Number one, the PS3 Slim is confirmed according to an interview with a French retailer on Jeux Video Network.
When asked about the PS3 Slim, the retailer responded:
"Yes, the PS3 Slim is a reality, it will soon emerge."
The retailer was apparently informed about the console only a week ago from wholesalers and it's all very secretive. A release date is not confirmed, but it's expected for September. They haven't yet seen what the console actually looks like, the size of its harddrive is also unconfirmed, and possible bundles have yet to be discussed.
However, it's surprising to hear that the PS3 Slim's price will be €299 from launch. The dealer believes that since retailers are aware of this price, they are chopping their current PS3 stock to €299 prematurely in order to make room for the Slim. This would perhaps explain the Spanish and Italian offers we've spotted online.
Naturally, this should be taken as a rumour.$1317359.htm
And teh plot thickennzzzzzzzzzzzzz :o
PD: Yeah I took a free day and I am bored right now :P...until the night of course 8) lol
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