Yet again proving that visuals matter more to people than they care to let on. I couldn't give a sh!t how it looks, the mechanics are still really cool and it's very inventive.
But it still needs sufficient tech to make it a good game. It's in Alpha stage now, so it's excusable.
Remember, it's not about Gameplay>Graphics. It's that graphics serve gameplay and the whole experience. Amnesia wouldn't have been nearly as scary if the tech wasn't sufficient enough to render the interiors as close as possible to the artists and designers concept.
I don't think the visuals played as big a part as the audio did. What made that game scary was terrifying music and that growl you heard before a guy came running at you. I think if it had the same audio but worse visuals it still would have been bang on. As long as the control and feel of the character are right then I don't seen why the visuals matter so much. Amnesia was pretty crappy visually as it is
I would argue that audio is WAY more important than visuals when it comes to horror.
You know what makes Silent Hill 2 such an amazing and scary experience? IMO it is all those little touches the game has, alot of them being visual. The whole thing with the radio making static as enemies got close was such genius. It brings the tension to a whole new level. Then there's stuff like the infamous bathroom scare (probably the most I ever jumped in a game) which again is accomplished completely via sound.
Also in the prison there is the hall where there is a monster who mumbles incoherently to itself. You never actually see this monster and that just leaves you so damned unnerved.
Oh and of course there is the soundtrack which while having beautiful tracks like this, also brings on the horror with songs that sound like they would be most comfortable being played in hell.....
Of course visuals matter too. You need both elements to create the scary game (and visual touches like randomly barred off hallways really **** with you on a mental level I feel) but I would always argue that sound is by far more important, whether it be the terrifying sounds of the creatures or the terrifying LACK of sound leading up to the jump moment.
So yeah, I AM argeeing with you but I just felt the need to put my two cents in. :P
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