fun is subjective. quality is not.

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#1 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

i feel this message needs to be spread to all system wariors.

for example, halo 3. it is a high quality game. it has good graphics (for the time) great soundtrack, and great level design and weapons.

did you have playing it? maybe.

another example: super mario galaxy. a high quality game. absolutely level design, wonderful soundtrack, great gameplay.

did you have fun? you should¨ve, but maybe its not you're kind of game.

so when people say "*insert bad game here* is the best" they're wrong: its a bad game, but he had fun playing it.

or if they say:"*insert AAA game here* sucks." they're wrong, its a high quality game, but they didn't have fun with it


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#2 deactivated-5967f36c08c33
Member since 2006 • 15614 Posts

...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.

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#3 Anjunaddict
Member since 2010 • 4178 Posts
Yeah I agree, i think this is the same as someone calling an AAA overrated just because they didn't like it. That drives me mad, because sorry, it doesn't work like that.
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#4 SolidTy
Member since 2005 • 49991 Posts

Quality can be subjective, as it's just based on other reviews. Your examples are just opinions in any event.

I do agree, critically those games and many more are of a fine quality, but opinions are opinions.

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#5 Brainkiller05
Member since 2005 • 28954 Posts
did i have playing it? excuse me?
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#6 88mphSlayer
Member since 2010 • 3201 Posts

i think it'd be better if you pointed out what quality means in a video game

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#7 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts
Yeah agree totally. Obviously people can have their own opinions, but to try say an inferior console/game is better than a clearly superior one is just plain silly. ie One could personally believe the Virtual Boy is better than PS2, grand for the individual, but they went around saying "VB > PS2!" that'd be silly.
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#8 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.


listen too the doom sega 32x version soundtrack and then listen to the SNESs.

tell me which game has the better quality soundtrack.

compare crysis graphics and sims 3 graphics. which one has higher quality graphics?

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#9 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

i think it'd be better if you pointed out what quality means in a video game


everything exept fun really.

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#10 tomarlyn
Member since 2005 • 20148 Posts
Quality is not subjective You can respect a game and how its been designed but not enjoy it, or vice versa.
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#11 Theguy56
Member since 2003 • 1379 Posts

Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.

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#12 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.


you mean: "i do not think Halo is a FUN game"

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#13 mrmusicman247
Member since 2008 • 17601 Posts
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Quality is not subjective You can respect a game and how its been designed but not enjoy it, or vice versa.

Exactly but not everyone does that.
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#14 kontejner44
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Someone who thinks like me, nice!

Super Mario Galaxy is by definition a high quality game. You can not say it's a crap game, but you can discuss why this game is not for you.

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#15 Anjunaddict
Member since 2010 • 4178 Posts

Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.

Hmm..... don't know how to put this, but you are wrong? I have no problem if you say you don't like Halo for whatever reasons (a game can't please everyone) but to say its not a quality game? Do you really think its a crap game that just happens to get AAA reviews everywhere, GOTY awards and millions upon millions of sales? Not to mention has hundreds of thousands of players still playing it every day? Oh dear...
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#16 ModeDude
Member since 2009 • 1135 Posts

There are people who would prefer a NES to a PS3, simply because they feel that games were more fun back in those days. Whether a game is good, depends on fun but not quality. People prefer to buy on fun rather than quality, this is why GameSpot's GOTY Demon's Souls hasn't really recieved a huge amount of sales. Probably because people aren't into very difficult games.

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#17 tomarlyn
Member since 2005 • 20148 Posts
[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Quality is not subjective You can respect a game and how its been designed but not enjoy it, or vice versa.

Exactly but not everyone does that.

I think Mario Galaxy is a masterpiece for the genre and predicted it would be GOTY. That is seeing the quality behind a production. Problem is I'm sick to death of Mario. This is called subjective taste. On the flipside I enjoyed Killzone and Red Steel, but they're terribly crafted games that deserved the bad rep.
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#18 88mphSlayer
Member since 2010 • 3201 Posts


i think it'd be better if you pointed out what quality means in a video game


everything exept fun really.

well i would agree to an extent, but things like level design are built in the first place to be fun

ie: Crytek didn't make Crysis a semi-sandbox shooter just to show off the technical brilliance of the game, but also because they knew that style of gameplay would appeal to players

same goes for art design in games like Bioshock or Mass Effect, they're there to invoke something out of the player

polish is really important to gameplay tho, i think Nintendo has the best record of polishing their games above anybody else out there, it means less to everything else but is still important

imo things like music, art design, level design, and graphics can't be considered a "true quality" part of a game, as all of those things will be considered in a subjective manner by the player

imo the only thing you can call quality across-all-platforms is Polish, not just in terms of getting rid of glitches but also in terms of how a game functions and how well it's put together as a whole

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#19 deactivated-5967f36c08c33
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...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.


listen too the doom sega 32x version soundtrack and then listen to the SNESs.

tell me which game has the better quality soundtrack.

compare crysis graphics and sims 3 graphics. which one has higher quality graphics?

