to deal with four, five, six enemies sends Baldur on a zigzag attack pattern that looks and feels like nothing else on consoles save, maybe, the twinstick shooters so popular on Xbox Live Arcade. If that particular mechanic doesn't do it for you, the game isn't for you. I was enjoying it, as it let me crunch through the action in that zen frame of mind a frenzied arcade game will let you achieve.

"Too Human" has, at its roots, more ****c gameplay than "Metal Gear"'s. Hideo Kojima's game has gameplay that suits a particular scene, the rules and controls constantly changing. Dyack's game appears to have a simple and consistent rule-set (there are a few more wrinkles than I've described, allowing enemy-juggles and special attacks, but not many). It is Dyack's game that has the potential to win fans of pure play, only if the system isn't easily broken but is instead interesting to master, like a "Robotron" or "Geometry Wars."

It is a game that is meant to be paused — frequently

Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused — frequently. It is a game about upgrading. Every enemy drops loot: health, bounty money, arms and armor. All of it can be armed, sold, or merged with other items to create something new. The game does little of this management for the player, so only those who won't mind or who will in fact enjoy selecting the best helmet, shoulder-guards or dual-wield swords — and repeating the process within the next five minutes of play — are likely to enjoy "Too Human." In three hours, my Baldur, a melee-favoring Berzeker ****warrior, gained much power because of how I armed him. His increase was satisfying.

The components of "Too Human" are solid. It is the combination, then, that does not yet convince me Dyack and his team at Silicon Knights are birthing a ****c, There are small things that will hopefully be addressed: Why does Baldur wear whatever combination of armor I give him in the game's present in the flashback scenes that interrupt his missions? Why is the first boss battle so confusing? Why does resurrection from game-death take so long? And why does Dyack, like Kojima, not teach his players the controls through level design and experience — did they not both work with Miyamoto on "The Twin Snakes"?

"Too Human" has the setting, the promise, the play and maybe the story to succeed. But it is too soon to tell whether it's occasional awkwardness and its less-than-broad-appeal will get in the way of many Xbox 360 owners enjoying it when it is released in August. I'd keep an eye on it.

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#103 thepwninator
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This preview pretty much hits the nail on the head-it's not for everyone, but those who like this type of game will love the bejeesus out of it.
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#104 horrowhip
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I do agree that many of the best posters in System Wars are standing behind the game(hopefully I can be included in that list of people, but that isn't for me to decide, it is for the posters of System Wars). But yes, this isn't a game with universal appeal.

However, the rise of MMO's probably broadened its appeal. Looting and increasing your strength are the pillars of MMO's that keep people playing them(in addition to the community aspect of an MMO). This game will draw that same appeal.

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#105 SecretPolice
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This preview pretty much hits the nail on the head-it's not for everyone, but those who like this type of game will love the bejeesus out of it.thepwninator
Yup, while watching the co-op, I can hardly stand it when I see those " specials " drop on the ground and it's left just sitting there on the ground too long and I just want to run up and nab that, armor,weapon or item. lol
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#106 thepwninator
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[QUOTE="thepwninator"]This preview pretty much hits the nail on the head-it's not for everyone, but those who like this type of game will love the bejeesus out of it.SecretPolice
Yup, while watching the co-op, I can hardly stand it when I see those " specials " drop on the ground and it's left just sitting there on the ground too long and I just want to run up and nab that, armor,weapon or item. lol

I know. It is maddening.

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#107 Ingenemployee
Member since 2007 • 2307 Posts
Too Human could have not come out at a better time, by August I will finally have enough money for a 360 and I'm picking up Too Human with it.
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#108 Burnsmiesta
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Why is this a preview and not a review? He sounds like hes played right through it.
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#109 thepwninator
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Why is this a preview and not a review? He sounds like hes played right through it.Burnsmiesta

They have-Silicon Knights sent out preview copies (which are pretty much the full game) last week.

