Nintendo NEEDS to release a new, revised design for the 3DS, whether it be called 3DS Lite, 3DS XL or whatever. The current 3DS model is not worth buying, plain and simple.
Buyers are just becoming much smarter, and are beginning to wise up to Nintendo's tactics. They release 3 different versions, sometimes more, of every handheld they release, and just expect people to buy them all and eat it up like candy. It's coming back to bite them in the ass because now people are just much more willing to wait for the bigger and better, probably cheaper, system rather than get screwed over by getting the lesser system. Early adopters already probably feel screwed for having to pay $250 for the system in the first place. The only smart consumers here are the ones that wait for the system revision and the price cuts to take place. What on earth are they missing out on, Ocarina of Time? A game we all completed 15 years ago? Even if you have the slightest bit of patience, you can wait for some real games to come out and by the time they do, a price cut will be in place, possibly some bundles and most likely a revised system actually worth buying.
The reason the current 3DS is not worth buying is because the thing has MAJOR design flaws. A 3 to 5 hour battery life is completely and entirely inexcusable, no matter how you look at it. The argument that you just play your 3DS at home where it's always in a power outlet is not a good argument. The 3DS is a portable device, and doesn't function adequately as a portable device. Then you have the fact that it scratches the upper screen when you close the system, completely inexcusable. There have been many reports of loose hinges, and the 3D viewing angle is terrible. The 3D viewing angle is so bad that you can't even use the gyroscope sensor properly without throwing the 3D "sweet spot" out of whack.
The 3DS is not worth buying right now, plain and simple, and unless you work for Nintendo, it's just foolish to own one right now.
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