This has nothing to do with what you stated before. Your original post only was concerned about the quality of an individual game, based on its own merits, not based on comparisions between two games. But for the sake of it:

For one thing, your first example is based on a comparison between what is, for all intents and purposes, the same game, while the second one is based on two different games.

For the first example, I have not heard either of the soundtracks, but perhaps you are discussing porting issues or a difference in technology?Besides, this still goes against what you said earlier, based on the sum of the parts of the game and not just on one individual part or game. Perhaps the version with the worse-sounding music is better overall to a certain person based on other differences?

Your second example does the same thing; uses only one individual part and assumes one is better playing than the other because of that part, not mentioning how the other parts may stack up in a certain person's eye.

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#20 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Ok, lets say you are right for a second... now what if that "quality" game is boring as hell to me... why should I give a **** about it being a "quality" game when it isn't fun?

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#21 Vandalvideo
Member since 2003 • 39655 Posts


...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.


listen too the doom sega 32x version soundtrack and then listen to the SNESs.

tell me which game has the better quality soundtrack.

compare crysis graphics and sims 3 graphics. which one has higher quality graphics?

Higher fidelity does not necessarily equate to higher quality. Some people prefer the minimalist approach to design. One may prefer the low res graphics of a game like Mega Man X to that of Crysis, or someone may prefer the sound of midi to that of modern orchestral scores. Everything is subjective.
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#22 Theguy56
Member since 2003 • 1379 Posts

Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.

Hmm..... don't know how to put this, but you are wrong? I have no problem if you say you don't like Halo for whatever reasons (a game can't please everyone) but to say its not a quality game? Do you really think its a crap game that just happens to get AAA reviews everywhere, GOTY awards and millions upon millions of sales? Not to mention has hundreds of thousands of players still playing it every day? Oh dear...

Crap game no, but not quality. I also think MW2 is not a quality game even if it got AAA reviews almost everywhere. Sales are definitely not an indicator of quality. I don't usually put trust in reviewers who only try to see quality in FPS.
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#23 Anjunaddict
Member since 2010 • 4178 Posts

Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.

Hmm..... don't know how to put this, but you are wrong? I have no problem if you say you don't like Halo for whatever reasons (a game can't please everyone) but to say its not a quality game? Do you really think its a crap game that just happens to get AAA reviews everywhere, GOTY awards and millions upon millions of sales? Not to mention has hundreds of thousands of players still playing it every day? Oh dear...

Crap game no, but not quality. I also think MW2 is not a quality game even if it got AAA reviews almost everywhere. Sales are definitely not an indicator of quality. I don't usually put trust in reviewers who only try to see quality in FPS.

Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.
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#24 Vandalvideo
Member since 2003 • 39655 Posts
[QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.

Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality.
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#25 nintendo-4life
Member since 2004 • 18281 Posts
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Quality is not subjective You can respect a game and how its been designed but not enjoy it, or vice versa.

fun is just an important factor though, but I do agree with this statement^^ . quality is not subjecive.
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#26 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.

Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality.

McDonalds is cheap and tasty :(
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#27 smokeydabear076
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[QUOTE="Theguy56"][QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Hmm..... don't know how to put this, but you are wrong? I have no problem if you say you don't like Halo for whatever reasons (a game can't please everyone) but to say its not a quality game? Do you really think its a crap game that just happens to get AAA reviews everywhere, GOTY awards and millions upon millions of sales? Not to mention has hundreds of thousands of players still playing it every day? Oh dear...Anjunaddict
Crap game no, but not quality. I also think MW2 is not a quality game even if it got AAA reviews almost everywhere. Sales are definitely not an indicator of quality. I don't usually put trust in reviewers who only try to see quality in FPS.

Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.

Yeah, Brittany Spears = Quality music... so are the Backstreet Boys. I mean they sold a lot, so they have to be good because people wouldn't listen to crappy music, just like people wouldn't play crappy games, right?

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#28 Vandalvideo
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[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.

Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality.

McDonalds is cheap and tasty :(

Five Guys is just as cheap and far tastier. :) Now go spread the gospel.
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#29 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game. locopatho
Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality.

McDonalds is cheap and tasty :(

Not really, it tastes and looks like ****. That's why I haven't eaten there in at least 10 years.

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#30 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"] Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality.

McDonalds is cheap and tasty :(

Five Guys is just as cheap and far tastier. :) Now go spread the gospel.