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#110 SecretPolice
Member since 2007 • 45516 Posts
Why is this a preview and not a review? He sounds like hes played right through it.Burnsmiesta
"I received a preview build of "Too Human" early last week. It was accompanied with a letter that cautioned me that the game, though still set for its August date, is not yet complete. Yet I must state it for myself: the game, which has been preceded some exciting hype from its creators, still has rough edges. It is both a story game and a gameplay game, neither aspect completely satisfying yet. It's story: distinct yet less ambitiously told than that of "Metal Gear" from what I've seen so far. It's gameplay: more pure than that of "Metal Gear.""

"When facing a crowd to combat, the proper technique is a push the right stick toward the first enemy - Baldur will rush toward it with a swing of his sword - and to swivel that stick and point it at a second enemy before that first strike even hits. Chaining that technique to deal with four, five, six enemies sends Baldur on a zigzag attack pattern that looks and feels like nothing else on consoles save, maybe, the twinstick shooters so popular on Xbox Live Arcade. If that particular mechanic doesn't do it for you, the game isn't for you. I was enjoying it, as it let me crunch through the action in that zen frame of mind a frenzied arcade game will let you achieve."

"Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused - frequently. It is a game about upgrading."

""Too Human" has the setting, the promise, the play and maybe the story to succeed. But it is too soon to tell whether it's occasional awkwardness and its less-than-broad-appeal will get in the way of many Xbox 360 owners enjoying it when it is released in August. I'd keep an eye on it."

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#111 akif22
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only 10hrs?!

i got the impression it'd be huge with loads of exploration and stuff

how did this take them 10 years to make?!

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#112 thepwninator
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List of previews from people confirmed to have had the game since last week:







Though positive, for the most part, most comment on how it "isn't for everyone".

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#113 spinecaton
Member since 2003 • 8986 Posts

only 10hrs?!

i got the impression it'd be huge with loads of exploration and stuff

how did this take them 10 years to make?!


If you actually knew the history behind Too Human, you would realize the only thing the is the same from 10 years ago when they first put the idea on paper is the name.

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#114 linkin_guy109
Member since 2005 • 8864 Posts
if it has the pso mechanics to it im fine with that, there were i think 4 or 5 worlds to run through in pso and i loved them all, i never did understand why more devs havent tried to approach games this way
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#115 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

only 10hrs?!

i got the impression it'd be huge with loads of exploration and stuff

how did this take them 10 years to make?!


*sigh* it's been said many times in this thread-that guy did the equivalent of a speed run (notice the "if you are so inclined" in his article). Diablo 2 was shorter than that if you could pull it off...

This game would take ~20 hours with all of the arenas, dungeons, and item cheststo find, and it, like Diablo, is meant to be played through many, many, many times.

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#116 Bluestorm-Kalas
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[QUOTE="ColoradoKindBud"]Length shouldn't be as big of a factor if the quality is there. I think this will be a love-it-or-hate-it type of game, but since I dig hack-n-slash gammes, I'm sure I'll fall into the love it category.darthogre

Length isn't a big factor in RPGs????? Since when? I'm sorry but I'd like to think most people who love RPG's would consider that length to be way too short. They've been working on this game for what, 10 years? So 1 year for every hour that you play? Heck 10 hrs (which like I said is probably 8 hrs) is the equivalent to the quick shooter games they are making quick RPGs, sorry that is crap.

If FF13 turned out to be 10 hrs long, I'd be saying the exact same thing.

Well, look at a big game called Mass Effect, I don't know about you gamers, but to me, the main quest is about five times as easy as most side quests and exploring the planets. I've put about 13 hours into the game, and I've only devoted about three of those to the main quest, and I'm completed Noveria and Feros, and I think that if I devote about three more hours to the main quest, I will have it beat. That means that in six hours I will have beaten the main quest of the game. The other 10 hours on the game have been exploring the Clusters, and when I got my Decryption level higher, I went back to a lot of them planets and uncovered many of the objects that were too high for me to get my first time around.
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#117 GoonVSGoblin
Member since 2008 • 98 Posts
I've been worried for this game to say the least since I first layed eyes on it.
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#118 SecretPolice
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if it has the pso mechanics to it im fine with that, there were i think 4 or 5 worlds to run through in pso and i loved them all, i never did understand why more devs havent tried to approach games this waylinkin_guy109
Then you a prime candidate for this game ! :)

"Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused - frequently. It is a game about upgrading."

