...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.
listen too the doom sega 32x version soundtrack and then listen to the SNESs.
tell me which game has the better quality soundtrack.
compare crysis graphics and sims 3 graphics. which one has higher quality graphics?
This has nothing to do with what you stated before. Your original post only was concerned about the quality of an individual game, based on its own merits, not based on comparisions between two games. But for the sake of it:
For one thing, your first example is based on a comparison between what is, for all intents and purposes, the same game, while the second one is based on two different games.
For the first example, I have not heard either of the soundtracks, but perhaps you are discussing porting issues or a difference in technology?Besides, this still goes against what you said earlier, based on the sum of the parts of the game and not just on one individual part or game. Perhaps the version with the worse-sounding music is better overall to a certain person based on other differences?
Your second example does the same thing; uses only one individual part and assumes one is better playing than the other because of that part, not mentioning how the other parts may stack up in a certain person's eye.
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