Don't have that here though :P
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#31 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts

[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"] Same reason millions of people eat at McDonalds every day when they could be enjoying the dozens times more delicious and just as inexpensive Five Guys; horde mentality. smokeydabear076

McDonalds is cheap and tasty :(

Not really, it tastes and looks like ****. That's why I haven't eaten there in at least 10 years.

Tastes yummy to me. Granted I'm usually destroyed drunk but still :P
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#32 Vandalvideo
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[QUOTE="locopatho"] Don't have that here though :P

When Harold and Kumar found out they didn't have a White Castle, did they stop there? No they didn't! Do not settle for badness my fellow American. We strive for greatness! This applies to Halo too.
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#33 The_Game21x
Member since 2005 • 26440 Posts

...Quality is subjective.:| Your example of "well,this game has great level design, music, etc." assumes that these statements are fact, which they are not.


This is exactly right.

I couldn't have put it better myself.

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#34 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="locopatho"] Don't have that here though :P

When Harold and Kumar found out they didn't have a White Castle, did they stop there? No they didn't! Do not settle for badness my fellow American. We strive for greatness! This applies to Halo too.

Lol I'm not American. I do like Harold and Kumar though !
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#35 kontejner44
Member since 2006 • 2025 Posts

[QUOTE="Anjunaddict"][QUOTE="Theguy56"] Crap game no, but not quality. I also think MW2 is not a quality game even if it got AAA reviews almost everywhere. Sales are definitely not an indicator of quality. I don't usually put trust in reviewers who only try to see quality in FPS.smokeydabear076

Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game.

Yeah, Brittany Spears = Quality music... so are the Backstreet Boys. I mean they sold a lot, so they have to be good because people wouldn't listen to crappy music, just like people wouldn't play crappy games, right?

Perfect example. Neglect the fact that sales = quality here, this is not what I'm discussing.

Ok so, Britney Spears is a 'quality' singer. Her voice is good, for the music genre she is into. You can not say she is a crap singer. But you can say that her music is not for you.

Much the same way, a game can be good, but not necesarilly for you.

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#36 calvinsora
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To a certain extent, that is true. However, the components on which we base quality are in many ways subjective. Now, no-one can ignore that some games are just good, no matter what. Taking, as you say, SMG and saying the game is bad is plain stupid. But what is still debatable is upon what we base our decisions. Everyone has a different take on a certain aspect of a game: I liked the long cutscenes in MGS4, some hated them, I disliked the open nature of Fallout 3, others loved it. That's why I feel it is crucial that a game be judged for those that lie in the core demographic. Sports games aren't reviewed for the casual crowd, it's directed towards fans of the genre. Same could be said about many other things. I'm not nearly as big a fan of MW as others, but it's hard to deny it offers everything an war FPS fan needs.

So though I generally agree with you (OP), it's still a rather iffy subject matter in itself. I feel it is possible to say a game is good, period. However, I don't feel it is possible to say one game is better than the other unless the gameplay is so much alike that it isn't even funny (Dante's Inferno comes to mind). Ignoring objective quality is stupid, but what one person sees as quality can be something else entirely in the eyes of another.

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#37 Dystopian-X
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Well when we acknowledge (and we all do) that there is an obvious set of quality standards which gamers, developers and reviewers in general follow, ofc you are correct.

When X game doesn't meet these standards and you like it, that simply means you like a product of inferior quality then. No biggie. :33

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#38 osan0
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surely the quality of a game is derived from how much fun/enjoyment you got from it? unless were talking about bugs and instability in the game.
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#39 Vandalvideo
Member since 2003 • 39655 Posts

Well when we acknowledge (and we all do) that there is an obvious set of quality standards which gamers, developers and reviewers in general follow, ofc you are correct.

When X game doesn't meet these standards and you like it, that simply means you like a product of inferior quality then. No biggie. :33

So say we all? Why should those of us who disagree with the norms be governed by what everyone else arbitrarily chose? What if I like low res graphics and midi sound? Now that is quality, so says I.
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#40 Nintendo_Ownes7
Member since 2005 • 30973 Posts

[QUOTE="locopatho"] Don't have that here though :PVandalvideo
When Harold and Kumar found out they didn't have a White Castle, did they stop there? No they didn't! Do not settle for badness my fellow American. We strive for greatness! This applies to Halo too.

I don't even know where a Five Guys be near me.

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#41 ironman388
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Both are subjective, I don't care what anyone says.

With that said, I do not think Halo is a quality game.


Hmm..... don't know how to put this, but you are wrong? I have no problem if you say you don't like Halo for whatever reasons (a game can't please everyone) but to say its not a quality game? Do you really think its a crap game that just happens to get AAA reviews everywhere, GOTY awards and millions upon millions of sales? Not to mention has hundreds of thousands of players still playing it every day? Oh dear...