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#119 thepwninator
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[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]if it has the pso mechanics to it im fine with that, there were i think 4 or 5 worlds to run through in pso and i loved them all, i never did understand why more devs havent tried to approach games this waySecretPolice

Then you a prime candidate for this game ! :)

"Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused - frequently. It is a game about upgrading."

Aren't all ARPGs?

The true greatness of these games lies not in the gameplay, but in the looting, though the gameplay does take more priority than it does in Diablo 2...

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#120 SecretPolice
Member since 2007 • 45516 Posts

[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]if it has the pso mechanics to it im fine with that, there were i think 4 or 5 worlds to run through in pso and i loved them all, i never did understand why more devs havent tried to approach games this waythepwninator

Then you a prime candidate for this game ! :)

"Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused - frequently. It is a game about upgrading."

Aren't all ARPGs?

The true greatness of these games lies not in the gameplay, but in the looting, though the gameplay does take more priority than it does in Diablo 2...

Indeed, in fact so much time flies by when in the pause screen tinkering with the character and all his or hers parts so to speak.

Leveling the character and finding and using all sorts of varied equipment and items to see how they work are the real beaty here.

The best way I can sum it up is it's like a lottery every time you are playing and you know something truly unique can just pop out and be yours.

If lets say even a game like L.O. or M.E. had this feature where at any time, something different could drop, ( armors, weps etc. ) I would still be playing them today. :D

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#121 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]if it has the pso mechanics to it im fine with that, there were i think 4 or 5 worlds to run through in pso and i loved them all, i never did understand why more devs havent tried to approach games this waySecretPolice

Then you a prime candidate for this game ! :)

"Dyack's game will likely also be contentious because it is a game that is meant to be paused - frequently. It is a game about upgrading."

Aren't all ARPGs?

The true greatness of these games lies not in the gameplay, but in the looting, though the gameplay does take more priority than it does in Diablo 2...

Indeed, in fact so much time flies by when in the pause screen tinkering with the character and all his or hers parts so to speak.

Leveling the character and finding and using all sorts of varied equipment and items to see how they work are the real beaty here.

The best way I can sum it up is it's like a lottery every time you are playing and you know something truly unique can just pop out and be yours.

If lets say even a game like L.O. or M.E. had this feature where at any time, something different could drop, ( armors, weps etc. ) I would still be playing them today. :D

Yes. Very yes. Everyone I know who played Diablo 2 played it for hundreds of hours, even though the game itself is only about 20 if you take it slowly.

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#122 Amit_Raj
Member since 2007 • 381 Posts

with Diablo 3 announced just recently i am even more hyped for this game .. it will be my fix until diablo 3 comes along

altho diablo3 is gonna obliterate this 1

TH is still gonna be awesome for me ... an the 10hr thing ... recently Denis Dyack posted his stats on his blog when he finished it and it took him 17 hrs ... even tho it is less it will work coz u will only be able to reach lvl 25 at max on your first playthru ... which wud indicate u wud need to playthru this game atleast 3 times to reach the level cap of 50

with 5 classes x 3 playthrus for each x 10 hr each time .... well u do the math

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#123 subrosian
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What lemmings have hyped this game? It has only been hyped by true gamers - fanboys have been running scared since day one, fearing a flop (or cheering for one - in the case of non-360 fans). Only genuine gamers would stick by a game like Too Human.


You, Bioshockownz and Dreams-Visions

Ironically some of the most literate and sensible posters on system wars(under normal circumstances)

I'm not a lemming. It's always amusing to me that no one ever guesses correctly with me.

