[QUOTE="legalize3"][QUOTE="killaj2786"][QUOTE="legalize3"][QUOTE="Corvin"][QUOTE="Paul_TheGreat"]GTHD will always look better.InsaneBasura
Too bad GT: HD is a simple one-car, one-track tech demo and not an actual game. We'll see how the real GT5 looks when it comes out in, what, a year from now? We'll all be spoiled on Forza 2 by then. The way GS scores reviews, Forza 2 will set the grading curve for racing sims so unless GT5 somehow had far more to offer it will score lower. And I fail to see how it will be better at anything (except possibly graphics) when four games in GT4 still didn't have as much to offer as the first Forza.
the 10 mil gran turismo owners disagree with you
forza what 1 mil owners
10 mil vs 1 mil hmmm
Nice bs guess....
a) GT4 ( which by now is a well established franchise on a system that has sold 100 million) sold only 6 million
b) Forza ( the last orginal xbox game on 20 million xboxs ) sold only one million for three reasons:
It wasnt as hyped as Gt.
Its a new franchise
And they just announced the 360 at the time of release.....
It's much much different now.....
it has nothing to do with how many ps2 systems are sold
...of course it does. The higher installed userbase, the higher potential sales. It's called logic.
you make a good game people will buy it you make a bad game people wont buy it
I'm sorry, but that's not always how it works. There are countless examples. One being Beyond Good & Evil. Another being Bulletproof. Unlike you naively think, it's not as simple as that. There are a lot of other contributing factors.
you say 100 mil ps2 owners means more software sales why didnt killzone on ps2 hit the 1 mil ?
Why did Bulletproof?
and forza still has no hype its in the same league as PGR all GT wannabees
gt is the king in racing simulators
Using sales to prove your opinion right doesn't really work. Forza has a lot better AI, the opponents are affected by your physical presence in a realistic way, there is car damage, there is online multiplayer, hell skidmarks are left on the track, something not even GTHD can pull off. These are all facts that not only makes Forza the better game, but also the better racing simulator.
Forza 2 improves upon all of that and adds quite a lot in terms of features. Brian Ekberg is ecstatic about it. I'll be playing it within a month. But you enjoy watching the pretty replays in your archaic one track time trial demo for another year.
LOL he pwned himself, Flopzone sold 4mil!
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