Crap game no, but not quality. I also think MW2 is not a quality game even if it got AAA reviews almost everywhere. Sales are definitely not an indicator of quality. I don't usually put trust in reviewers who only try to see quality in FPS.

exactly, good reviews =/= good quality. halo 3 and MW2 are quite unbalanced and the maps are very poorly designed, contrary to popular belief.

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#42 Dystopian-X
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Well when we acknowledge (and we all do) that there is an obvious set of quality standards which gamers, developers and reviewers in general follow, ofc you are correct.

When X game doesn't meet these standards and you like it, that simply means you like a product of inferior quality then. No biggie. :33


So say we all? Why should those of us who disagree with the norms be governed by what everyone else arbitrarily chose? What if I like low res graphics and midi sound? Now that is quality, so says I.

We don't have to be governed by them. You are free to be a deviant of the quality norm all you want however don't expect the majority which sets the standard to agree with yours.

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#43 93soccer
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...but quality is also subjective :| It's determined by a review score and review scores are opinion just like having fun. And for the record, I had more fun with Halo 3 than SMG due to playing online with friends.
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#44 Vandalvideo
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We don't have to be governed by them. You are free to be a deviant of the quality norm all you want however don't expect the majority which sets the standard to agree with yours.Dystopian-X
That is fine by me. Why should I care if people on the internet agree with my opinion or not? It is nothing more than opinion, just as yours is nothing more than opinion. Yours does not gain strength by numbers.
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#45 xX-Incubus-Xx
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IF by quality you mean production values then no, that is not subjective. But It woulf be my opinion if I hated said High quality game, that doesn't make it any worse a game though. Just not a game for me.

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#46 smokeydabear076
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[QUOTE="Anjunaddict"] Sales can be a result of quality though, and ongoing popularity is certainly an indicator of quality. Why would hundreds of thousands of people continue to play the game every day if it was crap? Anyway, sounds to me like you getting into conspiracy theory territory, which i don't really have time for. Halo gets reviewed very well because its a high quality game. You should really just accept that it doesn't suit you, but that by no means makes it any less of a quality game. kontejner44

Yeah, Brittany Spears = Quality music... so are the Backstreet Boys. I mean they sold a lot, so they have to be good because people wouldn't listen to crappy music, just like people wouldn't play crappy games, right?

Perfect example. Neglect the fact that sales = quality here, this is not what I'm discussing.

Ok so, Britney Spears is a 'quality' singer. Her voice is good, for the music genre she is into. You can not say she is a crap singer. But you can say that her music is not for you.

Much the same way, a game can be good, but not necesarilly for you.

Yeah because people who use voice synthesizers and lip-syncing are great singers.

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#47 kontejner44
Member since 2006 • 2025 Posts

Games are complex and hard to break down and analyze. Take this example:

We have 2 toothbrushes in front of us.

Nr 1 is of higher quality than the 2nd, lets assume we have defined exactly what quality is in a toothbrush. (objective)

However, the quality toothbrush does not come in the color red which happends to be my fav. (subjective)

I choose the red one because in my mind, its more important to have the red colored one as the higher quality one wont do much difference. But I will still agree that the first toothbrush is of higher quality.

(Game is good, but not for me)

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#48 Dystopian-X
Member since 2008 • 8998 Posts

That is fine by me. Why should I care if people on the internet agree with my opinion or not? It is nothing more than opinion, just as yours is nothing more than opinion. Yours does not gain strength by numbers.Vandalvideo
Well when it comes judging quality objectively. Numbers do matter :P

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#49 MetroidPrimePwn
Member since 2007 • 12399 Posts

There certainly is a difference between a well made game and a badly made game, but what the **** does it matter if a game is well made if you just don't have fun playing it? You play games for fun, not to analyze quality...

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#50 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Games are complex and hard to break down and analyze. Take this example:

We have 2 toothbrushes in front of us.

Nr 1 is of higher quality than the 2nd, lets assume we have defined exactly what quality is in a toothbrush. (objective)

However, the quality toothbrush does not come in the color red which happends to be my fav. (subjective)

I choose the red one because in my mind, its more important to have the red colored one as the higher quality one wont do much difference. But I will still agree that the first toothbrush is of higher quality.

(Game is good, but not for me)


Ok, well that's fine, but even though Brittany Spears might have some talent, overall she isn't great regardless of whether or not I enjoy her music. If she was great she wouldn't rely on a computer to make her voice sound better. And as I said before, assuming that not all quality is subjective (I think some is undeniable) why should I give a **** if the game is boring. You're asking me to go out of my way to praise a game that did not entertain me, and therefore did not serve its core purpose as a game... that's a ****** game because despite it's other "qualities" it failed to entertain. I don't care if it has nice music and graphics if the gameplay sucks, it's not any good to me.