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#124 Locke562
Member since 2004 • 7673 Posts

What lemmings have hyped this game? It has only been hyped by true gamers - fanboys have been running scared since day one, fearing a flop (or cheering for one - in the case of non-360 fans). Only genuine gamers would stick by a game like Too Human.


You, Bioshockownz and Dreams-Visions

Ironically some of the most literate and sensible posters on system wars(under normal circumstances)

I'm not a lemming. It's always amusing to me that no one ever guesses correctly with me.

Everyone knows Subrosian is a hardcore SEGA fan.

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#125 vicmackey39
Member since 2008 • 2416 Posts

I'm not a lemming. It's always amusing to me that no one ever guesses correctly with me.


Whoops. sorry I didn't mean to imply anything. I know that you're not a fanboy

but your love of too human borders on the irrational

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#126 thepwninator
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I'm not a lemming. It's always amusing to me that no one ever guesses correctly with me.


Whoops. sorry I didn't mean to imply anything. I know that you're not a fanboy

but your love of too human borders on the irrational

Unless, of course, he, you know, actually likes games like this?

I love my phat lewtz, so I will probably love Too Human.
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#127 rolo107
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At least it has great replayability. He says level cap is 50, but I'm pretty sure that you can get to 150 through repeated replays. I'll pick this game up if it gets a 7.5, that's what Lost Odyssey got and I loved that game. Underrated games are great. Love being surprised by a game you thought was crap.
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#128 dream431ca
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I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos.
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#129 thepwninator
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I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. dream431ca

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

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#130 dream431ca
Member since 2003 • 10165 Posts

[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. thepwninator

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

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#131 thepwninator
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[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. dream431ca

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

It'll be just as repetitive as Diablo 2 was.

Interpret that as you will.

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#132 Auroni
Member since 2004 • 1284 Posts

Too Human haters are just getting way too annoying. The game looked TERRIBLE 3 years ago. Now this guy says its graphically stunning. It has great music. Theres no framerate dips or tearing. Technically this game is amazing. The story is also top notch and ends with a cliffhanger. It's suppose to be a trilogy so I only assumed it would end in one. Sure the game is 10 hours long but compare it to the bit longer but way more reptititive Assassin's Creed or the short and amazing Bioshock. Even Mass Effect was only around 15 hours long.

Too Human is going to be a solid game. I predict an 8.5 or 9 but by no means will I be upset if Gamespot gives it any lower (they gave Lost Odyssey a 7.5 but No More Heroes and Assassin's Creed 9's and Smash a 9.5).

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#133 the1stfandb
Member since 2007 • 2397 Posts

with Diablo 3 announced just recently i am even more hyped for this game .. it will be my fix until diablo 3 comes along

altho diablo3 is gonna obliterate this 1

TH is still gonna be awesome for me ... an the 10hr thing ... recently Denis Dyack posted his stats on his blog when he finished it and it took him 17 hrs ... even tho it is less it will work coz u will only be able to reach lvl 25 at max on your first playthru ... which wud indicate u wud need to playthru this game atleast 3 times to reach the level cap of 50

with 5 classes x 3 playthrus for each x 10 hr each time .... well u do the math


Yeah, I hope that it will last me tell diablo III too.

I wonder how a "10hr " will last long though.:roll:

From many responses conserning its short length it seems like its been too long since a good true action-rpg. :(

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#134 dream431ca
Member since 2003 • 10165 Posts

[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. thepwninator

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

It'll be just as repetitive as Diablo 2 was.

Interpret that as you will.

Please don't ever compare Too-Human with Diablo 2 again. Diablo 2 is in a league of it's own.

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#135 vicmackey39
Member since 2008 • 2416 Posts

Unless, of course, he, you know, actually likes games like this?

