[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="Oemenia"][QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="killaj2786"][QUOTE="legalize3"][QUOTE="Corvin"] [QUOTE="Paul_TheGreat"]GTHD will always look better.Oemenia
Too bad GT: HD is a simple one-car, one-track tech demo and not an actual game. We'll see how the real GT5 looks when it comes out in, what, a year from now? We'll all be spoiled on Forza 2 by then. The way GS scores reviews, Forza 2 will set the grading curve for racing sims so unless GT5 somehow had far more to offer it will score lower. And I fail to see how it will be better at anything (except possibly graphics) when four games in GT4 still didn't have as much to offer as the first Forza.
the 10 mil gran turismo owners disagree with you
forza what 1 mil owners
10 mil vs 1 mil hmmm
Nice bs guess....
a) GT4 ( which by now is a well established franchise on a system that has sold 100 million) sold only 6 million
b) Forza ( the last orginal xbox game on 20 million xboxs ) sold only one million for three reasons:
It wasnt as hyped as Gt.
Its a new franchise
And they just announced the 360 at the time of release.....
It's much much different now.....
Nice bs logic....
GT4 sold 8 Million LINK . And stop with your poor reasoning. Games sell consoles. Thats why PS consoles sell so many. Its that it has better games. FF, DMC, Tekken, Ratchet and Clank etc etc etc. A very diverse offering of games. FF sold PS to RPG fans, MGS sold PSs to action action adventure fans. etc etc etc. So at the end of the day you have a console with a diverse fanbase. sO NOT ALL ON THAT 100 mILLION AREN'T GT game fans so that 100 Million fanbase means nothing.
It also wasn't as hyped at GT because it wasn't as revolutionary as GT
GT one sold 10.85 Million when it was a new Franchise so whats your excuse for that one???
Sales = Quality? Nice self-ownage, PS3 is the worst console because its selling the worse...
Funny when I add PS3's JPN and NA numbers it exceeds 360's own
Nice selfownage dude
So youre saying that magically because of sales PS3 is better than 360 in Japan but worse than Wii but dead last in Europe and USA? Yeah great logic...
oh... You have numbers for Europe????
WOW, can I see them please....
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