I love my phat lewtz, so I will probably love Too Human.thepwninator

Games like what? as too human has fallen further and further it has been compared to Devil May Cry, Diablo and Phantasy Star Online

I'm not trying to get at you but you seriously need to find a more promising game to hype

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#136 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

with Diablo 3 announced just recently i am even more hyped for this game .. it will be my fix until diablo 3 comes along

altho diablo3 is gonna obliterate this 1

TH is still gonna be awesome for me ... an the 10hr thing ... recently Denis Dyack posted his stats on his blog when he finished it and it took him 17 hrs ... even tho it is less it will work coz u will only be able to reach lvl 25 at max on your first playthru ... which wud indicate u wud need to playthru this game atleast 3 times to reach the level cap of 50

with 5 classes x 3 playthrus for each x 10 hr each time .... well u do the math


Yeah, I hope that it will last me tell diablo III too.

I wonder how a "10hr " will last lang though.:roll:

From many responses conserning length its seems like its been too long since a good true action-rpg.

Are you saying it's too short or about right?

Also of note: regarding the cliffhanger the guy talked about, it could very well be just the kind that Star Wars: Episode 4 ended with-Darth Vader, the main villain, lives on, and could very well return far more powerful than before.

"Cliffhanger" is a very, very, very broad term, and this could very well be what it is (note the fact that it is not mentioned or complained about in any of the other previews).

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#137 Nedemis
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First off the OP should actually know something about the game before he posts such lame garbage as "oh and it's a 10 hr long RPG".....:lol: FYI darthorgre, it's an Action/Adventure game with RPG elements.
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#138 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

Unless, of course, he, you know, actually likes games like this?

I love my phat lewtz, so I will probably love Too Human.vicmackey39

Games like what? as too human has fallen further and further it has been compared to Devil May Cry, Diablo and Phantasy Star Online

I'm not trying to get at you but you seriously need to find a more promising game to hype

Diablo 3? It ain't coming out for two or three more years.

Can you think of any others?

Also: it was pretty clear what I meant by "games like this" (see "phat lewtz" reference). I loved Diablo 2, and this is the closest thing to it that looks good, and (imo) it looks like it's bringing a lot more to the table than Diablo 2 ever dreamed of.

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#139 the1stfandb
Member since 2007 • 2397 Posts

Are you saying it's too short or about right?

Also of note: regarding the cliffhanger the guy talked about, it could very well be just the kind that Star Wars: Episode 4 ended with-Darth Vader, the main villain, lives on, and could very well return far more powerful than before.

"Cliffhanger" is a very, very, very broad term, and this could very well be what it is (note the fact that it is not mentioned or complained about in any of the other previews).


I am saying: "it will work fine."

When I posted that I was talking about the responses to the length. I mean you could bolt through old action-rpgs not get the greatest equipment but at least you would have the level if you wanna play a harder mode or more experienced friend.

It just seems like many pll forget or never touched pc games, maybe too human will change both of those:).If alot of lemmings love too human they would probably go pc later on as well.

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#140 thepwninator
Member since 2006 • 8134 Posts

First off the OP should actually know something about the game before he posts such lame garbage as "oh and it's a 10 hr long RPG".....:lol: FYI darthorgre, it's an Action/Adventure game with RPG elements. Nedemis

No, it is, indeed, an RPG-an RPG with action/adventure elements (not the other way around). The Gamespot thing about the genre is a lie.

If you look at any of the other previews released today (1up, gamespy, etc.), you would see this almost instantly; they generally praise the immense amount of customization available (especially Gamespy), and this is something you don't see in anything that isn't an RPG. Thus, it's an RPG, though one with action elements.


Are you saying it's too short or about right?

Also of note: regarding the cliffhanger the guy talked about, it could very well be just the kind that Star Wars: Episode 4 ended with-Darth Vader, the main villain, lives on, and could very well return far more powerful than before.

"Cliffhanger" is a very, very, very broad term, and this could very well be what it is (note the fact that it is not mentioned or complained about in any of the other previews).


I am saying: "it will work fine."

When I posted that I was talking about the responses to the length. I mean you could bolt through old action-rpgs not get the greatest equipment but at least you would have the level if you wanna play a harder mode or more experienced friend.

Ah. I've made that point time and again in this thread, and no one seems to notice it :)

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#141 ice144
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[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. thepwninator

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

It'll be just as repetitive as Diablo 2 was.

Interpret that as you will.

Please don't say this, i HIGHLY doubt you'll be playing this game 8 years from

I'll play Too Human, and hopefully I'll enjoy it. But no way on earth can you compare it to Diablo 2.

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#142 blitzkid1
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[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. ice144

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

It'll be just as repetitive as Diablo 2 was.

Interpret that as you will.

Please don't say this, i HIGHLY doubt you'll be playing this game 8 years from

I'll play Too Human, and hopefully I'll enjoy it. But no way on earth can you compare it to Diablo 2.

who cares if will be playing it 8 years from now or not. You can compareit to dibalo 2 but it has a better loot system here "Too Human is, for the uninitiated, an action RPG. If that description conjures up memories of Diablo 2 (or stirs the still-warm excitement surrounding the announcement of Diablo 3), that's good - and bad. For Diablo. Because whilst the basic concept is the same (cruise around the place, carving up bad guys, claiming epic loot and advancing the story), the combat is very, very different. In Diablo, the combat was that which enabled all the looting. Click, click, click... you get the idea. Not much to it. Click on a dude over and over (click and hold was the major enhancement that Diablo 2 brought to the table), then when everything's dead, gather up the loot. I'm not ragging on Diablo - don't get me wrong, it's one of the greatest games ever made and is still installed on my PC to this day."

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#143 thepwninator
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[QUOTE="dream431ca"]I knew it when I first saw the first gameplay videos. ice144

Really now? It's possible to determine the length of a speed run from two year old E3 videos?

Nope, not the length of the game, just how repetitive it was.

It'll be just as repetitive as Diablo 2 was.

Interpret that as you will.

Please don't say this, i HIGHLY doubt you'll be playing this game 8 years from

I'll play Too Human, and hopefully I'll enjoy it. But no way on earth can you compare it to Diablo 2.

I said "repetitive", not "long-lasting" :P

Diablo 2, on paper, is very, very, very repetitive (and, indeed, in practice it is as well). However, it is that repetition that makes it what it is. What's the point of the game if there is no loot grind? None, because then there wouldn't be anything to the game after you beat Diablo (or Baal, depending on whether or not you have the expansion). You see, it is the repetition that makes these types of games, not breaks them. How many Baal runs did you do? Fifty? One hundred? One thousand? It was really repetitive, wasn't it? At the bare essentials, yes. However, why did you keep doing them? For the sake of teh lewtz, of course. In a game like this, repetition is good, not bad.

I, for one, enjoyed the endless Baal runs-not because the combat was particularly engaging, but because they were simply so rewarding. Who wouldn't want a Fierce Helm of Awesome?

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#144 vicmackey39
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the cutscenes are even worse than I thought!

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#145 CAlNlAC
Member since 2006 • 689 Posts
Yeah, I think the game should be fun. I gotta say though, I'm still disappointed at the 2 player co-op instead of the original 4 player co-op. I mean seriously. 4 player co-op would have been hot what with all the different classes available and how they could have been combo'd together to make an awesome party with some friends. Oh well, I guess thats an improvment Too Human 2 will make hopefully .
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#146 ukillwegrill
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10 hours? Almost as long as the dual layerd Blu Ray powered MGS4....

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#147 horrowhip
Member since 2005 • 5002 Posts


the cutscenes are even worse than I thought!



You do realize that the one universally agreed upon thing in those previews is that the story, storytelling and presentation are all fantastic. So...

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#148 humber_matus
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10 hours? Almost as long as the dual layerd Blu Ray powered MGS4....


yup, an action game that is longer than an rpg ... wow.

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#149 thepwninator
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the cutscenes are even worse than I thought!


I'd hazard a guess that you did not watch part two of the cinematic?

Part 2 is far better, IMO.

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#150 vicmackey39
Member since 2008 • 2416 Posts


You do realize that the one universally agreed upon thing in those previews is that the story, storytelling and presentation are all fantastic. So...



I particular liked the quote from nietzsche at the start. That's deep yo